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Signature Dishes
Crispy Fried Chicken Fried Stuffed
Review (1)
Level4 2016-02-22
A while back, I saw an article which provided a list of famous chicken rice shops in Klang Valley and Hoe Foong happens to be one them. Since I was always passed by it and never visited it, I thought of dropping by with my boyfriend who happens to be a big fan of chicken rice.For a shop that sells delicious chicken rice, Hoe Foong does not have much customers when I went during lunch hour. Honestly, there isn’t anything special about. Their chicken rice is only different in the sense that they sell fried chicken rice instead of the usual roasted chicken rice. BUT, their fried chicken was really crispy and juicy!Apparently, they deep fried it twice before serving it to their customers. In other words, it was quite oily. I guess there is always a price to pay for delicious food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)