7-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (9)
Pici is your neighbourhood pasta bar, serving only freshly made pasta daily. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 22:30
*Dine-in until 18:00, last order at 17:15 Takeaway order available until 22:00 (Sun-Thu) / 22:30 (Fri-Sat)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (316)
情人節當日夜晚已經已經fully booked 網站得返一個九點嘅timeslot🥺但覺得今次一定要食到 所以七點去到灣仔walk in😋去到receptionist好好 話等10-15分鐘 最後行個圈 檯ready就會收到SMS📱去到見到鋪頭唔大 有兩層 好多情侶 我哋個位雖然係bar檯 好處係可以坐近大家!😝野食方面都好有驚喜 試咗tasting menu $298pp 分別有starter x2, main x3, dessert x2一開頭有 bread w/olive oil & vinegar最貼心嘅係 佢用紙袋裝住麵包比我哋🥖通常我都會食唔曬麵包 因為唔想飽住食main最後食咗少少麵包 就帶走其餘嗰啲 欣賞餐廳造法 減少浪費😌1/ Starter - Tuna Tartare 吞拿魚粒 唔係蓉 都幾大粒有口感🐟冇筋 而且有調味 有wasabi同埋酸嘅汁同埋面頭有啲醃洋蔥配合一齊食 好夾!🤩2/ Starter - Mussels Cocotte番茄味 醬汁好濃郁 有茄膏味同埋番茄蓉🍅Mussels中規中矩 食到一隻有少少沙 啲肉質都有咬口 但唔算好濃郁海鮮味 伴有檸檬汁🍋都係鍾意mussels配creamy sauce多啲!🧈3/ Main- Truffle tagliatelle 麵質比較特別 比較爽口 硬身 🍝比起一般意粉更加耐食 唔會覺得太粉 唔會口感單一太悶😋個sauce好香 creamy奶味濃郁 但唔重truffle味而truffle都比得好多 食到最後都仲有 但就唔算好香 呢個價錢絕對收貨!😉4/ Main - Smoked Salmon Ravioli 見佢Ravioli好出名 所以試下!✨味道不過不失 配埋lemon better味道冇咁單調!🍋5/ Main - Lasagna Classica 上層芝士焗到有啲脆 好香口外脆內軟 同埋好重牛肉味 反而唔係齋茄汁味 所以芝士肉醬配搭都啱啱好🍝😋因為佢係最後上 所以最後食曬 但食到最後有啲漏🥴6/ Dessert - Tiramisu咖啡味唔算好濃 但overall好creamy 份量啱啱好 果然係signature🌟🌟7/ Dessert - Lava cakeDessert of the day就係情人節限定款 佢係心太軟配cherry ice cream 個心太軟係皮脆外軟 焗得啱啱好✨🍫🍫但ice cream同埋點綴嘅cherry就係罐頭/糖精味 唔算好自然🥴總括而已,呢個價錢嘅dinner加埋呢個地段 冇得挑剔了✨✨🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-04
Went to this resto for company lunch and we all got the Weekday Lunch Set, which included 1 Starter, 1 Pasta and 1 Dessert. .For starter, I got Westholme Wagyu Beef Tongue. Topped with salsa verde and pearl onions, it was thinly sliced. It tasted a bit plain though, as the flavour of the salsa verde didn't blend into the ox tongue much. My colleague got Burrata Cheese. The cheese was huge and milky, and the cherry tomatoes and rocket leaves made the dish refreshing and not heavy to have. For pasta, I had Chitarra Prawns. Covered with lots of bisque, my squid pasta was quite wet with cherry tomatoes. The prawns were scattered into really tiny pieces, making it not that mouthful. My colleagues got Tagliolini Truffle, Lasagna Classica and Pappardelle Pork Ragu. For the Tagliolini Truffle, with the shaved black truffle on top and soaked in white truffle paste, the spaghetti smelled fragrant. Not sure for the Lasagna Classica, but my colleague thought it was mediocre. I did try the Pappardelle Pork Ragu though. The nduja, guanciale and red wine combined subtly. The greasiness of the guanciale was moderated by the sweetness of the red wine. For dessert, we got Tiramisu. Served with a generous amount of mascarpone cream, the tiramisu got lady finger in the interior soaked with espresso. It was truly creamy, but the sweetness seemed a bit overwhelming. .Rather friendly price for a decent Western restaurant lunch set. .The resto had two-storey, and the upper storey could receive more guests, as it was more spacious than the lower storey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-17
Pici位於灣仔鬧市之中,轉入星街後右轉進教園。店舖裝潢似到南歐旅遊時食肆打扮,同隔離茶餐廳有鮮明對比。前檯職員簡單做個登記後就坐,用餐時限係75分鐘。侍應遞上牛油+醋,用來點麵包今次選擇每位$158的套餐前菜:吞拿魚牛油果他他主菜:慢煮小牛肉牛肝菌寬帶麵甜品:提拉米蘇由於Pici主打即叫即做,務求令食客可以品嘗到最新鮮的意粉,所以點餐後至少等了16分鐘才到主菜上碟。不過非常值得等候,以灣仔午餐價錢來講,非常高的性價比。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔月街嘅 pici 裝修十分配合到香港星街嘅一個休閒氣氛 好文青風格 好chill 睇到呢一度都覺得自己好有書卷氣氛我哋三個人叫咗tasting menu 佢嘅tasting Menu係會有三個頭盤四個主菜 每一次我地都食唔晒 但其實真係平好多 所以都唯有叫呢一個 松露意粉好好食 保持住佢一貫嘅水準 係我Pici最鍾意食嘅嘢 另外由於有四個主菜叫咗一個雲吞 可以吧 我唔係好識食 外國友人就話俾我聽好正 另外有驚喜嘅反而係個闊條麵 出到嚟嘅時候望到出晒煙 睇到都想食兩啖 味道保持一貫水準 招呼也很好 給予好評 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-04
未踏入12月,商場和街道已急不及待地佈置好聖誕裝飾,好不熱鬧。Pici在12月推出了期間限定的Brunch Menu,非常期待。預先在網上訂位,星期六Brunch $298一位。頭盤是全枱Share的:火箭菜沙律、蘑菇湯、豬面頰火腿、吞拿魚醬小牛肉、大蝦沙律加薄脆餅,每款都正常發揮;其中我最喜歡吞拿魚醬小牛肉,雖然外表其貌不揚,但吞拿魚醬酸甜細滑,配上柔嫩的小牛肉,魚鮮和牛肉味是出乎意料的融和。大蝦沙律的大蝦新鮮彈牙,三色豆沙律(不是餐牌寫的椰菜絲沙律)配上薄脆,口感上最為豐富。蘑菇湯真材實料,香氣十足,湯裡還有粗粒的蘑菇,但比較奇怪的是全枱人分享同一碗湯,若不是很熟的朋友便很尷尬了。主菜的意粉一人選一款,我點了意式辣肉忌廉扁麵(Tagliatelle 'Nduja)。意粉在店裏新鮮製造,口感硬脆帶爽,與乾意粉的質感不同(煮過後會變得軟中帶點煙韌)。真要說的話,新鮮意粉有如中式的粗麵「食爽」。意粉醬是番茄、忌廉加意式辣肉的組合,意式辣肉已完全融和在醬汁中,味道酸、甜、帶微辣,加上芝士的鹹香,非常惹味。意粉掛滿濃濃的醬,配上火箭菜、豬肉腸粒和車厘茄,整個配搭好吃得不得了。之後在網上查查看,意式辣肉是豬肉和紅椒粉混合製成的肉腸,帶煙薰味,它不像一般肉腸般結實,質地如軟泥狀,所以能完全溶化在醬汁之中。同伴點了慢煮牛面頰寬條麵(Pappardelle Beef Cheek),牛面頰用西芹、紅蘿蔔等慢煮過,軟腍入味,輕輕用力便可把肉的纖維一絲絲分開。醬汁肉味濃郁,不過由於不是番茄醬的酸甜或蒜味、辣味之類可與油脂平衡的調味,吃多了會有點膩。寬條麵(Pappardelle)比扁麵(Tagliatelle)更寬,口感上倒是差不多。Pici 意粉的份量不算多,女性很足夠,男士就可能要多吃點麵包了(只是附上的法包沒有烘過,外皮較乾硬,韌而不脆,不算好吃)。甜品除了常設的Tiramisu 和Panna Cotta之外,還有新增的意大利聖誕麵包配開心果醬火鍋(Panettone Fondue with Pistachio creme),這款是兩人Share的。雖然對新甜品很感興趣,但始終鍾情Pici的Tiramisu,所以留待下次再來試新口味吧(也給自己一個理由再訪)。Pici的Tiramisu 可媲美酒店級數,mascarpone cream細滑而奶香濃郁,手指餅吸滿了espresso,適度的苦味完美地平衡了cream的甜度,飯後吃一整杯也感覺輕盈而不膩。12月的Brunch Menu雖然在頭盤上沒什麼亮點,餐廳也有75分鐘的用餐時間限制,不過意粉和甜品都如常地高質,滿足滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)