Exit F, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Enjoying a chic design with a stunning central bar, M bar serves a selection of rare, small batch spirits sourced from around the world, liqueurs handcrafted in-house, re-imagined classic cocktails, and cuisine by Chef Pierre Gagnaire. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
15:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
17:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (23)
Level4 2019-09-05
從來不愛政治,覺得虛假、覺得骯髒;但這幾個月來,為了對這城市的愛,香港人再也不能獨善其身了。 真的,這幾個月來,香港人真的不知流了多少淚、心碎了多少回... 去到昨天,能算是一場小勝利嗎?也許是,但離目標還遠呢。還好,這晚除了看法相近的可愛朋友,還有由 Perfume Trees Gin 白蘭樹下 調製出來的特色 Cocktail,帶來點點色彩及歡樂。   相信不少酒友都知道,白蘭樹下是首款香港本土釀造的 Gin 酒,帶有白蘭花、檀香、陳皮、龍井和當歸的芬芳香氣,是屬於香港人的 Gin 酒。在9月4及5日兩晚,品牌與文華東方聯手合作,帶來帶檸檬及接骨木花香氣的 Perfume & P、酒味較明顯的 Pegroni No.2,以及有著紫荊花的 Hong Kong's Spirit 三款 Cocktail s,每杯 $185。日後如再有機會遇上,酒鬼們不妨去感受一下那份獨特清幽香氣~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日小編食個LUXE既點心LUNCH,選擇左呢度而唔係Man Wah文華廳因為1)小編年初三至去完文華廳2)都已經一段日子冇黎M BAR食Lunch啦,對上一次已經大約4年前。嘩,真係好耐LU。今日小編和同事二人BOOK左12:30兩位,話說小編昨天BOOK台既時候,SERVER話點心Lunch既名額系10位,嘩,小編心念甘珍貴? Lunch限額系10人,都好既,起碼人數限定左,質素都有一定保證。本來BOOK台係比我老細見客,點知老細臨時轉場去左第二度,所以小編就唔想浪費呢個QUOTA就同同事去食啦。我們二人大約12:25分到達,一出LIFT口就見到個RECEPTION姐姐黎GREET客,我地話M BAR食Lunch,渠就即時唔理我地,乜M BAR食Lunch好失禮人架?真心唔知,眼見M BAR得一個BARTENDER系度努力工作,我地都唔敢打擾,等渠忙完幫客人埋單我地就話兩位已有BOOKING,渠都好細心甘即刻帶位,都算係甘啦。對住海景食Lunch寧舍感覺唔同D,呢度我個人認為冇文華廳甘FORMAL同埋拘謹,如果唔係傾公事,同朋友同事黎呢度食Lunch都係唔錯選擇,只係下次如果一出LIFT口又見到RECEPTION姐姐就千萬唔理渠,直接忽略渠就算啦。又唔係M BAR既人又阻鬼住曬。討厭!最討厭系一知道我地唔係文華廳就立時比面色我睇,D小朋友真心唔知定。講返D食物質素,其實出品自文華廳,所以質素一定有GUARANTEED,氣氛輕鬆好多,之後加入既FLOOR MANAGER都招呼好好,問我地食物OK唔OK(小編心念最唔OK咪就係你隔離O個間野既RECEPTION囉!對住個維多利亞海港食Lunch真係條氣都順返一半,否則一定寫信去MO問下渠地究竟點樣TRAIN STAFF架?乜原來唔係渠地餐廳既客就可以對其他餐廳的客無禮既咩?都係O個句,算數,食物質素高,M BAR既STAFF全部都好好,小編我至唔再追究。如果大家想試文華廳,可以黎呢度小試牛刀,食下個Light Lunch然後晚飯就食文華廳,始終小編覺得文華廳既Lunch既價錢唔太值得,Lunch平均大約500一味,但如果MBAR同樣食點心就只需要360元,所以呢小編覺得M BAR系抵食好多,渠個點心MENU有素菜選擇添,真係好貼心架。對於女士黎講絕對夠食,男士呢可能就會差少少,但環境服務都一流,甘既價錢絕對抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-02-04
星期六夜晚八點半上去,個staff問我知道得我一條友,就話不如比個望景既位比我!這個位係全場最好既位,正對超大海景絕對打卡點!單單衝住呢個service我已經要比一百個讚!!!呢個位對好似我呢d單身汪而言,呢個係最貼心的考慮,無人陪都有個靚景陪嘛xd 有了這個貼心服務和超靚的景,讓我頓時忘記了所有,真係夫復何求啊~~~場地不算大,目測大概容納到40-50個座位。這晚不算多人,感覺都挺鬆動安靜。一坐下來,staff 就給了3本menu,分別是食物,餐酒類同鷄尾酒。而下酒小食有兩盤 - nuts同焗秋葵。秋葵係酒吧出現呢下真係少見,個人十分鍾意。我之前上官網看見佢個cocktail menu好吸引,所以今晚都只叫了cocktail。首先我叫了個bamboo,詳細材料可以去官網找下。我最記得的大概有橙苦酒,而且menu上寫明這酒是在竹筒内陳釀了一個月,只看個menu description都覺得十分文華東方。果然一上桌,實物真是有點驚艷。玻璃杯下面墊有一塊新鮮竹葉,cocktail那股橙味濃烈的程度,係我這個千年鼻塞都聞到,而且不是假橙味!初入口的時候,會讓人想起上一輩人私伙釀的什麽十全大補酒,但再呷多一口就知道不是那種補酒的中藥味,而是濃厚陳酒的味道。色香味相互的配合,令人感受到東方神秘且豐厚的底蘊,難怪這個是M bar的第一號signature cocktail。第二杯cocktail 是Old Tom Julep。這款酒是在我選擇困難地挑了幾款酒後,再由waiter 幫我從中挑選的。 根據他的描述,這款酒和桃子一起blend,口感較乾,比較容易嘗到Gin的味道,他目測比較少女性喜歡。但基於我上一杯係重口味,佢就建議我選呢個做第二杯。這杯cocktail個樣一上來就十分wild,半個切開的桃子連核放在杯面做裝飾。這款酒加左Elder flower 和香檳,口味少甜清新,還有大量碎冰,個人認爲頗適合在夏天飲。最後一杯相信是女士首選 - Hong Kong Legend,荔枝+vodka +桂花陳酒+lime,一看就知是甜甜的容易入口。酒杯是靚靚的修長曲綫形態,杯底有些莓類糖漿。上桌時,waiter會在你面前把乳白色的cocktail倒入有粉紅糖漿的酒杯,營造出化開的漸變效果。酒面上還浮了一些乾莓碎,美觀之餘增添口感。不過我就覺得荔枝味太重,蓋過了桂花酒的味道,如果不是太接受酒味的女生們可以試試這款。酒好,服務也一樣好。我係中途飲到一半時想去個洗手間,便請staff幫忙看住我的東西。在我回來時,那個哥哥真的就站在我的座位後面,這讓我覺得很安心。埋單的時候我順道寫了comment card,經理小姐看了之後,在找錢給我時主動地認真回應我的意見。這晚坐係到4個鐘,除了一路嘆之外,亦一邊觀察周遭的環境配套服務等各樣東西,才不得不佩服這裏。我想文華之所以是一個品牌,正正是因為在每一項細節上都有要求,才能一點一滴地構造出一幅perfect picture。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
作為一個土生土長嘅香港人 又點會喺香港酒店食早餐buffet呀 所以我決定寫一個早餐buffet嘅食評 以我第一間食嘅就係呢一間 Mo Bar 客人絕大部份都係外國人 大家都好安靜 但係有個特點就係個個都著得好靚 絕對唔係着住睡衣就落黎 除咗buffet嗰度可以隨便拎嘢食之外 佢仲有個餐牌俾你點 咁我就揀咗egg benedict 味道普普通通 唔算十分出色 食物選擇唔算十分之多 但係佢環境擺位都好靚 全部都好精緻 最驚喜係呢款原隻火腿 佢用左蜜糖原隻燒 好好味 好juicy Yogurt全部都係用Greek yogurt 細細玻璃杯 加生果蓉 好fresh 如果有機會真係可以黎試下 香港人 relax下啦😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was interesting coming back to here. I used to patron MO Oriental since I was like 1.5 Years old. Back then the decoration was so different, I used to see Celebrities walk in and out, I do remember where the 1st Floor Lounge was located and where the toilets hid behind the Brand Shops. And the Afternoon tea lounge used to carry a Caramelised Grapes item for their Afternoon Tea, The Mandarin Grill Bar gave out flowers to the ladies and also cigars to the men by each visit. Such were the days. I guess nostalgic memories do really affect a foodie to some way. It was fun whilst it lasted, and when my mom brought me every week for afternoon tea but I guess it was more on pride, you know how it really worked in HK back then. But I did remembered the taste at least. The M Bar above? I have seen my utmost idols come here as well. Like Michelle Reis, ok that’s all I need to remember. She got married but was supreme hot really attractive even recently. Somehow it was good to be back here with fellow foodies and as a Catch up with the MO Team for a Cocktail and some snacks and a lot has changed these years. . Samoa Nutty Monkey - SamoaMix scotch, Green apple Schnapps, Toffee and milk. Garnished with a nutty doughnut.  Actually this was quite smart. The doughnut concept really wows. This is what I call Smart as a dessert cocktail concept and needs to be pushed online. . Mostly French Cheeses with Bread and Fruit Compotes – $178This was a selection with Brie, Camembert and they said Spanish Manchego, but I believe it is Jarlsberg Cheese. Some people said the Cheese present aren’t at their prime state, but I personally think this isn’t always a given. It takes time to maximize their performance at any one time at all and we have to be patiently waiting for them to ripen up.. ! . Arancini Nano Balls – $168With Mushrooms and Cheese. I expected a stronger performance from both the mushrooms and cheese aspects actually. But that’s just being me...Mini Pulled Burgers –  with Beef Short Rib, Kansas City Rib Sauce, Bone Marrow Mayonnaise $208All I can say is, speak when you put more Meat than Veggies. I know not all Hong Kongers love too much meat, but to me if you are going down this American path you might as well make a Statement with more meat. Certainly some customers will come for this recipe with the lovely Cocktails. ~ 6/10. The Right Cocktail had a Colored Chocolate Leaf - It was so Autumny and befitting the Season, even though if this season it was falling slightly behind in the colder weather. Posting a bit late but here were supposedly Celebrating about Rugby World Cup 2015. Fiji Fizz – Fiji Made of Rum, Blue Curaçao, Mint and Lime juice in a Martini glass with Champagne. This was made nicely and balanced.********************* Price: $250 + 10% (Meal by Invitation)Food: ♕♕♕♕ Drinks: ♕♕♕♕♕ 1/2Address: 中環干諾道中5號香港文華東方酒店25樓M Bar, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Connaught Road, Central HKPh: 2825 4002 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)