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Fishee Ball Cheese Cake Macchiato
食評 (7)
等級4 2016-05-21
670 瀏覽
终于来到这间了。来了几次,不是没开就是已经关店,终于被我们逮到了!一上楼梯就已经嗅到浓浓的咖啡香,推开门看见让人垂涎三尺的 menu这里是个吃早餐的地方本身就是个喜欢 mushroom 的人,这次order了一份 mushee toast, 真的很满足。好多好多新鲜的蘑菇,不会有怪怪的味道,咬下去也是可口不是绵绵的。至于朋友的那份大早餐也是很让人开心啊,一整个大太阳开了就是 sunny sunday.flatwhite -- 没有超级惊讶,但是整体咖啡喝牛奶的比例也是不错的,只是泡泡不太细就对了。americano -- 这个depends它们选什么豆吧。 繼續閱讀
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黑色圆鼓鼓的身体、周边黑色的触角,还有那个冷冷的眼神,这只长得很怪相的鱼儿曾经出现在很多人的 FB 里。我一开始还以为这是一只八爪鱼,后来才知道原来这只是一条鱼,是 Fishee Coffee 的标志。Fishee Coffee 是一家在楼上铺的咖啡馆,地点在 Bukit Jalil 的新商业区 Arked Esplanad,这一带可说是被特色咖啡馆带旺了,有不少主题鲜明而且广受欢迎的咖啡馆都坐落在这里。听说 Fishee Coffee 的捧场客很多,所以为了可以占个好的位子,我准时在他们开市营业的时候造访,顺利成为今天的第一组顾客,如愿地坐在靠窗的位子。喜欢这里营造的感觉,尤其是靠窗的区域,早晨的阳光洒满一桌。可惜马来西亚的阳光太热情,不适宜长时间坐在这里,所以还是拍拍照就好了。某人说他很希望有一个这样的书房。。。Fishee Coffee 的每一个角落都可以拍出很有感觉的照片,所以才会成为年轻一族喜欢打卡的地方。我最怕那些只是环境漂亮,食物和咖啡却是一塌糊涂的咖啡馆。不过今天试过之后,我发现这里不是虚有其表而已,他们的食物我还蛮喜欢的。Fishee Ball - RM13硬是要把这 Fishee ball 放在阳光下拍照,鱼儿都开始在冒汗了。长得跟咖啡馆标志一样的 Fishee ball,其实是一个巧克力外皮裹着的芝士蛋糕。芝士蛋糕的口感是属于比较结实的,蛋糕融化在嘴里的那一刻,满口浓郁的奶油芝士香,这一刻真的是要眯着眼睛慢慢享受。芝士蛋糕略带咸味,底部是由 Oreo 巧克力饼干压碎做成的。一咸一甜的配合下,感觉比较不会腻,而且这种口感和味道比较少在其他地方吃得到。除了一般咖啡馆有的 big breakfast,这里其实比较受欢迎的是他们的吐司。店家很聪明地把食材放在吐司上,而不是做成三明治的模样,这样拍起照来就好看许多了,这一招真高明!单看餐牌上的文字不够痛快,不如看看墙上那十种不同口味吐司的照片再慢慢挑。口味有甜的也有咸的,价格从 RM10 到 RM13 之间,算是很亲民的咖啡馆价格,至少比起那些动不动就二、三十块的 big breakfast,这个看起来更划算、更健康。柜台上还有手绘的吐司馅料图。。。Pee-nana Toast - RM10香蕉、巧克力和花生酱,这是一个不败的组合。上面撒上花生碎粒,香脆的口感给吐司加分了。这里用了特制的 wholemeal bread 来制作吐司,说不上是非常松软,但我觉得有种朴实的味道,而且比较健康。Eggy-ham Toast - RM13早餐感觉上一定要来一颗太阳蛋才像样。Eggee ham toast 的配料有鸡蛋、火腿、芝士和生菜沙拉,对我来说这是一个 big breakfast 的迷你浓缩版本。味道方面没什么惊喜,不过这不失为一道营养均衡的早餐选择。(左)Cafe latte - RM10, (右)Flat white - RM10咖啡浓度适中,略带一点苦味,是我能够接受的程度。有人喜欢这种微苦的感觉,但我不算是一个懂得品尝咖啡的人,我喜欢奶味偏重的咖啡。Fishee Coffee 开市不出一个小时,店里面就已经坐满人了,迟来的还可能需要稍等一下才有位子,可见他们的受欢迎程度真的不是开玩笑的。我个人认为 Fishee Coffee 是回头率极高的咖啡馆,我喜欢这里不同口味的吐司,选择多而且价格相宜。其次是这里的环境,因为躲在二楼,所以更有一种说不出的宁静和隐私感,在这里享受周末的悠闲时光感觉特别放松。******************************这次之后,Fishee Coffee 成了我最爱的咖啡馆之一,几乎每个月都会来这里一次,也尝试了其他口味的吐司。Choc-Berree Toast维他命C爆灯的巧克力草莓土司,个人觉得草莓是草莓,吐司是吐司,两者合不上来。还是 Pee-nana Toast 比较适合我的口味。Classic waffle - RM8简单的华夫饼,配上奶油和蜂蜜。微热的华夫饼外面带一点脆感,里面非常松软,纯粹的鸡蛋面粉香。你觉得小小一片华夫饼要价 RM8 很贵?对我来说,在能力范围内,偶尔多花几块钱来买一些快乐,还是值得的。。。By 阿七 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-03-19
290 瀏覽
The coffee scene around Bukit Jalil has been growing stronger ever since the year of 2014. Other cafes such as Butter And Beans, The Hub, Peekaboo Cafe has all joined the bandwagon and most actually mushroomed around the same area.This isn't my first time visiting Fishee Coffee and my cravings for their good ol' classic waffles has brought me here.I don't like my waffle, with too much details and toppings. So I prefer mine plain and the game-changer in this delightful creation are the Australian butter and honey used. The waffles were crispy but it was slightly too charred which had led me down. The combination brings about the taste of my childhood cereal, cornflakes. Aside from waffles and cakes, Fishee Cafe also serves toasts and hot food too.Knowing that the weather was blistering hot, I decided to have something cold, so I went for the Fresh Red which is a combination of Red Espresso and Apple Juice. It was a refreshing drink to have on a heaty day. Pretty addictive too! It was sweet and fragrant. RedEspresso is a freshly made premium espresso grounded Rooibos tea.  繼續閱讀
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This place is packed to the brim even on a normal weekdays afternoon.love the easy chill relaxed place with the ever welcoming friendly service crew. and one of my very favourite thing to order is the Iced Red which essentially is a Rooibos tea and the classic gold waffle which is traditional waffle paired with imported australian honey and butter. perfect for the short quick bite for mid afternoon.  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-08-26
273 瀏覽
The choice to drop by Fishee Cafe was completely by coincidence. However this place has definitely been catching many hearts ever since it first opened in an entirely new area in Bukit Jalil. So when my friend and I arrived around 2pm on a Saturday, it shouldn't be a surprise that we had to wait for a table. The place was bustling with young ones enjoying some late lunch and coffee. That should come as no surprise since the inside of the cafe is not the largest and if I had to guess, the place could sit about maximum 40 people at most. By then it would be uncomfortably noisy already so it's not ideal.Though I do see the hype about this cafe. The interior is rustically and prettily decorated making the entire place very cosy. Though I was shivering because the aircond was pretty strong, so despite it being filled with people, the inside was still very cold.The menu is minimalistic at best. They even put a single flower at the table to make things a little bit prettier. Plus isn't this very picture-worthy?Please note that you are to place your order at the counter and pay there too as they do not require a service charge fee. However your drink and food will be delivered to your table by the wait staff.I should also add that the staff are very friendly despite the 'no service charge' rule. They deserve many extra points for that especially since nobody was frustrated despite the crowd.As always, my first choice of order at any cafe is always a Cafe Latte. This time I had it hot because I was already freezing and oddly enough, it's the cheaper option as it only cost me Rm9.00. But if you choose to have it cold then it will be one ringgit more. Maybe for the ice?Though! I have to add that this Cafe Latte is actually pretty good although it was quite a small cup. This was not overly milky that the coffee taste is completely diluted nor was it incredibly sweet. Just right! Since I had not eaten my lunch yet, I quickly diverted my attention to the food section of the menu. Admittedly it is much smaller than I have anticipated as they have one page for desserts and another for sandwiches & pasta (only available after 12pm)A Fishee barista recommended is the Pee-Nana toast where there's chocolate spread atop toast with banana slices. It does sound good but I was hungry for something more and opted for the savoury option, hence I ordered the Eggee-Ham Toast.I was pleasantly surprised when my dish arrived. The bread was quite a thick and big crusty piece, slathered generously with cream cheese, then there's a slice of ham atop lettuce and also cheese which I guess to be Cheddar. Then to top it all off is a very nicely fried egg.Simple and straightforward combination, but I enjoyed every single bite.They also have something very interesting which is the Wafflegato that's highly recommended - imagine a normal Affogato except it comes with freshly made waffle. The table next to mine ordered it and I would have if I was not stuffed from the open-faced sandwich. Fishee Cafe is definitely a place I will return to. In fact I am already looking forward to my next visit.  繼續閱讀
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