Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
Level2 2020-11-28
早幾年喺坑口打波, 打完間唔中都會同班friends一齊去食Lunch。我幾乎每次去都係點佢ge薩摩雞定食。前菜 主食 白飯一碗 飲品 甜品, 加埋都係60蚊香飯唔夠食仲有得添食。個薩摩雞煎得好好,肉質嫩滑又 juicy。一路吃好吃ge lunch, 一路同friends吹水,感覺愉快~可惜如今重遊舊地, 赫然發現已經結業,令人倍感可惜😿所以決定為呢間曾經給我不少美好回憶ge小店留返個食評。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身住將軍澳區,聽聞坑口村果邊新開左間日本餐廳,見得閒就去一試究竟~記得要book定位, 因為餐廳既座位唔多,如果walkin未必咁好彩有得食喇  因為book左枱既關係好順利就入到餐廳,環境都幾舒服, 座位幾闊,出面有d露天位, 坐出邊就要食風喇, 事關依排冬天都幾凍下~睇睇餐牌先, 大部份午餐都5十零蚊有交易,叫麵餐既會跟沙律, 蒸蛋/溏心蛋同甜品,叫飯餐就會跟前菜, 蒸蛋/溏心蛋, 麵豉湯同甜品,同朋友一人嗌左一個餐,大約5分鐘前菜/沙律就送到~前菜係醃製過既食物, 好似係蘿蔔(?),味道就覺得麻麻地, 因為我唔係太鍾意酸既食物 沙律都幾fresh, 好新鮮,隻溏心蛋都唔錯, 咬開仍見入面有流心,聽朋友講有時會有蒸蛋, 蒸蛋蒸得好滑, 質素都幾唔錯,不過就要睇彩數睇果日有咩喇~芝麻雞翼豬骨湯鳥冬($48)話咁快食完前菜, 主食就送到,個豬骨湯好香濃, 烏冬係用稻庭烏冬, 非常彈牙,而雞翼都炸得好香脆, 內裡就仲保有鮮嫩既雞肉,烏冬控唔好錯過 和風牛肉定食 ($48)麵豉湯偏咸, 覺得麻麻地,個牛肉定食既外表有d似吉野家既牛肉飯,不過食落又有驚喜, 牛肉幾高質,加埋日本珍珠米同煮到冧晒既洋蔥, 估唔到又幾好味 到最後仲有每人一球雪糕,朋友話每次都有唔同既味道,不過就冇得揀, 果日派咩就要食咩味喇,今次係柚子味, 酸酸地又幾fresh,有d手作雪糕既味道, 依隻比較似係雪葩,但都唔錯 整體黎講, $48食到咁既質素, 又包前菜又有雪糕,十分唔錯,會再黎光顧, 試下其他既日式定食!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-12-10
見到41個讚來食,全店得一檯人食緊。三文魚腩上來係普通三文魚,刺身散收收,燒牛舌、燒一口和牛似橡膠,燒蔬果全部燒到乾無曬水分,不如去元氣。全單差唔多500,真係好恐怖😱😱😱😱😱 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-11-13
今日去到坑口食午餐。女人話有間性價比奇高的日食店。中午有精選午市套餐。由沙律、蒸蛋、主食到甜品。都係50蚊左右。真係堅抵食。主菜前先黎個煮蛋👍內𥚃仲有蟹柳、菇。叉燒烏冬配地獄湯。稻庭烏冬比較彈牙,不像平常的中式烏冬,一煮就爛。雖然叫地獄湯,但其實不太辣,容易入口。雪糕酸酸甜甜,有少少柚子皮係裡面。平民日式店,有空要黎多幾次😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-11-03
As recommended by the post in Open Rice, I tried the launch of this restaurant with my family.  However, we were very disappointed with the food, service and environment.  Firstly, we were seated outside where there was heavy rain outside.  We found that the table, chairs and especially the cover outside are very dirty.  It is of low standard environment.Secondly, we ordered 3 lunch sets.  All of them were NOT of good quality at all.  The rice was cold and hard. The Salmon fish was NOT fresh and just small amount and NO taste. Thirdly, we have to wait for a long time for serving the food.  We wanted to change seats but not entertained. All of them were of low quality standard.  However, the price were much higher than the standard Japanese restaurant in Pop corn.   Thus, this restaurant is NOT recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)