Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station, Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The decoration of the restaurant follows the traditional Korean barbecue restaurant, and the walls are painted with colorful murals. The restaurant provides Korean barbecue dishes, with various types of meat, seafood, Korean snacks, etc., suitable for multi-person dining. In addition to grilled meat, there are also traditional Korean dishes such as bibimbap and Cold Buskwhet Noodle with Soup. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
*Last Order: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (1016)
Level4 2023-10-28
My friends and I stumbled upon this hidden gem, an authentic Korean BBQ restaurant opened by the Korean themselves. Get ready to experience the true flavors of Korea right here in Hong Kong!💥 We couldn't resist the allure of their all-you-can-eat lunch, priced at just $168 (plus a 10% service charge). Trust me when I say, it's worth every penny! The spread included an array of raw meats for grilling and delectable cooked dishes that left us craving for more. I have to give a special shoutout to the Seafood Pancake, which was crispy on the outside and packed with flavor, and the Seaweed Soup with Beef, a comforting bowl of goodness that warmed our souls.🍽️ The ambiance of Pyeong Chang is cozy and inviting, transporting you straight to the streets of Korea. The sizzling sound of meat on the grill and the tantalizing aromas that fill the air create an atmosphere that will make you feel like you've stepped into a Korean BBQ joint in Seoul itself.✨ The service at Pyeong Chang is top-notch, with the friendly staff going above and beyond to ensure that your dining experience is nothing short of extraordinary. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大病康復後, 終於可以約朋友大吃一番, 當然要食放題先夠滿足啦!揀咗旺角嘅放題集中地兆萬中心13/F嘅一間主打韓燒烤肉餐廳---平昌, 一打開lift門為開放式座位, 環境裝份樸素, 幾有韓國地道風味。到店目測有已有7成左右滿, 但都唔會話好油煙, 抽風做得幾好。晚市分別有三個價錢套餐選擇, 我地就揀咗個中位價---世子御膳。入座起限時120分鐘任飲任食, 店員先送上韓式泡菜同埋大豆芽, 再注入爐邊蛋。所有食物均scan QR code落單, 食物上檯速度快, 而且當晚冇漏單。肉類選擇都幾多, 有齊牛、雞、豬、海鮮, 仲有數款韓式料理。生蠔算不上肥美, 但味道唔腥。而帶子同埋帆立貝都冇調味過, 主要吃出原汁原味。肉類方式order咗多款牛, 嫩紅新鮮, 烤嘅時候滲出鮮紅血水; 牛舌烤至金黃, 有咬口。芝士腸炸至爆開, 流出流心芝士, 美味。雞翼醃得入味, 雞腎又爽又有咬口, 雞軟骨好爽脆, encore咗好幾轉。蝴蝶蝦配他他醬: 蝦幾爽, 配上鹹甜他他醬, 提升味道。醬油蟹: 蟹肉偏林又入味, 不過嫌過於鹹。醬油蝦: 原隻蝦去醃, 都好入味, 蝦肉爽口, 而且冇醬油蟹咁鹹。炸物叫咗個一口炸芝士, 外層鬆脆不油, 芝士奶酪味香。忌廉蟹肉薯餅: 外層同樣鬆脆, 入面忌廉蟹肉餡料比例少, 還好冇咁易飽。海鮮煎餅: 雖然海鮮份量少, 什至唔太食得出係咩海鮮, 不過煎得幾香口。海鮮豆腐湯: 熱得滾下滾下上檯, 微辣鮮香, 幾開胃。最後仲有韓式雪糕做甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2024-03-21 見openrice評語不錯,一行6人去慶祝生日,點知中大伏,我諗住預早半個鐘攞蛋糕去放雪櫃,有個西臉韓仔應該係老闆,完全冇反應,好唔情願地將個蛋糕放入雪櫃,我心諗我要求應該唔過分吧?之後開始食,發現啲野真係極之唔新鮮,牛肉用好重調味,甜到難以接受,豬肉,雞肉無味,最正常係個飯同辛辣麵😂😂到最後諗住食埋蛋糕走人,點知西面韓仔老闆行過嚟,用啲小學生英文話仲有十分鐘,過咗時要收service charge,首先我未夠鐘;第二,果陣10點,隔籬枱枱都係冇人,俾人開開心心,唱埋首生日歌都有難度?奉勸大家,千祈唔好去食,不論食物質素定服務,都係一樣垃圾,如果想食「韓式西面」,可以嚟試試😅😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-18
這間位於旺角既韓式烤肉店,裝修風格好有韓國街頭文化特色,牆壁上有超巨型既漫畫,而每枱都有煙囪式排煙管,無懼油煙既煩惱。晚市有三種韓燒放題可供選擇,分別係大君(50款)、世子(89款)、國王御膳(100款) 。韓式燒肉除左多款牛肉、豬肉、海鮮外,仲有好多韓國料理,包括炸雞、炒粉絲、炒年糕、石鍋拌飯、辣豆腐海鮮湯、飲品等,都係任飲任食;Follow 社交平台可以任食韓國直送雪條。韓式小菜入座後,店員會為你送上泡菜、芽菜、生菜及爐邊蛋,開胃又惹味。牛肋骨肉質感軟嫩,油脂分佈平均。牛肉眼肉味濃郁,厚薄適中。T骨牛扒帶骨既肉,口感有嚼勁,油香特別豐富。西班牙捲狀豬腹肉質地細緻,肉質爽彈。總結,食物選擇種類多,質素高,值得一讚,上菜快而準,店員會定時幫忙更換鐵板,十分細心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-17
之前同朋友嚟食大君set覺得幾好,今次我哋再嚟試,揀高一級嘅世子set。食物選擇好多,連醬油蟹都有得叫😋簡單推薦幾款食物畀大家:首先係燒肉配料方面,有生蠔同半殼青口,新鮮嘅海鮮味道真係好鮮甜,每一口都好juicy!仲有辣調味烤牛肉同LA牛排,個個都係牛肉愛好者嘅必試選擇,食落去肉質鮮嫩多汁,好滋味!另外仲有調味牛舌同鰻魚,牛舌軟滑嫩口,鰻魚香口入味,真係一級棒!而熟食方面,無骨原味炸雞同炸紫菜卷都好有驚喜;無骨原味炸雞外脆內嫩,鮮嫩多汁,每一口都好滿足!炸紫菜卷則係個個都愛嘅小食,炸到金黃酥脆,彈牙味道十足,好開胃!整體而言,平昌燒肉嘅食物真係好豐富,職員服務都幾好,上菜同換網都好快手👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)