4-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
17:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (72)
Level4 2022-10-28
Nasi Goreng Babi Komplit $128 🍚(8.5/10)雞肉炒飯加上臘腸 蘑菇跟紅椒醬 還放上一個炒蛋 也可以換成豬肉 這對我來講有點太辣 臘腸的鹹香味很突出 炒飯炒得蠻乾的 粒粒分明 份量很多 當天3個人分享吃也夠吃呢 Gulai Udang Ach 🍛 $128 (8/10)慢煮大蝦咖喱 配上蒸飯跟蒜蓉脆餅 蝦蠻大隻的 有5到6隻 肉汁彈牙 沒有吃到雪藏味 可能是因為調味也相對比較重 這個咖喱反而比剛才的炒飯不辣 比較稀 不像印度咖喱那種這麼濃稠Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang 🍢 $98 (9.5/10)吃印尼菜當然不能錯過串燒呢 點了雞肉沙爹串燒 一共有5串 雞肉很嫩 而且本身調了味 配上花生醬還帶點花生碎真的超好吃呢 表面還灑了一些炸蔥花 大推這個!很惹味 旁邊還放了一個飯糰 不過意味地是冷的 而且味道比較淡 建議配上串燒一起吃比較好 OVERALL: 大推薦🤩 (9/10)這區少有的印尼餐廳 比想像中大很多呢 還有很多沙發位置跟長桌子 如果跟一群朋友聚會 這也是不錯的選擇 午市套餐也蠻划算 份量很大 而且人流不多 餐廳沒有限時可以慢慢坐 有些人還會在這邊工作呢 很喜歡他木系的裝潢 很有異國風情呢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
西环既不乏优秀的餐厅,又不是预约困难户,跟中上环好一点的餐厅动辄800+的人均相比,性价比轻松稳赢。·土豆头是JIA Group旗下主打印尼菜的餐厅酒吧,对各种香料游刃有余的运用把我惊艳到了,整体着力突出浓墨重彩的复合辛香,咸而不腻,辣得利爽,吃完并不会有那种味精加多了疯狂找水喝的冲动。份量相当不错,两个人点4个菜都足够,重点是都很!好!吃!·宽敞的店面和共享长桌适合多人聚会,气氛非常chill,对空间功能的划分也考虑周到 —— 靠门边的座位被很嗨的音乐环绕,靠里面的座位相对安静很多,聊天友好。·【🥔加多加多】经典印尼开胃菜Gado Gado,大杂烩沙律像一座小山一样堆得高高,典型的看起来是啥、吃起来真香系列。·不是第一次吃Gado Gado,但跟它一比感觉之前吃过的都是冒牌。菜和土豆为主,其余食材也很丰富,最喜欢的除了炸蒜片,还有在香港并不多见的天贝,嚼起来柔韧有力。·浓稠的酱汁是它的灵魂所在,质地接近稀释一点的花生酱,味道有点像沙嗲,但还更能拉开醇度和厚度。饱满的坚果醇香与香料的咸香齐头并进,深深地润泽着每一种食材,难舍难分。·【🐂仁当牛肉】大块高质的牛肉就赢在了起跑线上,肉质瘦而不柴,也完全不卡牙。·牛肉在炖至酥烂的同时,又保留了厚墩墩的肉感,一丝丝筋络像是海绵一样,将咖喱香椰香全尽吸收,入味极佳。调味也绝了,恨不得来一碟酱汁拌饭!·【🐟烤盲曹鱼】鲈鱼的一种,在东南亚菜的烤鱼中比较常见,特点是肉质绵软细嫩,通常只要码料到位,用芭蕉叶包烧一下就香气逼人。·适合分享的菜式,鱼肉被佐料盖得严严实实,鲜味释放出蛋白质的信号,回味是姜味的微辛,直接吃都很销魂,一旁搭配的辣椒椰子油salsa反倒有些多余。·【🍆茄子巴拉多】也是一道印尼传统菜,巨大的茄子切块淹没在一片红艳艳的辣椒碎之中,一端上桌就忍不住开始拼命吞口水。·看起来辣,但绝不是把人一口打闷的辣,也不是跟前几道菜如出一辙的辣。是一种新鲜微辣的滋味,仿佛茄子刚刚采摘下来,透着水灵和滑嫩,用手捣香料腌好,油而不腻,还有一缕清新的蒜香。·西环的餐厅毕竟不像中上环那么商务性,工作日晚上过了7点才慢慢有上座率,我俩从日落时分吃到屋外天色全黑,还短暂地包了场。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🌃 環境 (4/5)成日聽d外國朋友講起呢間餐廳,話食物唔錯氣氛好好,今次終於黎試~ Potato Head係西營盤地鐵站附近,入到去果然好東南亞風情,好chill🤩😋 食物 (4.5/5)🍢 Sate Ayam Madura $125 雞沙爹串好味!雞肉烤得好嫩,花生醬裡面有粒粒花生碎,面頭落埋炸蔥花,好香濃惹味🥜 伴碟嘅米糕都幾有咬口,必食😛 🐟 Gohu Ikan Tuna $148 吞拿魚沙律裡面有青蘋果粒同腰果,再用檸檬汁撈埋一齊,好開胃🤤 🥗 Gado Gado Kaum $98印尼加多加多沙律🥗 椰菜、薯仔、番茄用花生醬撈埋一齊,配埋蛋食,好味但都好重口味😆 🥩 Rendang Daging Sapi $118食到呢度其實已經飽飽地🫣 牛肉煮到好腍,香料味好重🌿份量都好足,都有成5-6舊!🥡 Mie Goreng Jawa $128我地仲嗌埋個印尼炒麵🥡 炒麵加左d印尼甜豉油,帶少少甜味,味道都係一貫地偏濃,但都唔錯😋 🍰 Honeycomb Cake就算飽到上心口都要食甜品!印尼黃金糕,食落有好濃郁嘅牛油香同蜜糖味,兩個人share啱啱好🍰........Authentic Indonesian cuisine in Saiwan. Love the chill and relaxing Bail vibe, very affordable for happy hour 🥂 Food are very authentic and the portions are extreme generous 😋 Perfect spot for group gathering!! 🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-05-07
Having lunch in the indonesian restaurant in Sai Ying Pun. The restaurant is decorated in Southeast Asia style. Very relaxing and chill. Food are great as well~Specially recommended:🥗Gohu ikan tunaStarting with the tuna salad mixed with coconut oil, pomelo, green apple and cashews. Refreshing and appetizing~🍢Sate ayam bumbu kacangChicken skewers with satay is a must for indo food~ Chicken is so juicy🍚Nasi goreng babi komplitFried rice with chili paste, chicken and fried egg on top~ Hot and yummy~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-04-17
I’m not Indonesian but I did have an Indonesian Chinese boyfriend of 5 years and had visited Indonesia frequently, so I would say I am somewhat familiar with Indonesian cuisine I don’t miss my ex but I do miss Indonesian food. I admit I was a little skeptical about this restaurant at first- it seemed overpriced and gimmicky. Finally I got to try this weekend and must say I was pleasantly surprised and impressed. Spices and flavours were on point, and service was excellent. We tried their brunch which comes with all you can eat starters + one main + one dessert platter, and while we were super full and everything tasted great, I can’t help but feel that the price was just a little expensive. However, we did get 20% discount on food due to their Covid promotion (a welcome surprise, we only knew about the discount when we got the bill), so we ended up paying only around 500 pp, which includes the cost of filtered still water and a mocktail.I really dig the vibe here and I think it would be a great place to host parties and group gatherings. Definitely a venue I would consider for a special occasion or future birthday celebration! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)