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食評 (3)
我和家人都很爱狗,但是碍于居住的地方限制而没办法饲养。。。(其实更大的原因是不想负责任。。。呵呵)所以家中老爸生日这一天,我就索性带了家人一起上来蒲种最近很火红的宠物狗狗餐厅 Bow Wow Cafe,一边吃东西,一边玩别人的狗狗。。。哈哈!对,玩别人的。。。去年底刚开业的 Bow Wow Cafe,和蒲种 Moonlight Cake House 位于同一个商业区,是在一楼的店位。通往餐厅的楼梯间加了一道小铁栅,以防止调皮的狗狗在主人不留意之下偷偷溜走。Bow Wow Cafe 的空间很宽敞,座位之间预留了足够的空间让毛小孩可以自由走动。落地玻璃窗前更是有一个狗狗专属的游乐场,主人可以放心让狗狗在这里玩乐,然后专心用餐。一进门看到四处走动的狗狗,我心里已经是惊叫声连连了,恨不得可以逗它们玩玩,不过这要等我们先医饱肚子再说啦!这里是采用自主点餐的方式,顾客从餐牌上选好想要的食物和饮料,填在点餐纸上,再到柜台付款,食物准备好之后服务员就会送到我们的座位。点餐的过程花了很长的时间,因为我的眼睛总是不由自主地往狗狗的身上飘去,待家人提醒后才又回到餐牌上,好忙啊!好不容易点了餐,我开始拿着相机追着狗狗们拍照。餐厅里四处都有张贴给狗主的温馨小提醒,就是要为自家的狗狗穿戴好尿片,以免弄脏这地方。但是现场所见,有过半的狗主都没有这么做。虽然狗狗大小便之后他们都会主动第一时间去处理,但是在一个用餐的地方,这多多少少还是会有一点影响。Piccolo latte - RM9Flavoured chocolate hazelnut - RM13Flavoured chocolate caramel - RM13Hot cappuccino - RM11Ice latte - RM11饮料很快就送过来了,我们一口气点了好多热饮,咖啡还算不错,我喜欢附上的奶油饼干,奶油味道很香浓,而且有配合主题做成狗狗的形状哦!热巧克力也分成了很多种不同的口味,我们点了榛果和焦糖的,基本上味道不明显,我都只尝到巧克力的味道,而且太甜了,糖的份量可以调低一点。Cold pressed juice (Dancing Mango) - RM15某人点的冷压纯果汁 Dancing mango,里面的成份有芒果、苹果和鲜橙。服务员很贴心地把果汁瓶子放在冰桶里面,让果汁可以一直保持低温和新鲜度,加分!Homemade meatballs topped with sofrito sauce - RM14餐前小吃有 Homemade meatballs topped with sofrito sauce,五颗比乒乓球稍微大一点的猪肉丸子,配上蒜蓉面包片。Sofrito 是一种以番茄为主,加上大量香料的做成的酱汁,用来蘸蒜蓉面包很合适。肉丸的部份虽然有一点松散,但是味道一流,香料配合猪肉碎和番茄酱,好吃!Grilled pork ribs - RM35Grilled pork ribs 是最让我惊艳的一道料理,没想到一间 cafe 可以把烤猪肋排做得那么出色,我觉得水准已经和 Naughty Nuri's 不相上下了。份量有点小,只有三支骨的猪肋排,烤得非常入味,肉质很嫩,是非常值得推荐的一道料理!Grilled pork neck - RM32反观这道烤猪颈肉就有待进步了,用了红酒来烹煮的猪颈肉虽然有很独特的香气,但是那片猪颈肉实在是太硬了太柴了,咬得我嘴巴好酸哦~Bow Wow ultimate pork burger - RM30与其说这是一个汉堡,不如说这是一个用料丰富的 panini。里面的馅料非常精彩,有猪肉饼、培根、芝士,还有一大片凤梨片,吃完一整份可是会爆肚的。猪肉饼的味道不比之前的猪肉丸来得出色,感觉上调味料下得不够重。Pesto with mushrooms - RM20有别于一般青绿色的 pesto 酱意大利面,这个意大利面的酱料看起来一点都不奶油。味道方面有淡淡的罗勒叶香,配上蘑菇和樱桃番茄,整体上是清淡型的。面条的软硬度合格,不合格的就只是价钱。Grilled Norweigian salmon - RM34烤三文鱼这东西是不会出错的,三文鱼的外皮烤得脆脆的,肉质还很鲜嫩。另外值得一提的是,他们家的马铃薯泥也很不错吃,奶油味很香,里面参杂了一些马铃薯块让口感更丰富,不错!餐厅的一角展示了很多和狗狗有关的商品,每一个都价值不菲。。。在这里用餐的期间,进入餐厅内的人潮一直没有停过,可见他们的受欢迎程度真的不是开玩笑的。这一类型的宠物餐厅在我国还不是很多,而且这风潮也正要开始大行其道,所以我相信他们在近期内还是会一直火红下去的。有个小小的抱怨就是这里不提供免费的饮用水,喝完咖啡之后想要来点水来清清喉咙还得去柜台买矿泉水。但是,我对于这里食物的水准还挺满意的,在营造一个适合宠物狗狗的环境之余,难得他们的料理还能够不逊于外面的西餐厅。价格方面是偏高,但也不难理解,毕竟要打造一个宠物餐厅,还要聘请有这一方面经验的员工,那笔花费也不小。不知道我下一次是不是可以也带我家的旺财一起去呢?各位观众~ 这就是我家的旺财啦!! ^_^By 阿七 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-01-29
372 瀏覽
We've always heard of dog cafes that are very hip in Japan and South Korea. As a Malaysian, it is very rare to even see peop visiting restaurants with their pet dogs because a LOT of us would probably think that it is the most unhygienic thing ever! I would bet both you and I have had the same thoughts before,no matter how big of a dog lover I am, no matter if I have 2 dogs at home. It is still unhygienic. But yay!! There is now a dog cafe in Malaysia situated in puchong. Seriously, puchong is becoming a more 'HiP' area with all these hipster cafes opening just like in subang. I personally didn't think much of this place before I visited. In fact, it was my friend who prompted me to visit bow wow by inviting me out for a afternoon coffee session. You can see for yourself in the images below that the interior and furnishing here is very modern and edgy, which gives off a very clean type of feeling. Here's the thing, they have a few signature?? dogs here... Like that pug who is now super famous on social media. Then again, customers are also allowed to bring their own pets here to interact with other pets. Fear not when it comes to hygiene, the visiting dogs are required to wear dog diapers. There are even toilets for dogs who are potty trained. Well, enough said about the dogs there. Let's move onto beverage? Because I didn't really order any food there. Their beverages weren't all that bad. In fact, their chocolate milk shake was really really concentrated, so much that I needed extra ice inside and wait for it to melt so the drink would be diluted. Their coffees are not like super amazing, they are nice but not something I would go back there to because of a craving. Moving on to pricing, if you are on a budget, this is probably the least likeliest place you'd want to visit. Unless you are on a weird budget where you can afford to spend nearly 20 bucks on just a drink. But, if you are here, decide to just try it out? Then go ahead, it will be a totally different cafe experience. Who knows? Maybe the food here is really great. Maybe you'd fall for the cuteness of that dog? Just go try it out for yourself  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-12-01
559 瀏覽
Myfriend was invited for the Poddle Club Halloween Party at Bow Wow Café,Puchong. Therefore, she asked me to join her for the event. Once entered thecafé, we were welcomed by the cute poodle at the entrance. The café is locatedupstairs and it will be locked to prevent the dogs from running outside thecafé. So open the door carefully and close properly after entering the café.The cafe serves beverages, desserts and limited main course. The cafe was fullhouse when we arrived and according to my friend that day the cafe has 39 dogsand 40 owners from Poddle Club celebrating Halloween party. I am so happy tosee different types of dogs from cute Poddle to husky. The ambiance of the cafewas good and comfortable. They even have a mini playground for the dog to playinside the cafe. We ordered Carbonara, Bow Wow Ultimate Pork Burger, Basket OfFries and Piccolo Latte (Hot). You have to order and pay at the counter andthey will serve the food to your table.Piccolo Latte (Hot) is strong and good to have during cold weather. Piccolo Latte (Hot) @ RM 9Basket of Fries is fresh and not soggy. It was served with mayonnaise, Chilli sauce and a dash of black pepper. Delicious!! Basket of Fries @ RM 7 Bow Wow Ultimate Pork Burger was tasty. Beef patty was juicy and flavourful but the bread was over toasted for me as it is too crunchy to go with the beef patty but the bread had a good garlic taste and the coleslaw was good. Bow Wow Ultimate Pork Burger @ RM 30Carbonara tasted good. Pasta was cooked perfectly and the sauce is just enough for the pasta but I prefer to have more sauce to go with my pasta. Creamy!! Carbonara @ RM 25Overall, it was a good Halloween party with my boyfriend, friendand creamy (Her Dog). I admire how the staffs are very kind to the dogs andpassionate about their job. Friendly service and the food took us about 30minutes to get as it was over packed yet they still manage to handle well.Service Charge: Nil GST: NilBow Wow Cafe 1F -06, Jalan Kenari 19, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Puchong Selangor 繼續閱讀
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