1-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
This Michelin ramen brand from Tokyo specializes in cowry soup base. It is cooked with big clams, pork bones and fish, which is very umami. continue reading
Additional Information
The bill be rounded to the nearest dollar
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
*Mon-Thu Last order: 21:30; Fri-Sun Last order: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (231)
獲獎一星的東京拉麵店,其中有一間在香港可以吃到。金色不如帰 主打貝汁拉麵,使用蜆湯、豬骨清湯和魚清湯來熬製。湯底鮮美是特點,還有就是那金黃色的湯頭很有標誌性呢。中環分店設有吧桌位置,一個人來吃也沒有問題。🍜貝汁醬油拉麵 (HKD 128)加了牛肝菌粉及牛肝菌醬油和黑松露醬,增加了湯底的濃郁度﹐十分惹味。另外配搭了青蔥和京蔥,吃時能增添一份清爽感。低溫叉燒肥瘦適中,麵條則有一種小麥香。🍜貝汁鹽味拉麵 (HKD 128)相對起前者這個會清爽和淡味一些﹐因為加了的是白松露油和牛肝菌醬而已,甜味較突出。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間連續四年獲得米芝蓮一星嘅拉麵店,係香港都開咗好幾年,(說來慚愧🤣)直到今時今日先去試,銅鑼灣有間姊妹店叫“牡蠣不如帰”,我一直諗試咗邊間先好呢,最後揀咗先試貝汁拉麵🍜!⠀拉麵款式選擇唔算多,貝汁主題最signature一定係貝汁鹽味/醬油拉麵,當日我就選擇咗“貝汁鹽味拉麵”。雖然望落黃金色嘅湯頭唔算太令人curious,但叉燒上嘅牛肝菌醬撈匀成個由蜆貝、豚骨同魚熬成嘅湯底,令當中嘅貝味更加鮮,絕對生色不少👍🏻。同行嘅另一半嗌咗“貝汁醬油拉麵”,我試過個湯底可能加咗醬油嘅關係,相對嚟講貝汁嘅鮮味冇咁出,亦因為加多咗牛肝菌油嘅關係,牛肝菌味比貝汁鮮味更搶眼。如果喜歡食到最鮮嘅貝類味道,建議嗌鹽味;相反唔係特別喜歡鮮味嘅,可以選擇醬油或者其他款式拉麵。另外我地仲嗌咗“自家製豚肉煎餃”🥟,雖然佢係煎嘅,但比起坊間嘅煎餃子唔算油膩,當中餡料豐富,點少量醋可以增加豚肉香氣,呢款小食都係可推薦。⠀對佢嘅印象都幾好,如果下次食拉麵會想試吓牡蠣不如帰,蠔嘅鮮味應該更加明顯🤣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-01
是日準備要去AIA嘉年華玩,晚餐就打算近近地喺IFC搵間餐廳快食。撞啱天氣凍,就揀食拉麵暖暖身🍜我叫咗⭕️貝汁醬油拉麵⭕️ $128拉麵嘅湯底清甜,feel到有蜆湯嘅味道👍🏻對比於朋友嘅貝汁鹽味拉麵,我會鍾意醬油多啲,多幾分甜味。叉燒同拉麵不過不失👌🏼另外加錢叫咗隻糖心蛋,係分開上的,也是普普通通,冇驚喜,亦唔算難食。根據餐牌介紹,入面加咗牛肝菌醬及黑松露醬。我個人就幾鍾意黑松露💕 但牛肝菌嘅味道令我有啲「出戲」唔太夾😂所以我快快脆一啖飲晒啲牛肝菌醬就算🥶舖頭容納人數頗大,除咗梗枱亦有吧枱。員工尚算殷勤,見到你舉手會好快回應,亦好有禮貌👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-10
The service was awful and not baby-friendly. My family went there for lunch on the first day of Chinese New Year, and the staff really ruined our mood. We ordered 4 bowls of noodles and a bowl of rice with pork for the baby who was not able to eat as fast as adults. Not long after the rice got cold, and we asked if anyone could help to reheat it for the baby, but we were refused which was quite unexpected for us since this was not the first time we asked for the same thing in a restaurant. However, this was our first time to get refused (the staff told us they could not reheat up the food, seems quite ridiculous to me). In order to reheat food and milk for the 18mons baby, we asked for a large bowl of boiled water instead (since there was no reheating service). Still, we got treated very impatiently. I never expected such terrible service in a Michelin star restaurant which I would not recommend to anyone and never come again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-08
今次試食嘅金色不如帰,你話,貝汁湯底同磅蟹湯拉麵嘅組合,真喺有啲厲害。個湯底嘅海鮮味真喺幾正🐚,飲落去每一啖都夠晒味,夠香夠鮮,再加上酸奶油,天哪,正喇!個黃金蟹肉餃子,外皮咬落去又脆又有嚼勁,但蟹味唔夠哂突出;我覺得加多啲醬油可能會令味道更飛躍。而家講下招牌貝汁鹽味拉麵嘅部分,真喺想大讚一番呀👏,個湯頭鮮美得嚟唔膩,添咗黑松露醬,個味道即時爆燈!面條彈牙得來唔過分硬淨,正正好好。最後,我都試咗鳥皮烏賊揚,啲烏賊球條條脆口,個芥末醬又夠晒型,真喺細細粒心思,好過癮!呢間店,心情低落或者想犒賞下自己嗰時,嚟吓食碗暖笠笠嘅拉麵,絕對是煥然一新嘅體驗。呢度嘅料理真喺勁,麵食愛好者唔該錯過!🍜🥢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)