Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
You can enjoy the view of Victoria Harbor in this Australian restaurant. The signature beef steak is served with four different kinds of sauces. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:45 - 00:00
Mon - Wed
11:45 - 22:00
Thu - Sat
11:45 - 00:00
11:45 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Online Reservation
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (376)
Level2 2024-03-14
我哋兩個人去,梗係每款都揀下,就可以試多幾樣嘢。Appetiser好濃郁嘅蕃茄味,帶酸沙津正常發揮,啲菜好嫩麵包可以encore男朋友覺得超好味,佢話有好香嘅麥味,質感好鬆軟,而且要配埋佢嘅牛油再加分。冇餡嘅麵包對我嚟講唔吸引,所以我就冇覺得特別好食。Main Course三文魚正常發揮,雖然唔知上面係咩醬,但好清新我叫咗七成,唔鞋,我諗可以試下五成都得。牛肉味好香,食落有少少油脂,再多啲就更好。略嫌有少少凍咗。Dessert奶凍好綿滑,幾重牛奶味,好味呢碟幾得意三舊芝士唔同口感唔同味道,配搭唔同食物就有唔同風味。配麵包就似牛油配青蘋果就會帶出另一種清新香氣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-07
Wooloomooloo Prime 位於The One 21/F,景觀非常開揚,餐廳的設計、擺位加上全落地玻璃,令每個角落都能飽覽維港景色,晚上來用餐兼看夜景應該會很棒。平日午市套餐有三道菜連餐飲,按不同的主菜定價,由$198的意粉到$278的牛排不等。點好餐後,先上餐包,一白一麥包。看模樣以為是外皮硬脆的歐包,一拿上手才發現兩種都是軟包。麵包烘過所以暖暖的,但略嫌沒有麵包香。另會配上灑了海鹽的牛油,味道正常,不是自家調製過的那種。頭盤點了番茄他他和蟹肉餅。番茄他他的醬汁酸酸甜甜的,混和了紫洋蔥碎和刁草(dill)的油,很香而開胃。朋友升級了頭盤為餐廳招牌之一的蟹餅(+$68),小小一個,但整個都是一絲絲的蟹肉,不錯。主菜方面,既然來了Steak house,朋友和我都要了Filet Mignon。牛排用暖過的盤子上菜,看似不大塊但厚切,伴上炒香的磨菇和薯蓉。上菜後,侍應俸上4種mustard供選擇,我們每種都請她給我們嚐嚐看,個人最喜歡Dijon mustard配牛排。Filet mignon點了medium rare,可惜只有一半的牛排算是3分熟,另一半就過熟了。另外,我的那件牛排有不少筋,吃起來很費勁;朋友的則是很嫩。甜點可選Passion Fruit Tart或Cheese Platter 。Passion Fruit Tart一碟有兩個迷你tart,中間有passion fruit curd ,上面有cream和芒果碎粒,各種原素味道正常,沒有相輔相成的效果,沒有失望也沒有驚喜。Cheese Platter 共有三款芝士(Brie, cheddar, blue cheese),其中藍芝士的濃烈最令人回味;芝士會配上果醬、杏脯、脆麵包片和青蘋果片。套餐也包括餐飲。整體餐廳以環境取勝,海港景色一流;雖然明白餐廳想多些靠窗的座位,不過2人枱的擺枱的方式有改善的空間;現在的擺法會令其中一個食客長期背對著窗,完全無法看到海景。如果能轉45度或90度擺,讓兩人都能享受海景會更佳。平日午市只有幾枱入座,所以環境相對寧靜,適合和朋友詳聊。不過如果一心想吃牛排的話,Sheraton 的 Morton’s the Steakhouse 會比較適合(雖然價錢也高些,但物有所值)。服務方面,除了其中一兩個侍應木口木面之外,整體服務不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-31
位於尖沙咀The ONE高層嘅無敵大海景西餐廳💎Wooloomooloo Prime💎,擁有落地大玻璃,包攬住整個尖沙咀夜景😍,裝修典雅得嚟帶點歐洲風格,簡直就係冠冕堂皇😌,想坐窗口位就一定要預早訂枱啦,呢度最適合慶祝嫁啦,餐廳以澳洲菜為主,牛扒更加係呢度嘅主打菜啦,不過今次就試吓佢哋其他嘅菜式先😍😍🦀Crab Cake $240 :呢度最熱門嘅前菜就一定係呢一款蟹餅,面層煎香,配製左他他醬,另外有酸酸甜甜嘅高麗菜作伴碟,賣相唔錯👍🏻,每一啖都食到蟹肉,口感豐富,配埋醬料一齊食更加惹味🤤🤤🥗Wooloomooloo Salad $245 :呢一款自家沙律裏面都非常豐富,有烤嘅雞肉同牛肉等,另外再配咗牛油果,芝士同埋蕃茄,沙律菜新鮮夠爽,配料又夠多,唔錯👍🏻👍🏻🐑Rack of New Zealand coastal Lamb $495 :我哋嗌咗五成熟嘅羊扒,有三大件,羊味較重,但又唔會有蘇味👍🏻,五成熟啱啱好,冇血水之餘,肉色呈淡粉紅,食落肉質較嫩😋,切起上嚟比較容易,另外配咗特製醬汁,味道好似燒烤醬咁,底層係蕃茄菜,配嚟食幾爽👏🏻👏🏻🐟Pan Seared Salmon $420 :主菜方面除咗羊扒之外,再叫咗一份煎三文魚,三文魚夠厚,皮煎到脆邊😆,肉質較嫩,底層仲有酸酸甜甜嘅蕃茄菜底,加咗橄欖同洋蔥更加入味,配嚟食之餘又唔會搶咗三文魚本身嘅味道👍🏻,可以話係幾夾😋😋🥦Broccoli $100 :另外配咗西蘭花,食主菜之餘可以配嚟食,冇咁膩,唔使全部都係肉🍟Fresh Fries $90 :炸薯條方面份量都較多,除咗有茄汁之外,仲配咗蛋黃醬,炸到外脆內軟🤤,拎上手唔會油笠笠👍🏻,粗薯條嚟講係好食😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-25
Christmas dinner. Ordered the Christmas set (which the menu was replaced after I had paid the deposit). No refund whatsoever so I was stuck with it. The supposed sirloin was relaxed by filet mignon, and -2oz. Whatever.First few dishes were alright, crab cake probably not worth the price by itself, tuna tartare taste was ok-ish. Then came my main, filet mignon. I ordered medium rare but instead got a room temperature well done. It was obviously left on the countertop for a very long time under the heated lamp. I got a replacement but that did not have a huge change to the bland and stale taste of the whole main course. Oh, and let’s not forget that I got another crab cake on the filet mignon again. Why did I go for crab cake in the appetiser then? It said “…with crab meat”, I thought it would’ve been different.Decos were alright, and nothing probably beats the view, but as a restaurant, pls focus on the food. It was not worth the price completely. I would’ve enjoyed a $100 hot sizzling plate steak in a local Chinese cha chan ting better than yours. It was really bad. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-30
餐廳生日即影即有服務, 員工非常貼心幫手映生日景相個日order 左威靈頓牛扒,外面鬆脆包住,肉汁非常嫩滑鮮甜,值得一叫。Order咗主推菜式Wooloo 牛扒五成熟,厚切大份三人食都食未哂21 樓高風景俯望全尖沙咀景色,夜景相當吸引,野食味道都非常不錯,慶祝生日一好地方—------------------------------⭐️五星為滿分環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️味道:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️價錢:⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)