8-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:45
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Salomon,Sea Urchin and Sweet Shrimp Rice Bean Curd and Fish Soup
Review (46)
Level2 2022-01-08
已經好耐冇寫食評 但呢一間真係不知所謂!真心寫黎提醒下……… 實在太差,應該一早在時代巨輪下淘汰地存在😩事源搬左黎呢頭半年都未試過呢間,俾我印象貴,今日約左老朋友諗住食好啲咁啦~起碼個價錢係🤔順手用埋啲消費券 , 咁就入去試下啦, 當日入到店得我哋同另外一檯,講緊嗰時已經係晚餐時間, 感覺有啲唔對路 ,可能因為都唔平,不過都入左嚟,試試佢啦!原本諗住有朋自遠方來,嗌咗2人餐都差唔多3千大元埋單!當然有少許期望啦~入正題~前菜:味道正常 份量極細刺身:黎到嚇一跳,擺盆同埋size味道都係放題質素!真心癲最好野係壽司:一人一粒冇味海膽~完。想點?燒物、沙律、湯都非常一般水平之下,燒蟹腳上檯已經熟曬,但裏頭冰既!咩料?主食:我叫左鵝肝,有兩件都話可以分下,朋友叫既銀雪太細,都冇試佢啦!樣正常其他:甜品烏冬都冇咩好講!Local質素份量係:連蘿蔔絲都食埋都係6成飽🙄好心啦~呢個質素我差點以為返左水x屋年代!客又唔多,招呼茶記咁上下🙈🙈老實講, 呢個價錢喺附近食日餐質量都好過佢係絕對有!仲要食好飽~咁呢個阿媽家姐價,咁冇誠意, 斟完第一杯茶畀你之後,要叫人先識加水!CP、野食、招呼都係我暫時遇到最差,超搵笨!絕冇下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-05-20
小編近排成日去食西灣河嘅餐廳😝今次就去咗食呢間日本餐廳😙😙我哋叫咗一個照燒牛扒定食同埋一個吉列黑豚拉麵😆首先個照燒牛扒定食幾好味👅佢啲牛真係非常之淋🥰一啲都唔韌🤩同埋個醬汁嘅味道調得好好😋😋😋有啲甜甜地嘅感覺😍餸飯一流🤤🤤同埋份量都其實幾多😚所以小編幾推薦呢份定食😛然後個吉列黑豚拉麵都整得唔錯😙吉列黑豚炸得幾香脆😆外脆內軟😋再配上沙律醬加燒烤醬真係好好食🤤🤤不過就略嫌拉麵煮得比較淋🤔同埋個湯底濃啲會更加好🤭🤭總括嚟講呢間餐廳嘅食物質素算唔錯🥰不過就略嫌呢間餐廳偏貴🤭但係如果嚟開西灣河都值得嚟一試🤩😋 好味:8.26/10🤑 價錢:7.58/10🤗 服務:8.00/10😝 環境:8.37/10😚 衞生:7.89/10🤩 整體:7.98/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-01-25
味自慢系鯉景灣已經有好多年,我間中想食日本野都會來呢度。中午有好多肯定食可以選擇,有生有熟有壽司,好啱一家大細,小朋友都會揀佢嘅吉列午餐,吉列豬扒係用黑豚豬來做,配飯、甜品今次試吓呢款魚生雜錦飯,佢哋嘅壽司飯比較偏甜,我喜歡,平時食開吞拿魚碎飯,睇落嘅份量好似比較少,女士們都足夠,男士可能未必夠飽。總括嚟講食物都唔差,只係價錢稍為貴一啲,服務都非常好,如果想靜靜地食個日本料理呢度都係一個不錯嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-12-25
經常黎食lunch. 佢嘅照燒牛扒定食好得。我個仔就成日食烏東。成日想試佢嘅魚生壽司,因為見好多人食;但都無試過,因為價錢偏貴。今日試左三文魚、帶子魚生飯。好味。下次一定會再食。不過如果係吞拿魚,我會更加歡喜/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I always passed by this restaurant and wanted to give it a try. I thought it was really weird that the place was completely empty during dinner time. But after i saw the menu and tasted the food, i knew why.The food here are extremely overpriced for shitty quality and taste. We paid about $450 for a bowl of ramen and a stir friend udon. The ramen tasted like an instant powder soup, definitely not worth paying over $200 for.The stir fry udon(i think they call it tepanyaki udon), that i could probably pay $80 for but it was about 200$This place is extremely overpriced for not even ok food. It’s bad!!! Nowonder why noone was there 🤦🏻They need to seriously lower the price by at least half.Ambience(it’s messy inside), plating, price, taste all gets 0 out of 5. Do not go there if you want to save your money 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)