14-min walk from Exit H, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
*Last seat time(Mon-Fri)Lunch 14:30; Dinner 21:00; Sat-Sun & PH 21:00; Last order 22:00
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay BoC Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
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Review (133)
牛舞主打燒肉放題,新開張嗰陣時都好多人幫襯,不過而家就明顯少左食客。咁啱經過,見到佢有原來有下午茶餐食,價錢唔貴,仲送60分鐘自助區放題。🥢吉列魚柳薯條$48🐟🍟🥢吉列豬扒沙律$58🐷🥗自助區熟食有炸咖喱角、炸丸、咖喱牛腩🧆、白飯🍚雪櫃有生果西瓜🍉、菠蘿 🍍、哈密瓜🍈、沙律菜🥗、蕃茄仔🍅、青瓜🥒,蟹籽丶泡菜丶中華沙律甜品有啫喱丶大菜糕、迷你糕點冰櫃有cocoberry 雪糕、同雪米糍雪條自助區最好食係咖喱牛腩,炸物普通甜品果D就吸引唔到我,冇食主要食D沙律同生果食雪糕雪條,正常水準埋單$117,人均消費$60都唔洗,就有個下午茶餐,仲有得任飲任食真係好鬼抵,繼續支持本地消費,撐起經濟😂後記:食炸薯條問侍應攞茄汁,佢話成間餐廳都係冇茄汁😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-11
因為朋友比較夜收工,所以牛舞的這一個晚上八點後任食燒肉非常抵玩👍🏻未夠八點,已經有人在門外排隊,但人龍不算太長。這個套餐包括一盤精選燒肉,另外有三款燒肉可以任叫,還有很多不同的串燒、炸物、前菜、主食可以任食。我們先點了不同的燒肉,但後來發現,淨是精選燒肉基本上都束已經夠吃。食物質素不錯👍🏻我們又加了$48,任飲Suntory 啤酒,其實一杯也已經抵返晒,不過如果好飲得的就更抵。喜歡吃燒肉、又夜收工的朋友,推薦你吃這個套餐,抵食!👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
從來未試過食咁難食嘅燒肉,仲要九唔搭八加個鍋都算,肉質好差,難食到不堪入目兩個字形容,離譜!仲要用呢個價錢去食,我嗌左$464 兩個人加埋差唔多成千蚊,佢俾啲垃圾嘅質素我,大家如果對呢間嘢有興趣真係唔好入去食,俾佢呃到🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻呢間舖頭除左舖面環境好少少之外都無其他野可以讚,大佬啊我唔係黎食環境,我黎食嘢架,食物質素真係差到極點,唔係俾唔起,而係我唔想其他人再俾錢買難受啊,難食到飛起,真係不知所謂垃圾中既垃圾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-22
元朗燒肉必食牛舞!自助區地方唔大 但五臟俱全~熱盤冷盤水果甜品飲品全部有齊~今次食日本薩摩和牛放題Set A 食足120分鐘有燒肉有刺身有涮涮鍋,真係大滿足! 燒肉仲可以試齊唔同ge牛肉~ 薩摩牛最正就係牛肋肉!牛味重,冇雪味肉質軟腍,油脂分佈平均食得多都唔覺膩!每類肉除左可以食原汁原味,仲有得揀燒汁,壽喜燒汁……實有一款岩你口味😆仲有力推必食甲羅燒!啖啖蟹膏超濃郁!燒爐旁ge涮涮鍋都有正野!涮涮鍋肉類全部大大片仲有好多唔同ge配料蔬菜~成班friend黎牛舞gathering 實有野岩食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-17
We saw this shop's promotion by Openrice for its 4 hour lunch with unlimited beef and best of all, there is a discount for elderly, which was 60 years ors old or above. As my parents are both over 60, they enjoyed this discount which was quite a bargain.We ordered the B set which included unlimited Australian Wagyu. No matter what you order, you will get this platter, which includes a bit of everything, including the Japanese Wagyu, which pretty much melts in your mouth.The unlimited food items are pretty standard so I won't go in depth into it. For the beef, the Australian Wagyu was unfortunately a bit tougher than I preferred though the US beef was more tender than expected. Therefore, I would recommend either ordering the A set(unlimited Japanese Wagyu) or the C set (unlimited US beef) instead of the B set. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)