3-min walk from Exit D, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
It is a slow cook themed restaurant, and wellington beef tenderloin is highly recommended. The all-day breakfast here is so attractive, as you can choose steak or lobster. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1272)
Level3 2023-09-03
朋友話想試就去食,聽聞呢間餐廳都好full,但可能依家太多港人北上少咗人在港消費,連星期五晚竟然 walk in都有位,入座時,侍應話1.5小時用餐時間,當我哋埋單時發現遲咗大約45分鐘,可能餐廳一直未滿座,所以侍應一直都無叫我哋埋單安格斯西冷牛扒(9oz)食落口覺得好淋,一啲都唔un,亦好有牛肉味輕食拼盤有單骨雞翼、炸雞粒、炸蝦、芝士條、薯條菠蘿三文魚薄餅滿滿芝士和三文魚,而且非常足料溫泉蛋芝士大啡菇溫泉蛋配芝士是好夾,唯一是溫泉蛋太流心🤣好多蛋黃汁都流哂出嚟🥹Mojito 比利時玫瑰水果啤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說尋晚突然間好想鋸扒,就搵吓太子深水埗區有啲咩鋸扒嘅地方,見到呢間有成1K笑笑評論諗住都唔會差得去邊,就即管試吓⋯點餐係用電話掃QR code直接落order,但係冇選項俾你揀要幾多成熟,到食物上枱,老實講賣相睇上去係好OK的,肉身對比其他餐廳食開既肉眼佢係偏薄身d但大塊,一切開⋯舊肉係非常之血紅色😨我諗係得三成熟左右?好難切開⋯但朋友叫嘅同一款慢煮安格斯牛佢嗰碟就比較熟番啲。如果食唔到較為生肉或者只能食全熟肉嘅人可能事前要主動去同店員講清楚會比較好。好彩我係可以食偏生肉既人⋯總括而言,呢個價位出嚟咁嘅質素,生熟度都控制唔好,就絕對冇下次😓但杯熱情果梳打特別就幾好飲🍹👌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期五放工之後約咗friend來呢間西餐廳bar度食野🤪太子有兩間慢煮工業,之前去過另外一間,自己就鍾意呢間多啲,呢間嘅嘢食選擇多好多,而且上菜都比較快,一攞起餐牌多嘢食到完全唔知揀咩好🥺啲嘢食價錢唔算好貴而且質素都幾高,cp值唔錯🤩而且佢哋嘅音樂唔算話好大聲,啱晒同friend盡情傾計🥳美式烤豬仔骨🍖$78豬仔骨嘅肉都唔算少,同埋因為慢煮嘅關係,肉質都好嫩滑唔會鞋,醬汁係用咗甜甜地嘅BBQ醬,食落好香好惹味,食到完全停唔到口🤤但會好容易食到全塊面都係醬😋西西里肉醬芝士焗意粉🍝$78呢個意粉喺網上面都見到好多人介紹,一嚟到就見到啲芝士超級多勁厚🤩拉絲可以拉到超高,肉醬亦都正常發揮,有好多肉醬而且食落都好香,不過趁熱食就會再好食啲🤣軟心芝士條🧀$38芝士控一定要嗌🤩入面全部都係芝士而且可以拉到勁長😋外脆內煙韌,啱晒同friend一齊share食,唔會好濟🤪下次都會再食✨慢煮安格斯牛扒三文治🥪配薯餅/薯條🍟$68見到呢個安格斯牛扒三文治都幾多人叫,但可能因為慢煮嘅關係都等得有少少耐,不過同朋友邊傾偈邊等都冇咩所謂嘅😚三文治係用木盒裝住好特別,啱哂用嚟打卡🤓三文治入面夾住左牛扒芝士同生菜,麵包都烘得夠香脆,但今次塊牛扒就有少少韌,不過食落都ok嘅,薯餅就好脆好好味,朋友嘅粗薯條都好出色,見到佢哋其他嘢食好似好吸引🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-20
My first impression seeing this was attractive with the neon sign. But surprisingly there were not many customers there even with such good reviews. The service was pretty normal, the staff were friendly. But what actually got me was the food. The price was cheap considering the surroundings and quality. The food was top notch and the combination that they served was unlike anything else. I recommend carbonara, the cheese is tasty and the egg with the pasta made it a smooth and silky texture, even though I normally dislike eggs. The music inside was neutral, I could concentrate on my work but could also enjoy. Overall, probably the best western food ever. Keep it up restaurant! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-10
Angus Sirloin Steak: The exterior boasted a beautiful sear that locked in the juicy tenderness within. Each bite was a revelation of rich, beefy flavors complemented by the grill's smoky touch. Served with a side of garlic-infused mashed potatoes and roasted seasonal vegetables, this dish was a symphony of taste and texture. Black Truffle Wild Mushroom Angel Noodles: The twirl of delicate angel hair pasta was elegantly dressed in a velvety black truffle sauce that exuded earthy aromas. Each forkful revealed an assortment of wild mushrooms that added a delightful chewiness, perfectly balanced by the truffle's decadence. A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese crowned the dish, enhancing its savory allure.Mexican Spicy Corn Hot Spring Egg Salad:The fresh corn kernels brought a satisfying crunch, while the hot spring egg added a rich creaminess that coated the palate. The blend of Mexican spices provided a playful kick, infusing the dish with a lively heat that was both invigorating and enjoyable. A medley of greens completed the dish, offering a refreshing contrast to the fiery flavors.Soft Heart Cheese Sticks:The contrasting textures of the crispy crust and the velvety cheese center created a delightful dance in the mouth. Served with a tangy tomato dip, these cheese sticks were a comforting treat that evoked memories of childhood snacking. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)