1-min walk from Exit D3, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The pastry shop is originally from Hokkaido. The signature cheese cake received the gold quality award from the Monde Selection. continue reading
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Review (9)
Level4 2017-08-18
Petite Merveille is one of many new shops in Sogo's newly revamped grocery store department. This take away only shop sells something called a Melcheese, a tiny little bitesize cheesecakes. They are always offering samples and pretty smooth and creamy. Petite Merveille is from Hoikkaido, Japan.Their Hong Kong branch also sells these cheesecakes along with roll cakes. But on this day, I passed by and I saw the y sold a seasonal limited item called a peach cake. It looked nice and I bought one to take home with me for dessert later that evening. Price? $68.Packed in a pretty blue box. They included an ice gel pack to keep it cool.  They also included a small plastic spoon. The staff informed me as it was a real fruit with no preservatives, it should be eaten within today.This is the peach cake. A whole Japanese white peach with a sugar glaze on top. It was laid on top of a small sliver of  peach juice soaked sponge cake.Inside the pit was removed and custard was filled inside.The peach was super juicy but not sweet at all. That was odd. In fact, there wasn't much flavor. The custard was delicious. Smooth, creamy with a hint of vanilla. Not too sweet as well. The only disappointment was the peach. I expected it to be much more sweet and fragrant. But it wasn't.For $68, if the peach tasted better, I would give it a serious happy face and value for money. But as the peach was flavorless, I give this only an ok for the custard was good. But definitely not value for money. Wouldn't purchase again.Staff gave me stamp card.  After collecting 10 stamps, you get a free Mel Cheese. I don't know if I'd be  back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日本北海道Cheesecake店黎左香港❗️芝士蛋糕仲拎左大賞金獎架🏆身為芝士迷同抹茶控💚緊係要去第一間海外旗艦店朝聖啦!😍 一口芝士蛋糕 🧀 ($25)Cheesecake一共有齊3種味😛▫️原味🧀▫️抹茶味🍵▫️朱古力味🍫金翅試下抹茶味先!😎 輕輕淺嚐👄專程用上北海道、丹麥同法國芝士製成🧀散發香醇濃厚芝士味🌬芝士蛋糕質感相當輕盈☁️入口即溶。細膩綿滑☺️係好soft的口感呀!👏🏻 抹茶隱約散發著回甘清香🍵味道清新。毫不甜膩👍🏻絕對不會遮蓋芝士的綿滑感🙇🏻加上最底薄薄一層海綿蛋糕😳口感非常輕盈絲滑🤗完全唔會太膩!真心讚呀!💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
1️⃣Mel芝士蛋糕 Mel Cheesecake Plain芝士蛋糕基本上係入口即溶,芝士味道極之香濃。而且口感亦都非常細膩。另外入口都好light,小編發現原來底係有薄薄嘅海綿蛋糕,而且佢嗰隻cream cheese入口時微酸,係小編最愛架!即使食完之後佢嗰隻芝士味都仲會係個口裏面徘徊添。價格:HKD $252️⃣朱古力芝士蛋糕 Mel Cheesecake Chocolate小編覺得呢一個唔係太特別,芝士味就冇乜朱古力味比較重。而且口感你都唔係話太特別,小編覺得有少少似食緊朱古力慕絲蛋糕,無論係口感定係味道上都幾似下架!不過雖然話係朱古力味啦其實都唔係太甜嘅啫,鍾意食朱古力但係又唔識得太甜嘅可以考慮試吓呢個。價格:HKD $253️⃣抹茶芝士蛋糕 Mel Cheesecake Matcha佢個抹茶味比小編想像中嘅濃,小編覺得食落去有少少回甘咁。而且亦都可以食得出抹茶味嘅甘香。另外小編覺得佢個味道變化都幾特別下(可能係個人嘅問題啦)小編覺得一開始食只係食到好濃嘅抺茶味,而第二啖既抹茶味就開始變淡傾向變做芝士味,最後小編食到好香嘅芝士味only。會唔會變化得有啲快?小編開始有病啦!不過呢一個真係抹茶控必試丫!價格:HKD $25👇👇小編私心推介👉Mel芝士蛋糕 Mel Cheesecake Plain continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-20
朋友生日飯,今次我負責買蛋糕,一於根據我喜好去買,原來好多蛋糕好貴,唯有買細個dSogo 蛋糕店夠集中,呢間蛋糕最吸引我,因為加左金箔成件事吾同晒,感覺高級左,價錢同其他店相約,我自己又喜好綠茶,重點係星期一用sogo card 仲有5% off ,即刻做決定真係好靚朱古力下次試卷蛋有3款口味簡單得黎不失高貴好creamy ,綠茶同奶味恰到好處,要解凍15分鐘食比較好,有小小紅豆都ok ,蛋糕不算好甜,男女都岩食今次真係有樣有內涵,讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-18
奶酪朱古力蛋糕$25——————————————整體得分:6.5分(10分滿分)——————————————👅食評:1️⃣口感 7/10芝士蛋糕既質感好綿滑,咬落去幾creamy,輕盈到好似食左陣風咁,👅話咁快就食曬幾舊😂蛋糕即使雪耐左都唔會硬崛崛,口感仲有啲似雪糕添!2️⃣味道 6.5/10一口芝士蛋糕分別有乳酪芝士、抺茶芝士、朱古力芝士三種口味👅覺得朱古力味最正!不過三隻味嘅芝味都幾突出當蛋糕係口入面融化既時候,淡淡既芝士香就會滲出☺️之後係香濃嘅朱古力味,先甘後甜☺️而一向麻麻綠茶嘅👅認為抹茶味都可以接受!芝士味比抹茶味更濃,啱曬接受唔到太重抹茶味既👅3️⃣抵食 6/10$25 一個size咁細既蛋糕仔其實幾貴😂,味道又未至於嘩一聲咁好食,定價係高左些小。不過芝士控可以黎試下,👅就覺得唔太值啦🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)