Exit H, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit R, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
A western restaurant with the urban country style, makes use of different high-quality superfoods and local ingredients, so that guests can also taste the taste of nature in the city. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay PayMe
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (398)
一直覺得「野玩田店」這個店名非常特別,以前它還在舊舖址時已經想去。想不到現在才有機會過來iSQUARE店吃一頓晚餐。餐廳空間感都幾足夠,座位闊落。門口附近更是一個種植角落,一盤盤植物苗在生長中。一人一個黑糖餐包,味道正正常常。分別有咸蛋淮山、炸胡椒蝦及魷魚脆條、芝士蘑菇釀雞翼、牛油果粒蛋黃醬酥盒和自家製手工煎蟹餅5款小食。咸蛋淮山幾特別,口感爽脆,被起沙的鹹蛋包裹着,邪惡美味。而自家製手工煎蟹餅就帶少許彈牙感,充滿蟹肉鮮味。炸胡椒蝦及魷魚脆條入口脆卜卜。反而芝士蘑菇釀雞翼就有點遜色,芝士餡比例較少。餅皮經烘香至帶金黃色,口感薄脆。內餡選擇了海鮮口味,夾上了蝦肉、蜆肉、魷魚、洋蔥和青黃椒,頗為豐富。中間還有半溶的芝士把各種配料黏在一起,配上莎莎醬,味道酸酸辣辣夠開胃。乳豬以慢煮形式烹調,所以等侯上枱時間會較長一點。乳豬皮入口非常香脆,豬肉嫩滑juicy。乳豬件帶有少許脂肪層,咀嚼間溢出的油脂令味道更加香。附上德國酸菜和蜜糖芥末汁佐送,減低了乳豬的膩感。配菜分別有焗薯仔和車厘茄,薯仔更是原個烘焗。筆者點了一杯凍蜜桃檸檬茶,而同行友人就點了一杯果杯。2款味道都不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-26
最初諗食咩嘅時候覺得佢個名幾搞笑所以試下。我係喺openrice嗰度book位,咁主餐牌有八折,畀錢嘅時候我哋照畀咗。(完全忘了🙈)後來我哋返轉頭想攞返個折,佢哋都畀返,都ok既 。佢個蒜蓉炒雜菜係幾好食嘅, 又夠香又爽口。 這個是第一個就來的菜,我仲見到啲紫椰菜。即刻覺得又健康咗🤣其他都不過不失啦,環境有啲嘈,不過勝在方便啦, 地鐵站幾分鐘就到👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-25
半自助餐沙律吧就一般啦,如果要加$38食沙律吧就不值啦,另外餐牌有一個$158 淨食沙律吧就更加不值啦,沙律吧食物普通太少選擇,甜品一樣係太少選擇。主菜牛扒和墨西哥海鮮餡餅兩份都好好👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-19
The Shrimp and Lobster Sauce Risotto:As a seafood enthusiast, I had high expectations, and this dish did not disappoint. The risotto was cooked to perfection – creamy yet with a slight al dente bite – and infused with the rich flavors of succulent shrimp and luxurious lobster sauce.Crab and Asparagus Spaghetti with Cream Sauce:This dish was a testament to the restaurant's commitment to quality ingredients. The crab was tender and sweet, complemented beautifully by the freshness of the asparagus. The cream sauce was velvety smooth, coating each strand of spaghetti with its rich flavor. Cheese Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Wings: This dish was a delightful surprise, marrying the familiar flavors of cheese and mushrooms with the unexpected twist of chicken wings. The wings were tender and juicy, with a crispy exterior that added a satisfying crunch. Japanese premium scallop and tomato sauce risotto:This dish was a refreshing departure from the traditional Italian risotto, with the sweetness of the scallops balancing perfectly with the tanginess of the tomato sauce. Each bite was bursting with freshness. Cheese Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Wings:This dish was a delightful surprise, marrying the familiar flavors of cheese and mushrooms with the unexpected twist of chicken wings. The wings were tender and juicy, with a crispy exterior that added a satisfying crunch.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-19
今日約左朋友來依度聚舊, 朋友search到依間下午茶款式幾特別, 於是我上網訂左位, 我下午2:30去到, 當時有d客人食緊lunch set加自助沙律吧, 我比安排坐在窗口位, 店員比lunch set menu給我看, 話沙律吧去到下午3:00, 不過lunch set依然供應, 我望過menu, 再叫店員比埋tea set的menu比我, 款式都算多🤔, 飲品也好吸引😚, 不過都係想試佢的tea set, 等埋朋友來就叫, 個餐包兩杯咖啡或茶, 如果要叫其他特別咖啡或其他飲品就要加$, 等左一陣送上兩杯咖啡, 先飲一啖, 咖啡味唔係好濃, 但咖啡杯好精緻🤩 由於下午茶餐話下午3:00才供應, 好似真係夠鐘先拿出來😅, 終於出場, 果然好別緻, 好靚🥰, 我哋由最底層開始食, 慢慢去細嚐, 綠色的多士唔知係咪牛油果, 幾好味💓 漢堡包仔入面有蕃茄和菜另外有一件炸物, 有d似蝦亦有d似肉😅但ok的, 鬆餅唔係好甜但切落去硬左d😸 二件炸物唔係好知係乜嘢, 雞翼入面好似有芝士, 味道唔錯但我認為炸得濃左d🤣芝士蛋糕好香唔甜, 但唔係太實淨, 我用刀拮就散, 放落碟比較狼狽😆 馬卡龍我一向覺得太甜, 對我真係麻麻, 最精緻又可愛真係四個迷你版的朱古力盆栽, 上面加左点兒cream有粒藍莓亦有好靚🌸🌼的食用花😘😘 打卡一流, 再食埋曲奇餅, 中規中距, 正常味道😅看似唔太多的tea set, 原來食落都幾飽, 但真係傾計一流, 坐成兩個鐘都無趕你走, 環境舒服又清靜😍無論二人世界甚至三五 知己, 都係一個好地方👍😋🍴由於我沒有經openrice訂座和用openrice pay, 所以未能使用相關獎賞同優惠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)