4-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 00:00
Tue - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (35)
Level1 2023-11-21
竟然有咁大條體毛混入啲涼皮度真係好嘔心!好核突!冇辦法,撈成咁又分唔開,唯有即時飛入垃圾筒!搞到冇晚餐食真係好嬲。但由於係常客,所以下次好心提一下,只希望佢哋注意衛生,因為仲希望佢哋會留意,點知嗰個比較年輕嘅女子睇完相,聽完,竟然完全唔理?!咁ok,冇下次!!平時多數係個年紀大啲嘅姨姨或男人都唔係咁嘅態度,希望佢哋負責人見到真係會留意返啲食物衛生!咁恐怖就算幾好食都唔會有人幫襯㗎!食物衛生係最重! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👍🏻麻辣小雲吞 $30/12隻太安樓川式小食店!麻辣小雲吞係主打嘅招牌小食之一每日新鮮人手製作,食得小雲吞就主要食雲吞皮,皮薄滑溜唔錯麻辣同芫荽味比較突出,唔食芫荽嘅朋友記得落單時嗌走芫荽味道:7/10性價比:8/10-👍🏻紅糖冰粉 $18本身就係想食呢間冰粉先去🤣冰粉Q彈好似啫喱咁,清清甜甜有啲山楂味凍冰冰喺雪櫃拎出嚟,消暑一流,好爽!夏天入去太安樓成個焗爐咁,隊返碗冰粉真係fit晒,呢個正😛!味道:8/10性價比:8/10-👍🏻酸筍螺螄米線 $30以螺螄粉嚟講唔算勁重口味,唔係成層紅油浮喺面好油膩嗰種除咗酸筍同木耳絲之外,仲有一大舊豆腐串,類似豆卜咁勁索湯$30真係幾大碗,正餐份量嚟另外亦可以自選配料加餸,不過本身唔食螺螄粉嘅人士就skip啦味道:7/10性價比:8/10-👍🏻泡椒雞腳 $32冷盤小食,雪得夠凍又冇雪味,口感較爽脆泡椒辣味比較溫和,反而蒜味幾明顯,嗜辣人士表示再辣啲仲正😝味道:7/10性價比:7/10-👍🏻水晶拉皮 $24除咗招牌麻辣小雲吞之外,水晶拉皮亦係主打招牌小食之一拉皮同涼麵一樣係凍食嘅,天氣熱食好爽滑溜厚身但唔粉團,唔似紅薯寬粉嗰種Q彈口感,反而有啲似腸粉嘅感覺醬汁酸酸地唔太辣,少少麻醬味道,好杰身掛汁本身已有大量鹹菜甫,另外亦可以自選配料加餸份量雖然唔算超大碗,但係好飽肚,細食啲真係食一碗都夠一餐🤪味道:8/10性價比:8/10-👍🏻雞絲涼麵 $40調味唔會太鹹過份濃味,亦唔算好油膩,味道正常發揮勝在雞絲唔鞋口冇雪味,份量都多,呢點好味道:7/10性價比:7/10-👍🏻麻辣鴨血 $30因為我地唔食鴨血就冇直接試到,不過鍾意食鴨血嘅屋企人表示好好食原句直出「滑溜得嚟夠實淨唔會腍啤啤,又冇腥味」🤣味道:8/10性價比:8/10-📍#小麵站 西灣河筲箕灣道57-87號太安樓地下A55B號舖太子砵蘭街456號地下A舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-17
Whenever passing by Tai On building, I always go for their spicy noodle shop. Of course, this time I ended up getting my dinner here. As usual, queues for both the orders and the food, but kept calm and reminded myself, it's all going to be worth it. Shredded chicken cold noodle looked small, in fact mixed with loaded shredded chicken. Obsessed with their secret spicy sauce and the hidden vegetables which gave so much crunchiness. Secret spicy sauce wasn't just the heat, but also hint of numbness and piquant taste. Shredded chicken was lean and moist, absorbed so much of the flavour. Noodle was cooked perfectly. The topped toasted sesame gave extra nuttiness and toasty flavour. Absolutely loving it even colouring your lip in dark after.Spicy wonton was one of my favourite. 8 wonton per serving which I believe was comparably generous. Wonton wrapper was thin and soft. Every scoop of wonton had to be careful, to avoid breaking apart. Stuffing was more on a meat side. Very savoury and juicy. Wontons were in a spicy broth. The heat was stronger than its look. Personally love the level of spiciness hut for chilli lover, could ask for extra heat. Overall, satiating and absolutely amazing. Highly recommended! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-19
其實一向都唔係常食「涼皮」, 以為「涼皮」就即係雞絲粉皮裡面個啲透透地明既粉皮, 今次係小麵站買既手工涼皮完全唔係我想像既樣,但係又好好食喎想食辣但又唔算真係食得辣,所以就叫個小辣手工涼皮,面有好充足既青瓜絲同芫茜, 仲有啲應該係炸脆左既豆,加埋小辣,小小彈牙QQ既涼皮,口感同味道都好豐富, 呢度既涼皮係實米白色, 唔係透明, 一條條有濶有幼,有啲卷埋,有少少似切到好薄既百頁豆腐,唔知會唔會都係好類似既原材料整體係好味既,大熱天時食下呢啲涼拌真心唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-12
🇭🇰小麵站·我發現我超多朋友都對太安樓好有興趣 難得我好多間都試過 決定一次過share俾大家😎😎·老壇酸菜湯小雲吞$22呢個係我朋友仔推薦我哋食既 最後我哋個個都好鍾意🤤佢呢度係細細粒嗰啲雲吞嚟嘅 個皮超滑超薄 中間有少少餡 一啖拍一粒勁爽😈不過我自己就覺得我今次嗌呢個酸菜湯有啲太酸 我記得我上次食嗰個麻辣惹味啲 好食啲🤣🤣·📍小麵站 (西灣河筲箕灣道57-87號太安樓地下A55B號舖)·#rbyeat#rby西灣河#rby港式 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)