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Signature Dishes
Cendol Rojak
Review (3)
Level4 2013-08-11
Cendol. Apart from the famous signature rojak, we took away a packet of cendol too as the rojak would be spicy and the weather is hot. The cendol was mixed with coconut santan and shaved ice. The shaved ice were tiny and were icy. The cendol was soft and nice to chew. Overall, it was sweet but not overly sweet. My family enjoyed this cendol very much and we would take away again next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-06
On a late afternoon, one would wonder what to eat when hungry. Shops that cater for lunch would be closed and shops that cater dinner are not open yet. One of these so-called lifesavers are indian rojak/pasembur and cendol stall that had made their name for being delicious. I'm a convert after the first time. It is that good! You can choose to eat under the trees and risk something dropping into your food or takeaway and eat at your comfortable home. I always choose the latter. I love that the sauce for the pasembur is alot and you can actually eat the crunchy peanuts in the mixture. I would tell the seller to remove the sotong and taufu and replace with other stuff. Although fried, the food is not too oily. The cucumber makes a good balance in the rojak as well. They whole thing is just damn good and its quite filling! The cendol on the other hand is not too heavy as it only has red bean and cendol. The amount of santan and gula melaka is adequate. Total damage was RM4 for the rojak and the cendol was RM2. A very satisfying meal for just RM6! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)