Restaurant: BRICK LANE (The Wai)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

5-min walk from Exit B, Tai Wai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
受到東倫敦 Brick Lane 多元化氛圍啟發,BRICK LANE 提供傳統的英式美食與創新的現代元的烹飪結合,主打英式酒館風的菜式 。其特色菜餚包括英式全日早餐、班尼迪蛋、炸魚薯條英式下午茶和多汁牛扒等。附加资料:BRICK LANE 大圍店內的設計精心體現了東倫敦Stratford區的獨特精神。其中最引人注目的設計之一是一面專門用來展示倫敦著名天際線剪影的牆壁,包括倫敦橋和倫敦眼的圖案。 continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (96)
呢間餐廳以單車作主題同朋友圍方睇完戲雖然好多人等位.但效率高唔洗一陣就安排入座✨招牌牛肉漢堡厚厚嘅漢堡有份量裡面夾著足料牛肉.滲出肉汁好Juicy芝士洋蔥醬,蕃茄牛油生菜薯條✨烤豬肉眼扒成吋厚.口感好豐富必開時肉流湧出加配紫薯薯泥.蔬菜沾上蜂蜜芥末 更惹味✨海蜆白酒意大利麵大大隻海蜆.飽滿新鮮✨Pepperoni Pizza即製熱辣辣.饀料豐富充滿拉絲感.厚薄適中✨招牌綿花糖巧克力鍾意朱古力.一定不能錯過面層舖上粒粒燒過嘅綿花糖份外香甜✨Cappuccino在你層泡沫鮮奶添加單車圖案.香濃幼滑之選 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
是咁的,今年情人節諗住近近地去圍芳食,上OpenRice 搵餐廳,咁啱就搵到呢間好似好多好評,就book左試試佢啦。一開始個湯正正常常不過不失,之後嚟左杯雞尾酒,杯外貼左啲玫瑰,外觀唔錯,飲落都幾適合大眾口味。然後嚟左Scallop Carpaccio同 Baked Portobello ,大啡菇味度正常,但個帶子沙律太酸,味道唔係幾好。跟住到主菜,Duck Confit Pink Risotto同Grilled Ribeye Steak,塊排叫medium,但係嚟左塊好似香口膠咁難咬嘅牛排,個risotto 上邊嘅鴨髀係正常味度嘅,個飯真係有啲難食。最後到甜品,甜品係呢一餐最好食。埋單Total:$1030總結嚟講,咁嘅質素唔值呢個價錢,試過一次就算。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
晚上嗌左set餐食一開頭就比左兩碗湯飲湯碗都比較大 已經佔左張枱好多位之後比帶子前菜枱面開始好逼 跟住女trainee拎住另一盤啡菇前菜黎 佢埋到黎見到張枱冇咩位就講Oh my god但佢冇諗住等我地飲完湯之後上呢碟starter 而係夾硬放搞到好似逼人快啲食咁😪飲完湯 食完前菜 用完既叉放左係碟上面女trainee埋黎收啦佢就講fork 我地冇理佢繼續重覆大聲咁講 fork fork fork我地話 you can take it away佢先肯收比一支新既叉有咁難咩同埋唔想用過既叉食main ccourse都好正常姐最好笑係 我地食main course 嗌左鴨腿紅菜頭risotto份量都多諗住慢慢食食到一半 碟上係仲有飯同肉 女trainee走黎問我地 are you finish?真係黑人問號?女trainee啲服務態度令我以為去左茶記食飯真係唔會再黎食 同唔會介紹朋友黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2023最後一日約咗好朋友去大圍圍坊brick lane食個靚早餐!Brick lane 本身唔係好多分店有早餐,所以想試試佢,叫咗個Benedict eggs with smoked salmon 。一上菜好有驚喜,除咗主角Benedict eggs 仲擺咗啲沙律菜同西柚伴碟,加左少少意大利黑醋,可以中和下本身比較漏嘅Benedict eggs 。成個擺盤都好靚仔。一切開隻雞蛋,啲蛋汁就流晒出嚟!煙三文魚又唔會死咸,好香三文魚味,配埋個麵包一齊食真係超正! 成個早餐set 仲跟一杯餐飲,叫咗杯橙汁,好fresh 唔會死甜,又大大杯咁夠曬飲呀!雖然成個早餐食咗80幾蚊,但啲食物質素同環境都真係唔錯👍值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期日中午1點,open rice 見咁多人like,本身都驚無位,點知嚟到得3成入座。 嘢食唔合格,最差係個聖誕餐嘅牛排,叫7成,來了10成,食前部份都勉強可以,後部份(牛扒食到後半)以經變成擦子膠。個Chessboard ….. 我英國大,未食過一舊硬cheddar切到成隻麻雀咁大咁上枱😅,真係其他食評講嘅英倫風? 英國邊個埠?😅😅 仲有啲cold cut黐實晒,係好實😅。Fish and Chips更無可能係英倫風,一來魚同炸粉一切分開散晒,二來如有係英國style,咁salt and vinegar呢? 唔怪之得無人,但咁多like😅😅,呃咗😅Service態度,係有一個人正常,其他人都係普通standard 之下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)