4-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
A rare Northeast restaurant in Hong Kong, with classic dishes and a rich selection, including Dongbei Stewed, Dongbei Black Goat Stewed and so on. The Lamb & Scallion Pot is only available in winter. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (209)
🍽️抵食高質家鄉菜😋-係大角咀附近返工嘅朋友仔呢晚話約食飯👀 所以㨂咗間佢平日team lunch好鍾意去嘅好抵食專食北京填鴨嘅中菜館🦆-🐥砂窩雲吞雞 $148/半隻因為當晚朋友話要戒口所以冇得食鴨 所以我地轉戰咗另一個出名嘅項目 砂窩雲吞雞😝 一大窩熱辣辣夠哂氣氛😙 佢個半隻雞都唔細 煲完肉質都仲係幾嫩 一推夠可以同骨分開😜 雲吞大大粒都有好多隻 皮薄饀多😎 最正係佢嘅雞味煲哂入去湯底到 飲落好清甜😋-🥟韭菜豬肉餃 $50 (轉煎底+$8)另一個招牌係佢嘅餃子 做咗功課知道佢係行皮比較厚身嘅流派 所以更適合煎嚟食😎 果然冇㨂錯 佢煎完 外皮係焦香嘅金黃色 內饀扎實之餘好多汁 同小籠包有得揮😂 大家記住唔會心急 如果唔係就會好似我地咁差啲淥親🤪-🐄秘製牛奔麵 $52朋友話佢lunch食過牛奔麵都唔錯 係樸實無華嘅comfort food好味道😆 果然冇介紹錯 佢湯底濃得嚟唔會死鹹或者好油膩 佢唔係啲好fancy好有變化嘅湯頭 但係就非常平實穩陣信得過嘅果款味道😂 牛肉同牛根都煮到幾淋 都幾出色😍-🍎拔絲蘋果 $78最後見到甜品竟然有買少見少嘅拔絲甜品當然唔可以錯過啦🤣 上碟嘅時候熱辣辣 糖漿包袱住蘋果 透過同空氣或凍水接觸而冷卻形成外層脆脆嘅拔絲 配上本身好多汁酸酸甜甜嘅蘋果 中和番個甜度 好玩又好食🤩-📍老掌櫃東北菜館 (利奧坊) (大角咀)大角咀嘉善街18號利奧坊地下G708-G709號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前已經聽朋友講話大角咀有間東北菜館入面既北京填鴨好好食,晚晚都有好多人排隊同預約;咁鍾意食填鴨嘅我又點可以錯過,梗係要過去試吓喇🤣我地食左:👉🏻✨北京填鴨(半隻)✨ $168店內招牌之一既北京填鴨當然係唔少得❣️我哋只系叫左半隻,已經好夠飽;鴨肉肥瘦均勻,鴨皮燒到脆卜卜!每塊都有皮有肉,仲片得幾薄添👍🏻餑餑皮較薄身,放上青瓜🥒大蔥連沾上醬料嘅鴨肉包埋,一啖咬落去,超有層次感,仲唔會覺得好油膩,的確系幾正😋✨京燒羊肉✨ $138孜然粉同羊肉一向都係Perfect match。羊肉🐑好夠腍,唔臊唔嚡啱啱好,惹味之餘又香口🤞🏻✨高力豆沙✨ $13/1個高力豆沙係我妹幾鍾意嘅甜品之-❤️呢度嘅高力豆沙大大嚿,入面d豆沙又夠多,沾上糖粉,質感鬆軟又唔會太甜,正😋✨拔絲蘋果✨ $78上枱嘅時候店員就提醒我哋要將d拔絲蘋果放入涷水「過冷河」,過程幾好玩😆過完冷河之後,包裹住蘋果既糖漿即時變到脆脆哋,食落外脆內軟,口感都幾得意😎既有糖嘅甜味又有蘋果嘅微酸,超好味😋餐廳食物幾高質⭐️價錢亦唔貴😍餸菜仲大大碟添,係多人聚餐嘅好地方👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-13
這是我第二次來到這間餐廳,這間餐廳便宜又好吃,我們兩個人吃了很多,埋單先至$312。唯一美中不足嘅就係每次嚟都好多人,經常需要等位,上菜時間也比較慢。我沒有在其他時間來過,每次也是週末晚上,或者其他時間會比較少人。我們叫了:北京填鴨(半隻)(跟一份摩摩皮約20塊)Beijing Roast Duck (Half)$168(我們兩個人叫了半隻北京填鴨, 份量大,足夠三人吃)地三鮮$78Fried Potato, Capsicum & Eggplant(炒菜很有鑊氣,配合特別的醬汁一起炒很惹味)高力豆沙(2件) Deep Fried Egg White Ball $26(新鮮炸起的豆沙波,外面包着糖,裏面包着紅豆餡,十分好吃)豆漿(凍)Soybean Milk$ 10白飯Rice$10茶位 (兩人)Tea (2 person)$10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-03
✨大角咀·老掌櫃東北菜✨🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹朋友帶我試新野,去到門口見到好多人排隊,不過都好快入座☺️我地嗌左鮮蝦肉餃配全蛋麵,啖啖肉又飽肚😋糖糟魚片是高分之作,攞左撈麵一流!小食叫左海蜇同豆沙鍋餅,好爽脆,好香脆🤤🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸▪️美味指數:😋😋😋😋😋▪️餐廳環境:✨✨✨✨✨▪️服務質素:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I used to work in Tai Kok Tsui and dined at Lao Zhang Gui from time to time because of the large portions and cheap prices. Happened to be around that area and realized they have already moved to a way bigger shop.◆白菜豬肉餃 Pork & Cabbage DumplingsServed with black vinegar and spicy bean sauce. Balanced amount of meat and veggies. Smooth wrapper. Juicy filling.◆秘製杭州骨 Hangzhou Style RibsServed right after ordering. Appetizing sweet and vinegary sauce. Loads of bite size ribs with onion, fried potato cubes and pineapple.◆乾煸四季豆 Fried Beans w/ Minced MeatStir-fried beans mixed with savory minced pork. Full of wok hay. Enough for 3-4 people to share.The restaurant was already fully seated at around 7pm on a weekday so it's recommended to make a reservation in advance. Would also like to try other signature dishes like Peking duck and lamb dumplings. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)