8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Aaharn is a world-class exploration of Thai cuisine by internationally celebrated chef David Thompson. Comprehensive research and technical skill combine to create a menu that will make Aaharn unique in Hong Kong. Located in Tai Kwun’s historic Armoury building, Aaharn adds a distinctly international edge to one of Hong Kong’s most high-profile cultural precincts and is the city’s first truly elevated Thai dining experience. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2020-2022)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Tue - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (100)
帶屋企人黎食lunch,從一入門口到坐低,所有waiter都係黑面招呼,我點完個menu,話想睇下drink menu,個waiter夠膽喺我手中抽走menu!This is definitely what you expect from a Michelin restaurant! We were one of the two tables of customer that day, the waiters gave poor service to us, which made the mediocre food worse!!去到最後埋單,個waiter都係粗聲粗氣,我懷疑係唔係幾時得罪過佢,呢間野,可一不可再,期待早日結業,讓出寶貴大館空間俾有心經營嘅餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
於2024年3月14日,白色情人節,和愛的人吃晚餐。Aaharn 是由國際知名廚師 David Thompson 對泰國美食的世界級探索,綜合研究與技術技能結合而創造出香港獨一無二的菜單。在大館這地方享受用餐體驗增加了很多額外分數。餐廳裝潢簡約,以蘭花和鳥尾花帶出整個格調,燈光暗暗的,餐廳地方不大,適合調情。這是我第一次嚐泰國菜fine dining,點了688一位的tasting menu。小食-Ma Hor🍍傳統泰國小食,以豬肉、蝦、花生等煎成,再放於菠蘿上。它集合了甜、鹹、香辣,替我們喚醒舌頭該起床好好享受接下來的大餐。前菜Betel Leaf with Lobster🦞 近期常見fine dining上用到了檳榔葉,自身帶有甘甜香氣。椰子、姜等配料配合好Refreshing ,令到龍蝦肉味道被提升。前菜-Ching Mai Chilli relish🌶️ [很喜歡]貌似零殺傷力的前菜,炸豬皮脆而不膩,點了少少洋蔥、青皮辣椒主導的醬料已經噴火,舌頭在叫嚷着火辣時,同時叫着爽。Egg Net with chicken and sha🪺以蛋花做成的網狀卷成,包裹着雞肉,帶點香茅的清香,鹹香的肉味道,咬起來口感像肉松。湯品-Guk’s Hot & Sour soup of braised pork ribs🐷一碗辣勁和酸度剛好的湯,酸味先出,後而辣,清新得宜,很喜歡湯裏的乾蒜及乾洋蔥,湯品內的豬肉大片,以湯拌飯一流。主菜-Grilled silken aubergine salad🍆冷盤的沙律,上面有個流心蛋,被薄荷帶着的茄子,顯出另一風味,清新爽脆。主菜-Aromatic curry of Chicken and Ratte potato🐥泰式瑪莎曼黃咖哩,甜甜的,醬汁濃稠,香氣撲鼻。雞肉嫩滑,薯仔煮得入味,拌飯之選。主菜-Stir fried Iberico pork cheek and coriander 🐖 採用了豬頸肉,故此肉身較鬆軟,像蜜糖味的豬肉,甜得來,烤焦味又出,單吃都非常喜歡。甜品-Mango Stick Rice🥭吃泰國菜怎能少得芒果糯米飯,這個是我看過最fancy的賣相,帶點咸咸的味道挺有趣,但略覺椰醬比較少,且和芝麻窩夫不太搭,我還是比較喜歡傳統的口味。一餐挺滿意的泰國菜,味道層面上五星,上菜速度慢一點更好。-$30 free flow水的-這裏的椰子水比越南更新鮮,更甜地址:中環中環荷李活道10號大館02座槍房1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-23
見open rice寫是全香港唯一一間有星級的泰國菜, 一家三口便來體驗下,當晚是星期六晚上八時,入到餐廳只得我們一枱客人,心中不妙, 因我們入來前見大館不少餐廳氣氛熱鬧,坐無虛席;坐下服務員放下餐牌,原來餐廳只提供兩款套餐,沒有單點叫,都冇所謂,我們都想品嚐星級其中一款套餐,menu看上來好似有不少菜式,但幾款頭盤擺盤簡單,食物味道一般,份量又細小,排骨湯太酸辣,主菜份量比頭盤正常些,如不提供飯,女士們都不飽肚,甜品方面,香芒糯米飯比較硬身,芝麻脆餅只是一小塊,整體來講,這款套餐用的材料廉價,如這個價錢食這款套餐性價比實在太低,永不光顧👎😒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
是日友人生日 帶左佢去位於中環大館嘅 Aaharn用餐入到去覺得裝潢好有格調 燈光令人好放鬆叫左 2份 long tasting menu 加3杯 wine tasting食到好飽 係一個十分愉快嘅用餐經歷 店員都有細心解釋每道菜同酒黎之前見到一啲負評都好擔心 因為即便獲得米芝蓮嘅殊榮 都未必每個食客都識得欣賞呢到啲相係放左我覺得好特別好美味嘅野食 配搭大膽新奇但又不失風味 每樣食材嘅味道都帶咗出黎食到我同朋友都覺得呢間野係值得呢個價值當然都有啲野食係比較中規中矩 個啲就唔會突登拎出黎講 但唔會話有一樣野稱得上難食 可能有人覺得好似小菜咁樣上唔符合米芝蓮嘅風格 又或甚係覺得不如係出面啲泰菜餐廳比多幾舊水食好啲 味道都一樣出色但我個人又覺得最重要係帶唔帶到比客人感覺用心嘅用餐體驗唔應該只著重味道同份量 更多嘅係食材嘅配搭 總括黎講 我好滿意呢餐飯 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-02
唔似泰國菜 都唔似印度菜 乜都不似 starter仲要share 薄荷多過雞 main course 竟然是米飯 拜託啊搞笑嗎 個湯太酸太辣 飲完之後肚痛 唔知係魚湯定係湯泡魚 清澈見底 整張menu冇嘢飲 餸細細一粒 仲係share嘅 搞笑 千企不要來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)