2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2024) continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay Others
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
米芝蓮🌟平價越南小店🤑 必試甜蝸牛、自家烘焙法包、巨型米紙卷 😋🐭 米奇老豬Vol. 455🐷[Ăn Chơi]今次介紹嘅 @anchoi.hk係2024年新上榜米芝蓮必比登推介㊗️小店有兩層 大概可以容納40人(?)老豬同男友喺12pm開門抵達都等左半個鐘🥹店內裝潢好有越南風情 二樓更cozy 🥰雖然食物味道未至於好wow但所有店員都好nice!係一間(如果唔洗等位)值得二訪嘅餐廳💝.🐖🐖《Banh Mi Dac Biet Special 越式扎肉法包》🐖🐖 🛑8.2/10🛑 💰$80💰法包焗到鬆脆但唔界口 🥖除左有傳統嘅肝醬之外仲有比較少見、甜甜地嘅蛋黃醬 😍幾襯鹹鹹甜甜嘅肉鬆!不過略嫌唔夠多酸蘿蔔同埋d扎肉、豬腩肉偏凍柴越南法包世一仍然係大角咀嘅蔥仔 🏆🐖🐖《Snail 黃牛甜蝸牛》🐖🐖🛑8.6/10🛑 💰$75💰係越南人店員姐姐嘅pick✅呢個真係超有驚喜 🤩蝸牛肉嫩爽彈個牛油醬絕對係個精髓 🧈好似南瓜/粟米忌廉湯嘅厚稠口感甜度恰到好處伴送嘅小法包同樣都係焗到鬆脆用來點/浸落個醬簡直係絕配 💕.🐖🐖《Prawn Summer Rolls 蝦米紙卷》🐖🐖🛑8.2/10🛑 💰$75💰呢個係巨大版米紙卷😂 係平時嘅2、3倍米紙好煙韌 勁好咬 🦷有3️⃣款蘸醬 我地揀左花生醬 不過質地太稀身同埋🥜甜味唔算好夾個米紙卷 一開始以為有兩隻蝦點知原來係一開二嘅薄片蝦🦐有幾塊厚嘅香葉🌱同海量檬粉食到後期散開左 再點埋d魚露好似食緊撈檬咁😂係飽肚之選.❣️🐭總評分🐷❣️味道:8.3/10服務:8/10環境:8/10CP值:✴️ 中 ✴️ ENCORE:✅ (超推蝸牛!好想試埋佢嘅甜品 🤪).自費️⭕/試食.📍 Ăn Chơi 📍上環孖沙街15-17號地舖.#米奇老豬_中西區#米奇老豬_東南亞菜#anchoi #anchoihk #上環美食 #中環美食 #西營盤美食 #中環餐廳 #上環餐廳 #越南菜 #越南河粉 #越南餐廳 #米芝蓮 #必比登 #越南法國麵包 #法包 #蝸牛 #米紙卷 #越南麵包 #米紙蝦卷 #花生醬 #撈檬 #檬粉 #泰國菜 #必比登推介 #中上環 #蔥仔 #第一郡 #牛肉粉 #sheungwanfood continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友推介之下第一次到訪Ăn Chơi越南餐廳,餐廳係2024年新上榜米芝蓮推介餐廳,餐廳裝修好有越南風情,恍如置身越南當地小食店嘅感覺。每一日餐牌都有唔同湯河選擇,真係好好彩今日遇到我最想食嘅傳統牛肉湯河粉,去之前記住check清楚有冇你想食嗰一款😝 牛肉河粉有Saigon style 亦有hanoi style,今次我就揀咗hanoi style,湯底清甜帶有牛肉嘅香味,整體味道不俗,但又未算好有驚喜。小食方面今次試咗米紙卷,第一次食呢個整法既烤米紙卷,米子卷好薄,上面有好多蝦米,肝醬,牛肉碎,蔥等等,帶點微辣,咬落有點煙煙韌韌嘅感覺,味道其實唔錯,只係唔係特別好合我口味,未試過嘅不妨一試,▪️Pho Bô 越南牛肉河粉 $100▪️Dalat grilled rice paper 烤米紙卷 $75 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀ Ăn Chơi #上環 ❀❗2024年最新上榜米芝蓮推介 越南法包濃郁豬肝醬❗——————————————————掌聲恭喜Ăn Chơi獲選2024年新上榜香港米芝蓮必比登推介‼️位於中環孖沙街,用上鮮艷嘅黃色裝修,內裏擺滿唔少越南擺設,充滿異國風情,喺度就好似回到越南咁,可以食到越南最正宗嘅越南河粉及法包😚老實講,價錢唔算特別便宜,不過可以買到喺香港難得一遇嘅高質法包🥖.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ 越南扎肉法包 $80 (4.2/5)法包選擇非常多,除咗最經典嘅扎肉,仲有雞絲、牛肉、豬肉、煎魚餅、大樹菠蘿等。我哋挑選咗經典嘅扎肉,居然有唔同種類嘅扎肉喺裏面,有啲有胡椒香氣,有啲就更加爽口,再夾雜着醃製蘿蔔、香蔥、青瓜,口感非常豐富😍當然唔少得昇華不少嘅傳統越南豬肝醬,以及蛋黃醬,鹹香濃郁🥰法包亦都烤得非常香脆,唔會太硬。.☞ 越南牛肉河粉 Saigon style $100 (4/5)河粉選擇貴精不貴多,而且每日嘅款式不一。我哋星期日去到,剛好有傳統牛肉河粉,不過就試唔到星期五先有嘅蟹肉木薯河粉,所以佢之前記住check清楚有冇你想食嗰款啊‼️牛肉河除咗Saigon style,亦有Hanoi style,Saigon style 有軟腍嘅牛腱及牛腩,湯底清甜,帶有淡淡嘅牛肉香氣,味道不俗,不過法包驚喜更大🤣.☞ Kem Bo $60(4/5)一共有四款唔同嘅甜品,我哋挑選咗椰子雪糕配牛油果慕絲🍨感覺就好似一杯香濃嘅牛油果奶昔,加咗少少花生粒同埋椰子片,幾creamy幾rich☺️.☞ Egg coffee $45我覺得冇越南嘅咁稠杰,亦都會偏苦少少🤏應該係切合翻香港人口味。——————————————————✨整體味道: 4/5 ✨環境裝修: 3.9/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 3.9/5✨再訪興趣: 4/5.💞整體來講係間喺香港較為少有嘅傳統越南餐廳,最推薦法包,有大量濃郁嘅豬肝醬!喜歡越南餐廳嘅不妨一試😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-11
An Choi Michelin Bib Gourmand guide recommended Vietnamese eatery in Sheung Wan. Run by a binational Chinese-Vietnamese couple, An Choi is hailed for its authenticity and vibe akin to a local food stall in Vietnam. There was a long queue of patrons around noon on a Saturday afternoon, so I would advise you to arrive earlier, especially if you are going with a big group. I guess it has garnered a lot of attention since it received the commendation. Foodies consensus is that their house baked Banh Mi are better than their pho - so I ordered their signature ĐẶC BIỆT SPECIAL 越式扎肉 Banh Mi to try. The baguette exterior has a nice crunch and the interior was moist. It would be better had the kitchen reheated the baguette a bit. What is noteworthy is that it has a very interesting composition, comprising cold cuts, pate pork, egg mayo, omlette, pork floss and fresh herbs. Loved the pate pork and egg mayo which were both smooth and savoury, a bit different from the usual banh mi that you’d find in HK. For drinks, I ordered an Iced coconut coffee. It was alright but the coconut flavour wasn’t too noticeable. Overall, a pleasant meal though the price for a sandwich is quite steep ($80 😳). Will return to try more items on the menu! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-10
夜晚6點幾去到,一場黎到就排下條長隊。已經等左50分鐘,隔多張就到我哋4個女仔,有班外國人(8人)突然出現,唔使3分鐘就直接入左去。因為早兩日我哋有打過電話想訂枱,打左兩日都無人聽。我哋就估呢8位外國人係老闆又好,朋友又好,我哋繼續等。個receptionist 同我哋講,下一張到你哋兩個。我更正佢,我哋有4個人。佢呆左望住我(佢無行過出黎問我哋)然後佢話有兩張分開既枱 問我哋坐唔坐。大佬,10個人要分枱我明,4個人分咩枱?而且都等左咁耐,我哋可以再等多陣。佢就比左後面5位外國人入去。佢叫我哋再等5分鐘,會有張枱比我哋,無耐就有人埋單走。下一秒我見到個5位外國人起咗身,坐左原先安排比我哋個張枱。然後我哋要逼係一張半圓枱,個下真心嬲 。同啲staff 講都無用,照嗌嘢食,個Bahn Mi係好食既。不過咁樣既服務,明顯係睇國籍,唔會再黎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)