All Branches (1)
03-7831 0996
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Review (2)
Level4 2016-08-10
每一次有海外的朋友到访,为了要贯彻我国美食多的形象,我都会尽量在最短的时间内让他们尝试到不同的道地美食,好让他们在疯狂购物塞满行李箱之余,自己也要捧着重了几公斤的肚子回国。过去我通常都会把他们带到 Lot10 的十胡同去尝鲜,但这几年间,十胡同的华族美食如福建面、海南鸡饭等等的都已经在外国游客眼中不再陌生,所以开业不久的 Ten Years 成了我的另一个选择。Ten Years 以严选马来西亚各州属具代表性的美食为主,而且该美食都是在当地受到公认,连当地人都推崇的店家,才会被纳入 Ten Years 的餐牌里。墙上张贴着一幅幅的海报,介绍店里的道地美食的来源,每一道都是大有来头的。Nancy's nyonya laksa - RM16.90就好像这一个来自马六甲 Nancy's Kitchen 的娘惹叻沙,汤头因为加入了大量的椰浆而变得非常浓郁。味道对我来说有点偏辣,但是可以感觉到这碗娘惹叻沙里头用料十足,很有诚意。Kak Tum nasi kuning - RM19.90餐牌上看见 Nasi kuning 对我来说是一大惊喜,这个来自于沙巴斗湖的美食毕竟不是那么普遍,如今可以在这里吃得到,对于游子来说无疑是天大的好消息。Nasi kuning 和我们一般吃到的黄姜饭不同之处,就是它是用白米加黄姜汁做成的,而不是用糯米饭,所以吃起来不会有难消化的感觉。配菜也做得很出色,尤其是那花生江鱼仔,用甜甜辣辣的酱料翻炒过,有不一样的感觉呢!Nasi kerabu Kelantan - RM21.90吉兰丹美食 Nasi kerabu,那用蓝花的汁液做成的蓝饭,每次都让外国的朋友很惊艳。碟子上满满的配料,很适合推荐给没有去过东海岸的朋友。餐牌后面的部份有 Mini sharing combo,就是以优惠的价格一次过享有两份迷你版的主食,这么一来就可以同时间尝试更多不同的美食了。只是后来我们发现所谓的迷你版,其实并没有跟正常的份量差太多,要一个人吃完一个 combo 恐怕会爆肚,我觉得两个女生叫一个 combo 来吃就刚刚好了,非常值得。Kak Yati nasi lemak ayam goreng + Penang asam laksa (Mini sharing combo) - RM20.90这个就是其中一个 Mini sharing combo 里面的椰浆饭,除了鸡腿只有一半份量之外,其他的都是正常的份量。配椰浆饭的参巴偏甜,但是我喜欢这样的味道。Kak Yati nasi lemak ayam goreng + Penang asam laksa (Mini sharing combo) - RM20.90Asam laksa 的用料很足,沙丁鱼和黄梨等等都给得好多。我们嫌之前给的虾膏不够,便跟服务员多要了一点,加入汤里头一整个就是浓郁的不得了!Tiger char kuey teow + Lobak platter (Mini sharing combo) - RM25.90炒粿条也做得蛮不错的,炒得很干香,美中不足的就是里面没有放鲜蚶,炒粿条少了鲜蚶怎么行啊?!Tiger char kuey teow + Lobak platter (Mini sharing combo) - RM25.90Mini sharing combo 里面的 lobak,点了这个来给大家当小吃。炸得香香脆脆的 lobak 会让人一块接一块听不了口,如果有辣椒酱当沾酱那就更棒了。Lemongrass sours - RM11.90吃了那么多酸酸辣辣的美食,来一杯冰凉又清新的 Lemongrass sours 最适合不过了。薄荷叶和酸柑的清新感觉很有解膩的效果哦!Ais kacang八宝冰 Ais kacang 也算是我国有特色的甜品,小小一杯的八宝冰里头放了满满的料,唯一需要改进的就是刨冰再细腻一点就会更好了。Ten Years 集合了我国各州属和三大种族的招牌美食,我觉得这点子还不错,可以让我们在舒适和环境下,不必大排长龙,不必顶着大太阳,就可以尝试到各州的人气美食。我觉得这里除了很适合带海外的朋友前来之外,还可以随时让游子们一解乡愁呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-08-08
Ten Years brings to you the best local delights under one roof. This hidden germ is located at Evolve Concept Mall, Ara Damansara. Fascinated with their unique interior design. A catchy poster hang on the wall as customer can get some idea what to order when they dine in Ten Years.Why the restaurant been named as Ten Years?In the simplest term, a period of ten years represent a generation or cycle of a business trend. Each decade carrier with it a significant identity that is powerful enough to evoke cherished memories by mere mention. Similarly, the name is styled to create a synonymous link to bygone eras, in the vein of swinging 60s, groovy 70s, colorful 80s and nostalgic 90s. Otak Otak Toast (RM 9.90)Give a try for Otak Otak toast as I personally like the fresh otak otak. Tuna Toast (RM 9.90)Penang Lobak Platter (RM 15.90)Whenever I go to Penang, I will not forget to try their Lobak. Now I can enjoy the delicious authentic Penang Lobak at Ten Years.Chicky Slider (RM 11.90)Ten years also serve Western Cuisine beside local delights.Tiger Char Kuey Teow (RM 13.90)Char Kuey Teow is the mainstay of Pulau Pinang and the Char Kuey Teow is highly rated by visitor and Penangites for it taste .Cendol (RM 6.90)Cendol is well known among Malaysian. It would be good if the cendol can be served in bowl.Pandan Coffee (RM 7.90)Berry Cooler (RM 8.90)Honey Lemon (RM 5)For More information, log in to http://www.tenyears.com.my/ or follow them on Facebook.Ten Years @Evolve Concept MallLot EV-G-08 Evolve Concept Mall@Pacific PlacePJU1A/4, Evolve Ara Damansara 47301 P.J, SelangorContact: 03-78310996 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)