All Branches (5)
03-5612 9600
Opening Hours
10:00 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
10:00 - 02:00
10:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chocolate Oreo Lemon White Chocolate Cheese Co-Sandwich Tiramisu
Review (4)
Level3 2016-01-16
In Cosans, BELIEVE IN GREAT is their philosophy. Delivering the high quality of food and beverages along with the great ambience! Loacating at the same row as Brewyard, facing the Pasar ss 15, Cosans in SS15 is their first outlet.The only thing that is negative would probably be the lightning here. Not really enjoy the dim lighting here. But I do like the seating here, long tables and comfortable lounge seating , most suitable for gatherings and meetings.Cosans serves up an array of beverages and foods, covering from sandwiches, cold brew, frappe, smoothie and sodas.Piccolo latte! The one I always go for…Deeply fall in love with their cold brew.My type of mocha. The sweetness was just right!Overall, despite a small menu, this place is great for hanging out and unwinding over coffee and dessert.Bear in mind Cosans coffee in ss15 is started to open for 24 hours! Therefore, it tends to get busier in the night when people drop by to get caffeinated! If you passed by you could see additional tables and seats would be placed in the aisle outside, one beautiful late night view in SS15 that you won’t miss it !For those who want to have some coffee fix to kick start the night, you know where to go!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-28
Comfy & invitingly spacious, with a service team that's earning solid praise for friendliness.Sandwiches comprise the crux of Cosans' food menu, served hot & stuffed with the likes of smoked duck, melted mozzarella, confit tomatoes & arugula (RM15).The Carreau blend comprises Brazilian, Papua New Guinea, Ugandan, Tanzanian & Costa Rican beans. Sure, a latte's not the route to explore the nuances of a coffee blend, but the strong-tasting milk in this makes it even trickier. Order it black instead.Equerre's best for espressos, a rich, complex combo of Brazilian, Colombian, Guatemalan & Sumatran Mandheling produce.Cosans' signature tea: Jasmine scented with rose oil. Evokes fragrances & flavours from talcum powder to Turkish Delights.No shortage of beverages to contemplate: Dark chocolate with milk & Earl Grey. All in all, Cosans has its allure; considering the expertise that's been channelled into this place, it could become a bona fide hit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-02-07
我今年第一个部落客活动就落在我的生日当天(18/1)~~~这是不是象征了我今年一整年都有满满的部落格邀约呢???**在幻想当中…………**My first blogger event in 2014 is on my birthday (18/1)~~~Is this means that my whole year is full of blogger event??? **Dreaming............**好啦,废话不多说,马上进入正题~~~我被Cosans Coffee 邀请出席他们店的私人聚会~~~可以免费品尝他们的咖啡,还可以认识新的部落客~~~ 何乐而不为呢,所以我二话不说,马上点头答应~~~Ok la.... Let's us start our topic now~~~I was invited by Cosans Coffee to attend their private event for blogger~~~Besides tasting their free coffee, I also can make new blogger friend~~~ Why not??? I just agreed to attend this event~~~制作三文治的桌子~~~ Sandwich Table~~~我叫了由老板亲自推荐的Double Mocha Frappe~~~ 很好喝,它没有咖啡苦苦的味道, 反而有巧克力甜甜香浓的味道~~~~ 我超喜欢的!!!临走前,还叫了一杯带回家和我的家人分享这个好喝的咖啡~~~I ordered the Double Mocha Frappe that recommended by the boss~~~ I like it very much!!! It does not have the bitter coffee taste, but a strong chocolate taste instead~~~ YUMMY!!!! Before I left, I ordered again and took away this drink for my mom and my sis to taste it~~~另外,他们还给我们尝试了两种不同的三文治~~~Besides that, they also let us tried their two types of sandwiches~~~第一个是 Asianese Roasted Chicken~~~ 我觉得那个面包很香啦~~~我觉得可能是店家想推崇健康饮食这个概念,所以他们的三文治有很多各种各样的蔬菜~~~请原谅我是个肉食宝宝,我对面包里面的鸡比较有兴趣,可是一口咬下去满满的都是菜。。。The first one was Asianese Roasted Chicken~~~ I like the bread, it is very nice~~~I think they wanted to promote healthy lifestyle, because their sandwiches are full of different types of vegetables~~~Please forgive me, because I'm a "carnivore", I like meat!!! So, I only interested in their chicken, but when I putted the sandwich into my mouth, I only can taste the vegetables~~~第二种是Smoked Duckling~~~ 我终于吃到肉了!!!XP这个鸭肉好好吃哦~~~ 如果那个菜的分量再少一点的话~~~The second one is Smoked Duckling~~~ Finally I ate the meat!!! XPThe Smoked duckling is super nice!!! If the quantity of the vegetable can be lesser, it will be greater!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-01-27
Last week, I received an invitation to Cosans Coffee's coffee & food tasting event. Finally, a blogger event that is held conveniently in my own "base", SS15 Subang Jaya! Just a convenient 5 minute drive from my house (:Cosan Coffee! A new coffee place in the ever so happening SS15. Cosans Coffee is located at one of the busiest street of SS15- that is the row facing the pasar (same row as Crayon Burger)As I pushed the glass door open, I was greeted enthusiastically by Cosans Coffee's warm staffs. I was instantly mesmerized by Cosans Coffee's interior as I set my foot into that place. The dim lighting, cushioned chairs, oak tables & wall emits a romantic & cosy feel. The place is decorated like a wooden cabin in the woods, as it felt really quaint and homey inside. Cosans serves up an array of beverages, ranging from caffeinated hot & cold drinks, frappe, chocolate, yogurt smoothie & even sodas!There's two types of beans patrons can choose from in Cosan Coffee, that is Equarre, which has a nutty & bitter body, and Carreau, which tasted more acidic & fruity.The food menu on the other hand is still quite limited for the time being, but just nice to satisfy those little hunger pangs with their range of sandwiches, salad & soups.Like most cafes, Cosans Coffee practices the self-service culture where patrons have to make their order & payment at the counter. The friendly Cosans staffs behind the counter were all smiles when I made my order- the hospitality there was just lovely!Hazelnut Latte Regular RM11; Large RM13Yes, Cosans have the cutest Coffee Art! Taste wise, the Hazelnut Latte has a smooth body, and a sweetness that was just nice for my liking (:Mocha Regular RM12; Large RM14Smooth, silky body, and an aromatic & rich dark chocolate taste, simply my type of Mocha (: Like the Hazelnut Latte, the sweetness was just nice because dark chocolate was used.Caramel Frappe Regular RM14; Large RM16Food & Lifestyle Blogger Carmen Hong said that she enjoyed this drink a lot despite not being a coffee lover, so I assume that it was good? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)