3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
It is spacious and there is outdoor dining area. It offers variety of Western cuisine and desserts. continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 00:00
08:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
08:00 - 22:30
Wed - Sat
08:00 - 00:00
08:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Wagyu Beef Burger Fois Gras Beef Shortrib
Review (116)
Level4 2023-11-02
Stretching from 3pm to 7pm, Mr Wolf is a go-to for casual bites and tipples in the heart of Central. Head out to its alfresco terrace area to enjoy craft beer for $58 and cocktails and wine for $68.That's a good offer in central right ?I really like the outdoor environment here as well as the services. The tables outdoor aren’t close to each other, giving every table an private and intimate space to chat with friends ! Daily, 3pm to 7pm (Monday, 3pm to 6pm)$58 for selected beers; $68 for cocktails and wine continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-15
香港唔係好多Sunday Roast食,一直都聽講Mr Wolf好好食,今日終於有得試!Mr Wolf環境好優雅,Girls Brunch一流 基本我哋每個人都係叫Sunday Roast,因為普通 Brunch menu 嘅嘢食寶係好多地方有。Mr Wolf嘅Sunday Roast 係中午12點先開始serve,可以係5款肉入面揀2款,我叫左雞同牛雞係半隻!!!! 再加2片牛,個份量都幾大!無論揀咩肉都會有yorkshire pudding 同 pigs in a blanket (煙肉卷腸)。唯一缺點係我地有4個sunday roast,竟然只係比咗一個gravy我地…佢哋啲staff又好忙,所以等咗陣第2個gravy先有得開餐。蔬菜係自助式任食。Sunday Roast個餐仲包一個甜品,好甜嘅Meringue 加啲酸酸哋嘅Raspberry sauce,幾好食,不過太甜,食唔哂成個 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
what's the time mr wolf?🦊呢間主打英國菜嘅餐廳 Mr Wolf ,構思來自狐狸先生幾多點呢個故事,所以餐廳環境有好多相關嘅特色,例如牆上掛住嘅相片同壁畫,特別一提相片是 David Yarrow英國攝影師拍攝的a wolf and the supermodel 系列,相片風格突出,而且令人印象深刻!食物方面,主打新派英國菜,富有其他歐洲菜式的元素,打破了我的思維,英國菜不是不好吃,也不是只有炸魚薯條🍟😂🥗頭盤 cured mackerel escabeche, pistachio醃鯖魚好入味,味道微咸,但又有魚嘅鮮甜,再加上蕃茄同埋洋蔥做點綴,成個頭盤味道好突出好開胃!🥘主菜 Chicken supreme, chermoula睇部位應該係用雞胸肉,但雞肉好嫩滑,而且外皮有少少焦香,伴菜茄子🍆,加埋啲香料整得好入味,就連平時少食茄子嘅我都覺得有驚喜😳🍦甜品 dark chocolate mousse身為朱古力嘅愛好者,我覺得好滿意,mousse 綿密中帶點甜苦交集,如果黑朱古力濃度唔夠高就會太甜,就有一種好膩嘅感覺,但係呢個 dark chocolate mousse 恰到好處🤌其實其他菜式都唔錯,不過我自己覺得比較突出嘅係呢幾款,所以重點介紹 🙏🏻而且侍應服務都好細心,不停幫你加水,經常問你覺得啲食物點,有酒店級嘅服務水準,喺今時今日嘅服務業真係好難得!👍🏻環境 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️食物⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於中環皇后大道的卡佛大廈,正正在Zara旗艦店旁邊~ 設有室外和室內座位,內外都擺滿綠色植物🪴,其中一幅牆更寫上「What’s the time, Mr. Wolf?」,令人不自覺聯想起兒時玩意「狐狸先生幾多點?」🤣~ 室外座位都是黑白色藤椅,非常有歐陸氣息,適合三五知己chill一下~-餐廳主打新派的英倫菜,更會混合歐洲菜、法國菜等元素🇫🇷~ 今個夏日至8月27日,Mr.Wolf是Restaurant Week的其中一間精選餐廳,推出$438 3-courses dinner set menu,包括前菜、主菜和甜品,食物水準都算不錯👍▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️Starters▫️ Burrata友人指明必定要點Burrata cheese 🧀 🤣屬於水牛芝士的一種,半液體的質感吃起來極豐富奶味,比起其他芝士鹹味會偏淡,香味濃郁🥹!表面加上意料香草醬🌿、荷蘭豆🫛和松子,賣相雖然未算吸引,但味道很不錯!-▫️ Italian Vitello Tonnato另一道意式前菜料理鮪魚醬牛肉片,牛肉用上和牛片,色澤粉嫩軟腍,味道更濃郁~ 配上香烤過的吞拿魚醬和酸豆,十分開胃!-Mains▫️Pan Fried Seabass第一道主菜是馬賽魚湯烤鱸魚🐟 初嚐bouillabaisse,又稱為海皇湯,起源是以前的人會將當日剩餘的食材煮成,現在已經是道高級的料理~ 用上不同的海鮮熬煮,口感濃稠,味道好像龍蝦湯🦞!裡面有肥美的青口,表面是煎得香脆的鱸魚🐟,質感嫩滑水潤不乾身!-▫️Aged Striploin選了medium rare程度的熟成牛腰脊,上碟略嫌偏熟,但牛肉外層焦香,肉質細嫩,富有嚼勁!配上香滑軟綿薯蓉🥔,超喜歡這個配菜🥹-Dessert ▫️Choco Mousse橢圓形狀的朱古力慕絲,質感好像豐盈忌廉,表面加上海鹽、焦糖碎碎粒,混合一起更吃到層次感~ 但賣相就比較特別🤣 建議可伴上水果,或以其他形狀呈現~-▫️Cinnamon Genoise肉桂法式海綿蛋糕🍰 Genoise這款法式蛋糕頗特別,保留了海綿蛋糕的香氣,但同時有戚風蛋糕的口感,比戚風更厚實~白朱古力和黑糖蘋果放在蛋糕之上,令蛋糕變得清新🍎▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️📍Mr Wolf (中環)🗺️ 中環皇后大道70號卡佛大廈5樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍Mr WolfPan Fried Seabass (HKD 298) 6/10 ⭐️馬賽魚湯味道濃郁,佢個味有d似龍蝦湯,配料有蘿蔔,類似荀既蔬菜,青口等等,可惜青口無咩味。另外,雖然鱸魚個皮煎到香脆,但食落無咩味,肉質亦比較”霉”。Grilled Galician Octopus (HKD 318) 7.5/10 ⭐️擺盤好有藝術感,八爪魚非常厚身,食落軟綿綿有鮮味;生菜新鮮,焗完好香口;焗蕃薯又粉又甜,但好笑既係蕃薯食落個味竟然似南瓜😂pistachio romesco sauce個綠色好鮮豔,令整道菜生色不少,但味道唔突出。10 Oz Rib Eye Steak (HKD 368) 7/10 ⭐️肉眼扒叫左medium, 有d偏硬,感覺比正常既medium熟左少少,似medium well,牛肉味幾濃郁但唔膩👍🏻薯條連皮新鮮炸,好香好有薯仔味;另外配bearnaise sauce要黎點牛肉,食落甜甜地好creamy,但個人認為佢之後提供既3款mustard選擇更加match到d牛肉😋。Dark Chocolate Mousse (HKD 98) 6.5/10 ⭐️Chocolate Mousse朱古力味濃郁,質感fluffy ,而且食落好滑同creamy。另外,mousse面頭灑上左hazelnut praline crumbs,脆咸既crumbs加上軟滑朱古力真係好match👍🏻可惜既係,佢serve既時候係室溫,同埋作為甜品,佢既擺盤真係唔太美觀🥲Roast Crème Brûlée (HKD 110) 5/10 ⭐️與平時食既Crème Brûlée唔同,佢用酥皮包住流心吉士醬,有香濃肉桂味,好似用d脆既Crepes包住d吉士醬咁。呢個做法係幾新穎,但味道好普通,傳統既Crème Brûlée遠勝過佢,而且份量太少,開心果雪糕味道較淡。House Wine — White Wine (HKD 68) 7/10 ⭐️白酒fruity,微甜微酸容易入口。Classic Margarita (HKD 68) 6.5/10 ⭐️普普通通,飯落清新,少甜,酒味唔濃烈,有粗鹽係杯邊提升味道。Service: 服務態度非常好,所有Staff都好nice同好願意去幫忙。慶祝朋友生日,送上甜品時,staff會唱生日歌🎂值得一提既係我地搵staff幫我地影合照,佢好細心咁幫我地將d甜品位置放好,等影岀黎既相好睇d☺️環境: 食晚飯人流唔多,環境清靜,而且裝修好有格調,非常適合同朋友過黎飲野傾計👍🏻雖然食物唔係特別岀色,但環境一流,會考慮過黎試下食brunch。除左室內座位,亦有室外露台位置選擇。—- Eng version —-Pan Fried Seabass (HKD 298) 6/10 ⭐️The bouillabaisse was rich in flavour with radish, mussels and other veggies. The sea bass was flavourless though and the meat was a bit mushy.Grilled Galician Octopus (HKD 318) 7.5/10 ⭐️Thick and tender octopus with fresh roasted sucrine. The sweet potatoes were sweet and creamy, but it tasted like pumpkin😂 The pistachio romesco sauce was in pretty green colour but it tasted rather plain.10 Oz Rib Eye Steak (HKD 368) 7/10 ⭐️Ordered the steak medium but it was more like cooked medium-well. The steak was flavourful but not juicy anymore. The skin-on fries were served hot with crispy exterior and soft interior. Bearnaise sauce had been provided for dipping the meat, but I personally like the 3 mustards they later provided more😋Dark Chocolate Mousse (HKD 98) 6.5/10 ⭐️Creamy, fluffy and rich dick chocolate mousse with salty hazelnut praline which added spark to the dish. It tasted nice but the food plating was bad though 🥲Roast Crème Brûlée (HKD 110) 5/10 ⭐️It was not like the traditional crème brûlée, it was like a crispy crepes wrapped with molten custard. Very small in size, and the traditional one tastes a lot better.House Wine — White Wine (HKD 68) 7/10 ⭐️Classic Margarita (HKD 68) 6.5/10 ⭐️Service: Staff were all very friendly and provided keen service with politeness👍🏻Environment: Aesthetics interior design. There were few people and quite during dinner time and is a very good place to chill. 📍Mr Wolf🚇 中環 Central🕑 My visit: 閒日晚飯 Weekday Dinner⭐️ Food: 6.5/10💲ard HKD 470/person 📷Instagram: cherrywlovestoeat continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)