1-min walk from Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巴辣香雞翼 巴辣雞腿包 白汁雞皇飯 葡撻 磨菇飯 薯格
Review (81)
Level4 2023-02-01
試咗新出嘅XO醬封味錫紙焗雞,焗雞抹上李錦記XO醬,並加入白蘿蔔放係錫紙一起烤焗,熱焫焫冬天食好暖胃,食完雞件仲可以將剩低嘅XO醬雞汁精華同白蘿蔔撈落白飯一齊食,好好送飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-27
見有一排好耐都冇食過KFC,又好掛住佢哋嘅葡撻,於是重遊舊地,再去試一試而家嘅味道。佢哋嘅葡撻真係冇得頂,拎到出嚟都仲係好熱同埋脆,又唔會有好多油,超級正。以前試過其他分店嘅KFC D雞可能會有啲柴同干,呢間意外地冇,整體嚟講感覺唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-09-09
前幾日去咗金鐘嘅KFC食飯,適逢下午茶時段,顧客人流唔算多,所以都唔使等好耐就可以入座。我叫咗葡撻,加葡汁雞皇飯餐,嘢飲叫左百事可樂。我自己好鍾意食佢嘅薯格,點埋茄汁一齊食,認真一流。而店舖環境亦都十分寬敞,我都坐得幾舒服。店舖職員嘅服務都唔錯,同埋我都十分鍾意佢有自動販賣機,省卻咗好多排隊嘅時間。總括嚟講,今次食得幾開心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食KFC一定會食呢間,因為呢間永遠都係新鮮炸起。放工食少少番屋企,又或者係中午食都係咁熱咁JUICY.... 今日APPS仲有2人份$60TOTAL 4件雞 +2個自選飯+薯架+2個飲品等咗10分鐘就有得食雞肉好明顯係啱啱整好, 唔會太多油薯角乾身但夠熱HAPPY LUNCH continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係鹹蛋黃雞啊🤩KFC 鹹蛋黃金系列終於回歸啦!見到梗係即刻叫埋男朋友一齊食啦!今次試下全新嘅鹹蛋黃金雞扒焗飯先~好耐冇食過雞扒焗飯燒雞扒鋪滿濃郁酥香嘅鹹蛋黃金醬🍗雞扒肉質嫰滑配香濃三色芝士🧀啖啖芝味 好滿足啊!三色芝士真係好滿足呀!我食嘅係O3 鹹蛋黃金雞扒焗飯尊享套餐有齊鹹蛋黃金雞扒焗飯 汽水(中)另外仲加$13配2件鹹蛋黃金雞翼濃郁酥香鹹蛋黃金醬包滿雞翼 口感香脆 食唔停口啊🤤估唔到鹹蛋黃金系列咁好味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)