1-min walk from Exit B, Ocean Park Station continue reading
It provides Shunde cuisine, specialize in fish and seafood serving. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 14:30, 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
去海洋公园玩🐬出来就是万豪,发现一家顺德菜😍超适合家人/聚餐的,点了几款招牌都很不错🌟顺德煎鱼咀平时不吃鱼的我都爱了,外皮金黄焦香,一点腥味都没有,内里软滑,口感美妙🌟 杏汁炖白肺女生都会爱的一道,这汤奶白奶白的,冬日暖笠笠,滋补美颜汤🌟顺德煎腩排这款煎腩肉好特别,外酥里嫩,一口下去都是汁水,好香啊,回味无穷🌟浓汤鱼腐浸蔬菜手打的鱼丸很鲜美,配上热呼呼的鱼汤,蔬菜和汤底全部被干完哈哈🌟蟹肉干烧伊面连主食都能做的这么好吃!蟹肉和伊面融为一体,吃起来才能感受到蟹肉的鲜滑,面炒的很juicy多汁,很特别🌟红豆绿茶薄罉只在顺德吃过的美味没想到在这里复刻,红豆包裹了陈皮,格外香甜,好食易消化!期待下次再来❤ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【#新年 中菜篇】🔺適合聚會 🔺廣東順德菜🔺適合長輩節慶飯 🔺會不定期轉Menu🔺中高價 ———————————————「欣賞肯做不時不食的餐廳,轉Menu轉菜式要做嘅野實在太多。」 ———————————————🍊🍊鮑汁柚皮扣和牛臉頰 $298》柚皮出名麻煩難整,首先細心剝走粗糙的外皮,以去除柚皮苦澀的味道,仲要去腥、漂洗和煮熟,令柚皮煮得腍又能吸收所有鮑汁 ,好麻煩,所以每次有依度菜都會叫,但都唔係間間都好食。南海小館的柚皮扣汁好好,又腍又入味,每啖都好Juicy,好食!》和牛臉頰都做得好靚,肉質軟嫩,味道濃郁,重點係唔黏牙,成碟餸的兩樣野都好難整但都恰到好處~欣賞!🍊大良炒鮮奶 $288》大良炒鮮奶重點在於鮮奶要香,口感要濃郁。好多地方嘅炸鮮奶都可以好難食,好少人做得好食。今次試完感覺似賽螃蟹,足料,但未算好特別。🍊菜甫桶蠔煎蛋角 $288》正常發揮,桶蠔都算大隻,啖啖肉,不過蛋角稍微帶焦,整體偏鹹,啱配飯,但依個價就貴左啲。🍊白飯$25.茶錢$35/位. 餐前小食$30》茶幾好飲,餐前小食(青瓜)都幾好食~💬後記:平時去到餐廳總會習慣睇下食評,見到想食嘅野原來係季節菜,食唔到,原來都會幾失望,所以都係即場叫餸啦,不要太因為食評而去哈哈(倒米Mode)》侍應們都好親切,好有禮貌。》菜式不定期替換,要有心理準備去到無咗想食嘅菜式呀~回頭率:🍊🍊🍊🍊/5消費:每位$4-500+…………………………………………🍊南海小館黃竹坑黃竹坑道180號海洋公園香港海洋公園萬豪酒店B區地舖…………………………………………#乜乜飲食日記 #乜乜黃竹坑 #南區美食 #mug4fun continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-08-06
Fourth time here and quality is still as good. Start with the chilled fish skin and it was absolutely delicious. Skin is smooth & crunchy and those generous ginger and scallions complemented the dish. Seafood hot & sour soup- Tasted perfect! Balance taste between spicy & sour. Honestly, the best I had in years.Baked salt chicken- This was recommended by their staff. Wasn’t on menu but this is a must try dish. The chicken was so aromatic and the skin was super crispy. Amazed with this chicken dish. Meat was juicy and the lvl of saltiness is just right. There is no need to eat with any kind of condiments, very good on its own. Pan-fried shrimp patties, leek and spring onion- It was ok, a little oily to my liking but I like the taste of leek with shrimp. Sweet sour ribs with wok-fried fresh milk- Very nice platter this one. The ribs tasted delicious (nicely marinated). Very appetizing dish indeed. The fresh milk was absolutely lovely too. I recommend to add some sugar on it 😆. Giant Garoupa Fish head with ginger and spring onion served in clay pot- Satisfying dish if you love fish meat. Altho fish head, you can still savour abundance of fish meat. Braised Chinese zucchini with dried shrimp & clams in clay pot- Quite a special dish, the seafood elevated the bland zucchini. It was pretty soupy but yes, the soup tasted sweet with the clams & dried shrimp. We had silky bean curd, red bean soup with tangerine and pan fried Chinese pancake with red bean and green tea for dessert. A little disappointed with the pancake. It was a little dry and not as good as we had last time. Overall, satisfying meal and happy with overall quality. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-23
週六日又適逢520,又多了一個吃喝玩樂的慶祝理由了。這天是入住酒店並在附近吃晚飯。看到南海小館門外的食物照片很是吸引,便決定晚餐吃這間了。這裡的裝潢簡約大氣,帶有中國風,有一面是落地玻璃窗,外面景色一覽無遺,光線照入時增添了幾分閑適。(跟他在一起當然是專注於他,因此抱歉沒什麼照片。)這裡的工作人員服務很好,效率也很快,剛落座便問上我們喝什麼茗茶,我們選定普洱茶後也很快上茶跟小食。那是一道很入味跟挑起食欲的木耳,而普洱茶茶熱清香,湯色紅潤。工作人員吃飯的全程也很貼心地給大家添茶,服務態度很棒,辛苦大家了。送餐效率很快,菜色還真是挺色香味美的。金絲蟹肉芙蓉煎蛋白 $288這道菜表面煎得香口,內裡的蛋白跟蟹肉相融,鬆鬆軟軟的,還有蝦肉混在其中,口感香脆,蛋白滑嫩。挺讚的。花雕雞油蒸龍蝦配炸饅頭 $468這道菜真的很出色喔。花雕雞油的味兒融洽和諧,經烹調的酒味香濃,雞油味美,單是這雞油來搭配白飯吃已經很好吃了。龍蝦肉彈牙入味,一夾便挺容易夾出龍蝦肉,可看出龍蝦新鮮,蒸的火喉剛剛好。炸饅頭外面脆,內在軟糯,不像其他地方吃的饅頭內裡也偏硬的,要說的話大概是小時候吃過最正宗的炸饅頭。鮑汁百靈菇扒菜膽 $228鮑汁與生菜的配搭本來就很好,生菜脆生生,吃飽也易於解膩,配上濃味的鮑汁,很是出色。鋪在面上的鮑汁百靈菇味道濃郁而且菇片嫩滑,讓人一口接一口停不下來。整體而言,環境雅致,服務佳,味道棒,效率快,就是價錢會較高,但也在合理的範圍內,也挺值得一去的。對了,記得要訂枱喔。餐廳的座位不算多,又挺多客人光顧,訂枱才不怕沒有位置或是要等候喔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-19
適逢星期二海洋公園休館,所以人客不多,不滿座,但侍應說如果海洋公園開是會爆棚的,必須訂位。沒有特別茶葉,茶每位$33,餐前小食是$30。 其他價錢算是高級食肆價,但比一般酒店平。二人吃了5款點心和一碗白粥蝦餃 - 皮薄;燒賣尚好;芋角比一般尺寸小但味道好;腐皮卷鬆脆好味;生煎牛肉包和一碗白粥亦不錯,整體來說,水準佳👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)