3-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
A cat cafe operated for over 10 years with a number of cute kittens as shopkeepers. Cat lovers can play around with the cats. It serves food and drinks presented in cat shape or cat-themed. continue reading
Good For
Pets Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
三塊貓曲奇 花面貓 帶子大菇貓 層層貓 貓樣蛋糕 麵包貓布甸
Review (211)
Level2 2024-04-11
第一次去銅鑼灣既貓cafe~~唔熟路既我都搵左一陣.. 下午3點幾去到得我一枱客一推門有隻黑貓即刻望住門口,好醒目店內裝修相對其他貓cafe簡樸。但係全部貓貓啲毛都好滑,打理得好好..場內有兩隻黑貓,我地分唔到邊隻打邊隻;職員都好有心機話我地知~亦有介紹其他貓貓既性格!! 啲野食一上枱已經知道不妙了!!🔸咖喱豬扒飯🌟🌟個汁既顏色已經唔係咖喱!!食落勁淡🫣⋯⋯不推薦🔸熱朱古力棉花糖🌟🌟杯野飲黎到完全唔熱,然後棉花糖好硬..(隻杯好靚)甜品就不過不失.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-17
I, myself am a huge cat lover so when I heard there was a cat cafe nearby my house, I flipped out. I asked my dad to go with me and he agreed. I was the first to arrive when I went since I arrived at 12 o’clock. The environment was so clean and neat. I ordered an Oreo milkshake (D19) and the Club sandwich (M8) while my dad ordered a set, Rice with pork cutlet in curry (M3) and a Coffee soda w/ chocolate ice cream (D27).The food itself was delicious, the fries contained black pepper which made it tastier. The milkshake was the best since I love Oreos.I bought a cat treat to feed the cats. 3 of the cats surrounded me and waited for treats.The shop owners were nice and friendly and overall, great experience, 10/10. Would recommend. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-20
18/11/2023 lunch平時真係好少寫食評的, 今次都想為呢間貓貓CAFÉ寫一寫。因為宜家呢類咁有HEART的貓貓CAFÉ真係好少, 同老細傾開計, 估唔到宜家重難做過COVID的時候。我希望可以盡一點綿力,支持下呢間貓貓CAFÉ啦。由於屋企不便養貓貓狗狗的原故,囡兒又好喜愛貓狗, 所以我哋經常四圍去試唔到的貓貓CAFÉ (狗狗CAFÉ真係太少), 我估計應該全港八成以上的貓貓CAFE我哋都去過晒。今次我同兩位囡兒一齊去,我哋嚟過呢間CAFÉ不止一次,今次係第三次了, 可惜佢地點喺銅鑼灣,對我住荃灣嚟講確係有啲遠,否則我哋應該會經常嚟。我哋特別喜歡嚟呢度的原因係,呢度有嘢食,重要啲嘢食好有HEART去整, 好多食品都有貓喵的樣,岩晒我呢個鐘意打卡的阿媽,兼兩囡可以同貓貓玩,又可以有貓貓陪食,咁就可以合晒媽咪阿囡的要求啦。(一般其他貓貓CAFÉ無食物供應,就算有都係飲品或輕食,什至只幫你叫外賣。完全無興趣打卡。)呢度重有樣嘢唔同其他貓CAFÉ,就係佢沒有貓零食可以賣的,可能店主唔想啲貓食零食食飽晒唔食正餐,或食得太多零食,影響貓咪們的健康。但因我囡兒想餵餵貓咪,老細都好好人地取出零食讓我囡兒餵貓。貓零食是不收錢的,但就係由於不收錢,我哋就唔好意思問取太多啦, 哈哈哈… 但啲貓喵就算無零食都唔怕人的,有隻貓長期在我們坐緊的SOFA晒太陽瞓覺,陪住我哋吃LUNCH,另一隻貓重自己上左我囡兒身上按手仔。(一般沒有零食,貓喵較少會上你身)另外想講多樣嘢,佢的食物除左有貓貓樣好靚之外,食物質素並不錯。由於阿囡剛考完試,我見呢度的甜品重可以寫字,雖然佢話要加$30,我都覺得無問題照比佢加啦,估唔到嚟到時好有SURPRISE,佢哋唔止寫幾隻我REQUEST的字就算,重好有心思地加晒插圖,真係超加分,真心覺得好有HEART。勁岩打卡啦。同呢度老細吹開水,原來下星期有個台灣客嚟求婚,真係好SWEET。原來呢度重可以包場開PARTY,真係可以安排一下喺呢度為阿囡攪生日PARTY喎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-05
咁多年冇去 今日再上去 環境都仲係幽靜 貓咪真係好可愛 🥰 同朋友叫左飲品同三文治 味道都可以👍🏻吹水坐下就已經一個鐘 時間過得好快絕對係假日放鬆休閒好去處下次會再去的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-15
環境差 霉霉爛爛 嘢食勁難食 叫咗照燒雞飯 貓飯上面係甜嘅 好難食七點到 留咗大概半個鐘 佢哋就開始清潔到八點就熄晒全部冷氣 但係佢哋Official時間係九點收同操着大陸口音嘅小朋友細細聲講:得㗎喇佢就走㗎喇 根本就係要趕人走 環境好差 貓唔痴人啲咁嘅地方 好彩唔係太多貓。。。一百幾蚊換啲咁嘅體驗講真一次都嫌多 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)