2-min walk from Exit A2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
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Spot payment
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Review (254)
Level3 2024-04-15
呢盤綠色飯係乜東東…深水埗鴨寮街附近有兩間差唔多名嘅馬拉菜 - 叫”捌哥捌哥”同”蘇媽蘇媽”。其中蘇媽人氣高啲,好多人排隊,就去咗捌哥。其中呢個綠色飯叫Nasi Lemak (辣死你嗎),即椰漿飯。又唔係好貴,不過用料味道普通。個海鮮喇沙ok,不過我唔食洋蔥😂,其餘春卷、咖央多士,普通水平,要搵間好食過佢嘅唔難。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-06
大圍都有肉骨茶飲,好正呀,只要單點肉骨茶菜式,全檯可以獲贈肉骨茶,而且無限任飲!熱辣辣暖入心💓🥰🧆🥘細滲,有豬手,五花腩,金菇,豆卜等,充滿藥材香肉骨茶,性價比高,飲完又飲🥘🍗辣死你嗎配生炸全雞髀,基本配料好齊全,已包椰漿飯、參巴醬、青瓜、花生、乾魚仔、薯仔、雞蛋大大隻炸全雞髀,即叫即炸,雞皮脆卜卜🌶️🥪咖央多士,賣相先聲奪人,多士一開四,砌成少少傾斜,擺法別出心裁,多士都烘得均勻🍤黃金奶油虎蝦,老虎蝦遇上鹹蛋黃,又係必勝既菜式 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-17
本身抱住好大希望去食,因為見佢同蘇媽蘇媽格局相似,但價錢比佢貴,以為會好食啲。鋪頭環境幾大,都有7 8 張圓枱,我哋去果陣喺平日夜晚食飯時間,但只喺都見得2 3枱客,果陣心諗開始有啲大獲。但都適合打卡geh~ 我哋嗌咗 5 樣菜(我當嘢飲喺各1樣) ,合共港幣 304蚊,講真價錢響香港食嘢叫正常,但響同區嚟講就偏貴1. 梁嘢喇沙: 個湯睇落幾濃,但喺啲麵冇gel口,蔥味仲大陣過湯味,魚片同普通嘅冇咩分別,但個湯確實酸酸辣辣。2. 我知你啦薄餅配娘惹: 個咖喱好好味,但係個雞係一啲味都冇,建議下次可以嗌個淨咖喱,好似中平10蚊!3. 油鷄飯: 我覺得是最最好吃的一個菜!! 個鷄好入味,配上芽菜,減低了油膩感,個飯則有少少椰子味~~ 合計:港幣 304 蚊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-05
The following dishes / drinks were ordered for dinner:1. Boiled bean sprouts (48 HKD) - came in a small bowl and was not particularly flavourful. Given that bean sprouts are the cheapest vegetable available, they were quite generous to give me at least 8 HKD worth in the dish.2. Small Bak Kut Teh Combo (128 HKD) - again this came in a bowl smaller sized to a wonton noodle. Inside were pieces of pig intestines, stomach, one small piece knuckle, two small pieces of dry pork rib and tofu. Provided that there was the word 'Combo' , I reasonably expected that there would be at least a small bowl of rice accompanying this dish as is customary, especially given its high price. However, I was surprised to learn that rice has to be ordered separately. Meanwhile, I could have used the same 128 HKD to order two bowls of rare beef Pho at 52 HKD each and still have 24 HKD left for a Vietnamese drip coffee, which I didn't order since...3. Lemon Water (32 HKD) - for the same money, I could have ordered 2 of the same in any restaurant on the same street.If you enjoy 128 HKD Bak Kut Teh Combo WITHOUT rice, then you'll love this place. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有冇試過welcome drink係養生肉骨茶呢?可以黎試下~打開menu見到有Otak Otak好有驚喜🥰之前喺星加坡食過好好味, 喺香港都係第一次見到,當然喺必點之選✨️Otak Otak喺香港食都冇失望👍🏻🤭 咖央多士,咖央醬帶有椰香味,令鬆化多士的味道更上一層返咗嚟香港一段時間嘅星加坡朋友仔見到嘛嘜咖哩魚頭煲就心心眼😍 上菜時仲開心, 因為餐廳好細心有爐熱住路一滾一路食 ,超正而且唔淨係魚頭咁簡單, 魚肉好厚,嫩滑完全唔嚡口仲好入味, ♨️熱辣辣特別好食辣死你媽( 椰漿飯) 咖哩魷魚🦑 ✨️參巴醬👍🏻 青瓜🥒花生🥜魚乾仔🐟蛋🥚 咖哩🥔薯仔超好味魚仔醬蘿蔔糕 🥢醬料鹹香,而且蘿蔔糕外脆內軟,還有啲焦焦地嘅位正~我知你啦薄餅配仁噹牛肉 🐮呢度嘅咖哩真係好唔錯, 無論係牛肉/魚同薯仔都好入味,餅皮外脆內鬆軟❤沾咖哩汁一齊食真係冇得輸玻璃魷魚🦑甕菜 估唔到咁多魷魚辣辣地同爽口甕菜好夾一字骨肉骨茶 細細個砂鍋好足料,有大小唔同嘅一字排骨幾腍,肉唔嚡豬手仔肉骨茶 豬手仔有咬口膠原滿滿,肉骨茶好濃,肉味幾香,容易入口, 肉骨茶可以免費添飲朋友仔仲encore咗兩次🤭沙煲老鼠粉都有♨️爐保持溫度架👍🏻配料滿滿蝦乾、肉碎、魚乾和銀針粉再配流心雞蛋拌撈勻食,令味道更豐富,更香口非常惹味怡保🐥雞絲湯河 雞絲好嫩,個河粉好彈牙配料仲有魚片及大蝦, 湯底又一驚喜, 好香蝦味娘惹喇沙 🥢摻摻油麵和米粉一齊吃起嚟會較有層次口感配上青瓜粒、花生,攪拌好食有口感之餘椰香飄飄, 豆卜吸曬湯汁😍解渴桔仔話梅水~❤️羅漢果菊花茶美綠恐龍✨️冷熱同價✨️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)