5-min walk from Exit A, Lam Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (70)
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
I love the the HAPIDANBUI Christmas gift box which comes with chocolate biscuits and chewy ginger candy with peanuts.What's more to love is the HANPIDANBUI Christmas set which comes with this lovely apron and Oven glove.The oven glove will come in handy because I use the oven a lot and also the apron when I am baking!For every HANPIDANBUI box or set sold, Kee Wah Bakery will donate HKD5 to the Make a Wish Charity 願望成真基金.The cookies by Kee Wah Bakery has an element of creativity in it where you can decorate them with icing sugar pens.In the box, there are two different flavours: chocolate and ginger and cinnamon in two different shapes of a heart and a star. There are two icing sugar pens for you to decorate them.At first, I thought the icing sugar was stuck but you have to put them in hot water to melt the icing inside.All the flavours were good, my favourite was the ginger and the icing sugar adds an extra sweetness to it.There is an exclusive online offer for HKD268 where you get a DIY cookie set, Christmas stocking, 2 x HKD50 cash vouchers and a box of pineapple shortbread cakes.The Christmas stocking was filled with my favourite sesame candies which are so moreish that you finish them as soon as they are opened.Available online to order and at all Kee Wah Branches except Hong Kong Airport and Ocean Park. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level8 2020-09-09
唔夠一個月就喺中秋節,依家啲月餅攻勢晌中秋前兩、三個月就已經進行,經過地鐵,透過報紙,以及網媒,真喺日日都見唔少。由於疫情關係,親友間少咗往來,而有啲親友就以禮問候,藉中秋,送上點點心意。最近,就分別試咗「奇華餅家」嘅兩款出品,新品「迷你無花果果仁月」當然喺第次試,由於無花果、果仁都喺老婆喜愛嘅食材,所以,佢對呢款月餅份外期待。迷你無花果果仁月 $248雖然日新月異,但總有人喜歡懷舊吓,講到最懷舊就要數到伍仁,依個年頭真喺唔喺個個識欣賞,偏偏我老婆佢又鍾意喎,因為少蓮蓉,而果仁對身體有益,而呢款加埋無花果嘅「無花果果仁月」就勁啱佢,加上包裝得體。打開,一盒8個迷你月餅,個個獨立包裝,夠衛生,而且,細細個,唔使焗住一次食太多。月餅餅面清晰印住無花果。睇睇盒底嘅包裝說明,個月餅嘅成份有菠蘿、合桃、杏仁、腰果、無花果乾、杏脯乾、小紅莓乾、椰棗;切開睇睇,果然真材實料無欺場,咬落極具咬口,甚有層次,卻唔黏牙,又陣陣乾果香,因為無蓮蓉之類,唔會過甜,真喺「仁」見人愛。果味乳酪奶皇月 $225另一款就唔喺新品,因為我記得舊年都食過,喺乳酪配奶黃嘅出品,仲記得舊年第一次食嘅時候印象幾好。包裝盒以草莓及香橙嘅水彩彩繪為主題,構圖簡潔,睇起嚟比較文青風。同樣一盒8個,個個獨立包裝,包裝兩款口味:「草莓乳酪奶皇月」及「朱古力味香橙乳酪奶皇月」。食奶皇月餅記得烘熱一下,奶皇餡會變得更綿滑細緻,食味更好。草莓乳酪奶皇月餅月餅烘得帶微微金黃,餅面嘅草莓圖案清晰突出,奶皇餡果然綿滑細緻,外皮既薄且鬆化,入口唔單止有陣陣草莓香,餡內更混有草莓粒粒,感覺更健康清爽。. 朱古力味香橙乳酪奶皇月餅同草莓口味唔同嘅喺,外皮加入朱古力做餅皮,多咗一陣朱古力香,而內裡嘅香橙味奶皇餡,跟外皮,一甜一酸,令香橙味顯得更為突出,而餡心更嗒到啲蜜餞橙皮肉,實在「乳」眾不同。晌艱難嘅日子,除咗人要有正能量去面對前路之外,食啲甜點亦能令心情緩和,感謝好友送上點點心意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)