2-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The British restaurant, which is helmed by Michelin's two-star British chef, is decorated in a modern and comfortable environment. It specializes in fine British cuisine, and the ingredients are mostly delivered directly from the UK. For example, the Soda Bread and Cultured Butter, is decorated with oatmeal. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2020-24), Michelin Green Star Restaurant (2023-24)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 21:00
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 21:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:00 Dinner Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (187)
-进入春天的四月气温陡增又断崖式下滑,伴随着绵绵细雨,慢慢淌下来,不大打伞的我任其落在肩头,是温吞又暧昧的雨。 在长沙外食的日子是变少了,原因也是能够店铺的向心力不足,便借着这个由头懒得出门,懒懒散散窝在沙发里看书,倒也轻松自得。-是日看了一本《英格兰与威尔士的古堡》,18世纪的英国年轻人都把泛游欧洲作为人生教育的结业课程,“大旅行”之下英国人的审美观以及英国人的建筑,在新的优雅观关照下,出现了新的气象。此时窗外的雨漫不经心但又精准快速地落下,如果是伦敦的话,应该也是这番光景,不由得便回想起四年前“流产”的英伦之行,既然当前不能远行,那么便从味蕾上出发,于是约了这家英伦风的Fine dining,在下起细雨的夜里,往藏在铜锣湾的诸多楼宇中的那一栋而去。-主厨 Oli marlow来自海滨城市Bournemouth,手中的料理自是有一种浑然天成的温暖感,精致的呈现里亦藏着如家庭料理一般令人眷恋的风味。这日的菜单里有Add on的北海道扇贝以及佐着浓郁酱汁的虎虾,更有细细碎碎覆在表面的芝士,用烤脆的蒜香面包蘸底,碳水融合的刹那间便欲罢不能。-【Appetizer】Cured Spanish mackerel and sand carrot tart,fennel pollen and marigold/Fuseau artichoke and whipped baron bigod urban mushroom farmer‘s oyster mushroom XO/Truffle pudding caramelised in birch sap fermented black garlic and aged westcombe开胃小食有三款,相比之下,开场的胡萝卜挞略显平庸,鲭鱼的鲜味和同胡萝卜奔放的香气并不和谐,口感没有想象中鲜香交融的感觉,第二款洋蓟筒,打发的Baron bigod芝士奶沫同洋蓟是层层叠叠且浓郁袭人的香气多重奏,第三款黑松露布丁,表层是抹上一圈焦糖般的白桦树液,干酪的香气与发酵黑蒜汁的多重油脂风味相连接,外形越是粗旷,风味便越迷人。-Sunrise tomatoes from farmhouse productions with nasturtium and cod roe来自本地的西红柿,缀以旱金莲片,开启春日的酸甜篇章,更加了一味莳萝油与鳕鱼卵,多了一层复合的咸与酸,便衬得西红柿纤细清爽起来,只剩下鲜味与弹嫩质感留于口中。-May queen potatoes cooked in chicken fat,picked mud crab,horse radish and ramson这一道不忘初心,正式回归国菜主题,清新脆爽的土豆粒、土豆皮以及土豆的三种不同形态共存于一盘中,再用一口略带油脂香气的鸡油串联,辣根以及野韭菜泥的加入令柔和的风味中又多了温热与辛辣,整道菜的质地因而有也了错落的节奏。-Barbecued hen of the woods in miso butter,fermented horse radish,lemon thyme季节里的舞茸,封起炭焙烘烤后,就有了汁水饱满的肥美肉感,搭配上与舞茸相仿的密度口感的小蘑菇,再用味增黄油构建起的味觉过渡,柔美清朗正如春夜,淋上杏汁以及发酵辣根的特制芝士酱,此时就着特调的酱汁入口,香脆与甜柔相遇,香气就在口腔中汹涌起来,顶部再以百里香进行点缀。-Scallop from Hokkaido with chamomile,fermented fennel and smoked pike perch roe来自北海道的带子爽滑弹嫩与梭鲈鱼卵的多重酸相融,以菊花以及发酵后的茴香籽的酱汁作为香气喷薄的引子,入口一刻令人想到,同样的海鲜在不同的地缘,不同的菜系里有了截然不同的表达。-Day boat seabass stuffed with manila clams,moon kee watercress and Mr Wu‘s courgette马尼拉的花蛤与海鲈鱼用水田芥包裹,低温慢煮之后湿润绵柔的香滑口感以及来自海陆的鲜甜味萦绕,淋上小胡瓜汁,是一份太卷式的满足,另一侧的小胡瓜相当惹味。-14 days dry aged duck,young moon glow carrots,sauce infused with mountain marigold vinegar14天干式熟成的妙龄鸭,用槐花蜜定型锁汁激发皮肉香气,以菊醋注入新的灵魂,用胡萝卜酱汁的香气浸染,轻盈饱满又酥脆可人,与一侧的胡萝卜一道令人难分谁更有肉食的朵颐之感。-【Desserts】Frozen tunworth cheese,alpine plum,buckwheat crumb and lemon thyme/Ruby red strawberries from ping che farm,butter milk and plantation earl grey cream/Caramel mousse with red miso,apple and fig leaf亦有一口清口的甜品,以速冻的芝士奶碎作为风味架构,填入大块的李子肉,用甜蜜蜜的麦脆以及柠檬百里香制成的果酱完整其风味,是清口炸弹。以粉岭当地农场的草莓为主料制作成冰淇凌,顶上草莓酥片,揉入黄油酱和伯爵茶酱,一勺挖开便可一窥湿润均匀的内部。最后一款招牌甜品,焦糖慕斯,用苹果酱和无花果叶来调味,更像是一块在口腔中化开的太妃糖。此番的遗憾是,如果三款甜品都能够调整到适合亚洲人的甜度就更好了。【Mignardise】Winter meadow honey,Hawthorn jelly餐后惊喜是一枚唤做“冬蜜”的巧克力,黑巧克力裹挟着莓果酱夹心,巧克力的醇厚香气与莓果馥郁便勾结成了春日将至的味觉。-一场雨又一场雨过后,阳光便逐日地暖起来,有时会想去过的那些远方,此刻是否也开始静静下起一场又一场的春雨,万物开始变得湿润可爱,温吞慵懒,便是盘中异国风味带来的虚无缥缈的短暂美好,如远方春雨一场。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-17
餐廳說是英國菜,但是個人經歷覺得是北歐菜多一點!環境輕鬆,食物比預期中好食,每一道菜精心製作,值得再一次光顧!不過份量多,可惜餐廳不給我們打包,唯一比較不喜歡最後那朱古力/糖果太甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
English Fine Dining.Taste: 5/10Price:$$$Revisit:🙁.係銅鑼灣既米芝蓮餐廳🍴 主力英式餐飲☕️ 每人一個set 我自己就覺得唔太適合我口味😋 每道菜主要都係用時令蔬菜烹調🥗 雖然好精緻 但係回頭率低Fine dining我會期待味道同擺盤都做得好出色 雖然擺盤靚但係味道真係一般般 同埋唔會用高級食材 用新鮮食材Farm to table既概念 但係我個人覺得略遜色 餐內推薦:士多啤梨蛋糕🍰 - 甜品有兩款 蛋糕比較好食三黃雞🐔 - 好嫩滑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-23
Roro真係好驚喜架!基本每道都好出色,口感同食材嘅組合都好恰當。前菜,主食,甜品都係令人impressive!能令我唔係好鐘意嘅食材都感覺到好食,manager仲cute!下次還要roro!Appetizer是食咗幾家中最出色嘅,普通食材都可以煮嘅咁靚!主菜其實比較普通啦,但係仲係好吃嘅。Service and manager都恰到好處,每道菜換餐具,大家仲會細心嘅介紹菜品。差不多三小時吃完,很舒服嘅一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-21
I’m not one to write reviews but cannot help to do so since it’s the WORST birthday dinner I have ever had in my entire life with continuous hiccups throughout the night.Lack of attentiveness and professionalism of our server in charge of our private dining room. He was dismissive and inattentive throughout our entire meal. Not only did he consistently forget our requests, but he also displayed a lack of basic courtesy and respect. Furthermore, the service was incredibly slow, and our food took an unusually long time to arrive at our table.· Consulted the server about the dryness of our champagne, he simply stated that it is obvious because the name includes the word “brut”. This was expressed in a rather blunt and condescending manner.· Politely hinted that food that can be served when the server impolitely stated he was responsible for that and was caught up with other matters outside.· Waited for half an hour just for the appetisers to arrive and had to request bread ourselves.· The server left the champagne bottle on the table and did not come back after a while even though the glasses and ice bucket were already served in the dining room.· The server asked whether he is serving 4 dinner sets when there were 5 people in the dining room.· The server forgot to bring another wine glass and had to be reminded again.· The server forgot to pack the bread and had to be reminded again.· The server placed the birthday cake slice in front of my mother instead of myself.Wrote a complaint email to them and only got a mediocre apology back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)