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Review (36)
The location of Milky Cow is really inconvenient because it is located on the Mid-Levels.I would only go there if I was nearby, but it is very convenient for people studying at HKU and people that live nearby.Luckily for me, they have now moved to Admiralty because their rent at Mid-Levels have shot up forcing them to open elsewhere.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Froyo:I got the smallest size which was $20.Toppings are $5 extra per topping, but I was given some wheat bran for free.The froyo was too icy and tasted like froyo sorbet.The taste of the froyo was pleasant and had a natrual yogurt taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-07-06
行到好熱,見到有YOGURT店就走左入去, 由於未幫襯過, 都企左陣望下, 店員都有好NICE咁推介~最後叫了新出的有脆餅的乳酪, 因為包兩個TOPPINGS ^^抵D店員下TOPPINGS很慷慨, 見到都開心~原味: 不錯~但不太滑, 有冰沙~芒果: 無什麼味合桃:正,脆脆地, 無異味。而且是其他店少有的脆餅:我吃光YOGURT時, 已經不脆了>.<不過整體而言, 是幾好味的~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-04-04
必須要說,milky cow 剛剛開出的時候,yogurt店並不多。IFC都沒有yo mama, 尖沙咀,皇室堡都沒有開。過去住在附近,周末透過玻璃店鋪看到外國老闆看店。milk cow是我吃過最好吃的奶味最最最最足的yogurt。 所以我每次只點plain不加任何topping. 人生的享受!如今離開了西邊,想念都來及。每次吃到那種含各種冰沙,味道作的五花八門的yogurt,真無奈,就想起它!學校門口的milky cow希望你不要被搬遷。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
閉上雙眼,你第一個會想起的人是誰?不是第一次了,每當工作到頭昏腦脹,閉目養神之際,眼前晃過的竟是一杯-乳酪.難道我是戀物狂不成?也不無道理-乳酪帶酸味的冰感,令人醒神也開胃.最適合因用腦過渡引致的無胃口.如絲般滑的質感,在舌頭上溶掉那一刻,有種放縱的快感.平時喜歡點有嚼感的配料,除了能和軟綿的乳酪產生口感上的火花外,也能滿足口腔嘴嚼的原始欲望.甜酸,軟硬,綿脆共冶一爐,加上依然健康的熱量含度,成為閉起眼時第一種會想起的食物,絕不過份.不只一次,當上課上到快要昏到之制,身體發出渴甜的警報,通常我就會買乳酪去滿足和鼓勵一下自己.沒太多時間的,就會在附近的Milky Cow解決.乳酪口味天天不同,甜度非常高,奶味不重;質感不算很幼滑,但幾易溶.配料選擇少,大多是早餐穀麥,現在用八達通付款還可以獲增胚芽.雖然近,但始終不想吃太甜的乳酪,所以最近都少了去.從前最喜歡的homemade mochi現在改變了做法,煙韌度是提高了,但從前那種帶雲尼拿的香味卻不見了-是轉了店員所致嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-06-30
比較 Tuttimelon (差) 同 Yo mama (普通), 個人比較喜歡 Milky CowMilky Cow 的 Froyo 比 Tuttimelon 的香濃得多, 又無Yo mama 咁甜, 但Milky Cow 仍然是偏甜的Milky Cow 除原味外不時會有另一口味可選, 亦可選Swirl/Twist (原味+另一口味)但係試左幾次另一口味跟原味真的分別不大, 不過個人不大介意, 因為原味是很討好的Topping 選擇亦不少, 試過chocolates, strawberry, caramel 都唔錯, 生果類toppings都幾新鮮店員通常都很有禮貌, 有次一位相信是韓藉的店員樣子十分甜美!令人份外滿足~ 位置近大學的好處是有機會遇到年輕貌美的part-time店員除了味道稍甜外, Milky Cow 是不錯的選擇, 加上位於日常活動範圍內, 晚飯後不時都會去Milky Cow continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)