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All Branches (70)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
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Review (7)
之前我在奇華有食過竹炭味,綠茶紅豆味,相當足料,而且蛋糕口感綿綿,相當唔錯當日想用alipay coupon,所以入去睇下之前我住荃灣,綠楊坊分店長期都有客人入去買麵包,蛋糕同唐餅但始終呢區o既街坊同荃灣區唔係咁多老街坊自然次次經過華餅都係職員多過人客...我覺得奇餅的麵包蛋糕同唐餅都一樣出色,味道真係好食過同樣做唐餅的老字號餅店- 泰昌餅家在將軍澳廣場果間分店早前已經執左..我見呢款伯爵茶瑞士卷,之前從未見過,買來試下~奇華出的曲奇餅同蛋糕都係好香茶味呢款也不例外~cream唔會好多,岩晒我不過呢個瑞士卷系列我最不太喜歡就係韓國柚子味...味道真係麻麻地..比較甜..應該而家無再推出吧?.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-08
還未踏入12月, 但四處已充滿着濃厚的聖誕氣氛, 各大商場都放了聖誕樹、掛上裝飾物、閃着聖誕燈、播着聖誕歌, 很有feel, 而各間商店和食店都紛紛推出聖誕節產品, 的確是時間揀定聖誕禮物送給摯愛親朋, 不知大家有沒有心水呢? 而我就很幸福, 一早已收到朋友送上的祝福, 是我們一家人很喜歡的奇華餅家食品。***************************朋友送了兩款聖誕限定禮盒給我們一家, 兩盒的設計都充滿聖誕的色彩。有以兩隻小熊貓為題的兩口子熊貓曲奇禮盒 Assorted Panda Cookies ($78), 是聖誕限量版, 兩口子熊貓戴上聖誕帽, 含情脈脈望着對方, 一起過白色聖誕, 雖天氣寒冷, 但兩口子一起, 很溫暖啊!內有18件熊貓造型的曲奇, 分別有朱古力熊貓曲奇 和草莓熊貓曲奇, 各9件, 樣子可愛得意。還記得上年送了幾塊給姪仔吃, 他便成為了熊貓fans, 不單止喜歡它們的樣子, 亦喜歡它們的鬆脆, 還有濃郁的朱古力味道和香甜的草莓味道, 也令姪仔停不了口, 哈! 好吧! 那就將這盒熊貓曲奇留待聖誕節時送給他, 逗他開心。***************************而另一盒的設計也同樣滿載聖誕色彩, 以一座紅色的大城堡為主, 城堡門口有兩隻麋鹿, 而旁邊就站了兩個胡桃夾子, 並以聖誕樹、雪花、星星作為背景圖, 構成一個白色的冬日聖誕。不知城堡裏是否正在開聖誕派對呢? 真的很想走進內裏過一個白色聖誕。把這盒聖誕糖果曲奇禮盒 Christmas Gift Set ($88)打開, 嘩! 很豐富呀! 共有四款小食, 分別有6件杏仁朱古力曲奇、6件小紅莓牛油曲奇、2包黑白芝麻蝴蝶酥和1包手製鳥結糖。我和兩老都急不及待馬上拆開, 逐一品嚐。先吃兩款啲骰的圓形曲奇, 每件都獨立包裝, 方便攜帶, 口痕的時候便可隨時拿出來吃, 真為食, 哈! 曲奇 相當鬆化, 帶有牛油香, 但並不油膩, 而甜度亦適中, 讚! 小紅莓牛油曲奇 Butter Cookies with Cranberry混入不少煙煙韌韌的紅莓乾, 雙重口感之餘, 酸酸甜甜的味道很討老媽喜歡。而愛吃果仁的老爸當然很喜歡杏仁朱古力曲奇 Chocolate Cookies with Sliced Almond, 杏仁片分佈平均, 每咬一口都香脆可口, 香濃的朱古力加上杏仁香, 配搭美味。兩款曲奇都很美味, 但我還是最愛黑白芝麻蝴蝶酥 Sesame Palmiers, 一包共有3件, 一打開袋子, 便聞到牛油香中夾雜芝麻香, 味道濃郁。每件蝴蝶酥 都色澤金黃, 捲着黑白芝麻粒, 一咬開便看到層層的酥皮, 相當香脆酥化, 香濃的牛油中帶有甘香的芝麻, 最欣賞是甜度剛好, 甜而不膩, 叫人停不了口。最後便嚐手製鳥結糖 Handmade Nougat, 1包8粒, 每粒都有兩層包裝紙緊緊包裹着, 乾淨衞生。手製果然不同, 其中一個特點就是外表並不公整, 但嘀下去多一份情、多一份温暖。煙煙韌韌的糖身加入香脆的花生粒, 雙重口感, 香濃奶味中嚐到花生香, 香甜而不膩, 放在口中慢慢嘀最滋味。------------------------------朋友把這份甜蜜幸福送到我們一家中, 除了嚐到各款小食的甜美之外, 也感受都對方對我們的心思, 大家都甜在心頭。老爸決定買幾盒送給親友作為聖誕禮物, 把這份甜蜜幸福傳出去, 不知你們又準備了聖誕禮物嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-13
口痕痕想食嘢,係附近行下,周圍睇下有咩食,俾我見到奇華,好懷念佢既拿破崙,見到就既刻買黎回味下。 好仲意拿破崙既口感,脆脆地,香香既牛油味,不同層次既口感,中間夾住點奶油,咬落好似有幾層唔同既口感,好味道。 店員仲推介推廣緊既一只椰子奶,加8蚊就可以買黎試下。 奶味比椰子味重,不是太甜,都ok好飲,不過就係細杯左啲,幾啖就無曬了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
For Chinese New Year, people will be busy stocking up on snacks and festive food.At Kee Wah, they have quite a few festive treats and gift boxes.There is a Panda Chinese New Year Gift set which make great gifts, inside the box there are Panda cookies, Ricecakes, White sesame and peanut puff pastries, Handmade black date candies with walnut and Handmade crunchy pumpkin seed candies.For palmier lovers, there is a box of palmiers and almond crisps, which make good gifts for the elderly.As well as the gift sets, there are also traditional snacks for the New Year.+++++++++++++++++++++Palmiers and almond crisps box:This box contains almond crisps and palmiers, which make the perfect gift for the elderly or people who do not like sweets.The palmiers were crispy with a buttery taste.As for the almond crisps they were crispy with a thin sweet coating of icing sugar and crunchy almonds on top.+++++++++++++++++++++Panda Chinese New Year Gift Set:Great and addictive treats.My favourites are the buttery panda cookies and the chewy sweet black date candies.Panda cookies:Ricecakes:White sesame and peanut puff pastry:Handmade black date candy with walnut:Handmade crunchy pumpkin seed candy+++++++++++++++++++++Traditional snacks:Ricecakes:Crispy egg crisps:These are savoury and flavoured with my favourite red beancurd.White sesame and peanut puff pastrySesame crunchies:+++++++++++++++++++++ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-18
阿媽的友人早前送禮上來拜年,就送了奇華蝴蝶酥,我一直有買其他品牌,奇華冇吃過,今次可以試下,奇華最出名是月餅同嫁女喜餅,奇華成為香港手信名牌,我平時少買奇華,蝴蝶酥一向買四重奏,今次試下奇華,這盒獨立包裝,1盒内有6包,1包有3塊蝴蝶酥,我覺得味道幾好,十分香脆,估唔到奇華蝴蝶酥出奇地好吃,今次感謝阿媽友人送來禮盒食物水準蝴蝶酥,我覺得幾好吃,十分香口 ,又好脆價錢唔知道,因為是別人送禮盒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)