4-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (169)
Level4 2018-10-27
是日有豐富午餐🤤有二人、四人或八人set lunch,如果四人份就有以下咁多款啦❣️👇🏻.🔺西班牙火腿Jamón 好開心呢個係送架❣️超級好食,又擺盤好美🌺,薄切到透光,脂肪分佈得好均勻,油脂豐富😋.🔺呑拿魚沙津🐟🥗呢個好適合大家share,份量夠多,sauce都好慷慨,配料都好豐富有齊紅腰豆、蛋、蕃茄仔。最緊要係有海量既呑拿魚🐟🐟🐟.🔺蒜蓉包🍞.🔺辣蕃茄醬牛肉丸🌶唔食辣既會覺得食唔到,鐘意食辣既就覺得好正😋🌶佢個蕃茄醬味勁濃,同辣味互相配合,面層灑上條條芝士,個sauce好得!牛肉丸唔係彈牙果種而係好軟淋淋,因為全粒都係綿綿既牛肉呀個味道夠入味👍🏻🤤.🔺Gorgonzola芝士蘋果Pizza 🍕呢個係小編想來食既目標😍第一次外賣時已經愛上!Gorgonzola芝士呈白色至淡黃色,芝士味唔會話勁重勁膩!焗熱左既薄片蘋果並唔怪,反而蘋果微微既果香同個pizza都夾到!不過今次食比起第一次有少許失色,好似冇咁香呢🙈.🔺飲品四杯可選罐裝汽水🥤,有齊可樂薑啤忌廉等,仲有蘋果汁添😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-30
🐻Cheese pizza is really good at jacomax. The four cheese they use here makes the pizza a bit sour and really appetising. Hawaiian pizza is also great. The ham and pineapple are very good quality and delicious.#jacomax had me at their cheese pizza, high quality flour and cheese, but lost me with their c(h/r)eativity. The hygiene there is a concern. Lookig up I see a plastic cup collecting dirty water from the vents; looking down I see a cockroach lying on its back, shivering its legs for its life. Why is this place so #ghetto? WHY? After I complained to the staff, the staff quietly used a paper towel to wipe it away, but the trauma is done.I love your colored zebra but I think you need some good maintenance and some deep cleansing. #hkgoodeats #hkstyle #foodporn #foodblogger #foodienetwork #bestfoodhk #fotdhk #foodlover #ilovefood #相機食先 #myfab5 #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodie #pandaeatshk #topcitybiteshk #食評 #forkyeah #igfood #hkfoodstagram #852food #hkigers #hkigfood #香港美食 #香港美食地圖 #全力食 #飲食日記 #pandaeatswanchai #舉頭望膠杯低頭見曱甴 #恨鐵不成鋼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-09-30
灣仔搵食,因為囡囡逢星期日去灣仔上playgroup. 老公提議食呢間pizza.入門口就見到烤pizza火爐,正。係要有呢個火爐。啲pizza先夠火喉。Pizza薄底脆邊。一流。辣肉腸同salami都好足料。好好味老公仲叫了local draft beer. 呢到啲啤酒選擇都好多。happy hour 都一流.有Belgium beer n japanese beer.待應仲送左杯蘋果汁俾我個囡。囡囡開心到手不離蘋果汁。登記佢地個food member. 仲送welcome drink. 我地點了tequila sunrise. 重酒味。差啲醉。值一再去的pizza place continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-09-27
以前都見過上環有間 原來灣仔都開左一間即刻帶埋友人去食~入到去充滿藝術氣氛有好多畫 加埋燈光 成個感覺好浪漫~位置都算多 黎到緊係要試下PIZZA LA我地叫左一個蘋果藍芝士pizza你可以選擇尺寸~我地揀左個細既但都足夠兩~三個人食架啦感覺上會比較清新少少加上有藍芝士既香味食落去唔會太膩餅底都十分脆呢個配搭不錯另外仲叫左意粉 食落口相當香濃意粉軟硬岩岩好 醬汁份量都足夠可以撈黎食而且意面都撒左芝士 岩晒鐘意食芝士既我~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-09-14
店舖唔係好大,但畫廊主題嘅佈置裝潢睇得出好有心思。外國staff會好nice咁為你推薦當日嘅精選。薄餅可以揀13/20吋,我地揀咗普通size 13吋,同埋雙拼口味。暴龍+蘋果藍芝士PizzaPizza薄底好脆,暴龍口味係普通嘅辣肉腸、野菌加芝士,幾好食但冇咩特別。相反蘋果藍芝士就幾有surprise,藍芝士唔濃味,所以就算本身唔太鍾龍藍芝士嘅我都接受到,加上甜甜嘅蘋果味,整體都幾好食!比較鍾意呢款多過暴龍呢~Carbonara好好好濃郁嘅芝士味,好creamy,麵條彈牙軟綿重蛋香,好食!芝士蟹肉長通粉落嘅芝士比carbonara仲重手,啖啖都係香濃芝士,長通粉入面會食到蟹肉,口感豐富又鮮甜!芝士焗茄汁千層麵熱辣辣送上嘅千層面遠遠都聞到芝士同香濃嘅蕃茄肉醬,好入味,兩者簡直係perfect match! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)