All Branches (5)
010-369 5275
Opening Hours
17:00 - 22:15
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Tue - Fri
17:00 - 22:15
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:15
*Closed on alternate Monday
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The In-N-Out Tribute Beautiful Mess 5.0 The Ultraman 3.0
Review (3)
Level3 2015-08-19
It was on my MUST-TRY food list, as their Burger was TASTY YET HEALTHY. The ingredients are fresh and real, yet tasty enough. Worthy by giving them my very first try of their burgers!The food I ordered: A lacarte Sacre bleu burger and a small fries.For all the cheese lovers, PLS come and ORDER one Sacre Bleu, cause it will totally kick ur mind out of the planet! Cheddar cheese accompanied with blue cheese and a slice of beef Patty, BEST-MATCHING beef burger I ever had! Fresh and Juicy beef with cheesy cheese! I am blessed cause I got the last Sacre Bleu after queueing for so long on that day! A very hot-selling Burger.Their fries are unique and unforgettable. Thicker body with crispy appearance and fluffy inner, best present of the fries. Some more they were seasoned with salts, pepper and Rosemary. It comes with a little spicy dipping-sauce and U can never eat fries without dipping it! It was tasted like the combination of few flavour, A bit sour, spicy and cheesy. This is how they made it so unforgettable. I'm just crazy in love with it. OMG. Going to recommend my whole gang to dinner here AGAIN!PS: Drinks and sauce (chilli, mustard, tomato) can be refilled on self. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-18
很久之前就听过了myburger lab的大名,之前在他们的sea park 本店看到那长长的人龙已经被吓到了, 一直提不起那劲儿去排队。。。如图所见,hangover汉堡就是牛肉饼夹着大大的薯饼店里,蘑菇与楓糖酱。一口下时简直好吃得快晕了!!那牛肉饼不是我在槟城marshall吃得那么结实,不过那醬料与别的食材一起咬起来,配合得非常好。推荐!另一种汉堡名叫swisstake (swiss cheese, 牛肉饼,蘑菇等),喜欢重芝士口味的朋友一定会喜欢,夹在中间的是烤得脆脆地芝士,一口咬下时那芝士的味道充斥着在嘴里。。。很好吃!推荐!!值得一提的还有他们家的薯条, 原以为还不是普通的薯条,没什么嘛,其实有惊喜哦!因为薯条上撒的调味粉不是普通的盐或胡椒,而是香香的意大利香草粉!!这也不错哟!部落格原文: http://zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com/2013/12/my-burger-lab-oug.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-22
"Hulk Burger".Fried avocado, swiss cheese, egg, green salsa, Kombu mayo sauce, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, beef patty.Sound? Amazing. Taste? Unexciting. Price? Overpriced. Verdict? Nice, but nothing special, and not worth it.Sorry, MBL - I love what you're trying to do, but this doesn't quite hit it for me. I felt a little cheated, having to brave the crowd (what's up with that?) and met with disappointment. I vaguely recall having a second dinner later in the evening. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)