4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The Chairman is a Cantonese restaurant that aims to serve original and traditional flavors. All of the chickens and pigs served are locally raised in the New Territories. In 2017, this restaurant was named one of Asia's Best 50 Restaurants. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2021-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2017-2021)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (68)
Level4 2024-03-04
20240227⛅Tuesday 🌹🧧農曆正月十八日📜「大班樓」傳奇:🎊2009年在九如坊開幕,🌟2012年榮登米其林一星,💯2019年進入「世界50大餐廳」第41名,🏆2021年晉升至第十名,並奪下「亞洲50大餐廳」冠軍寶座,🌟2022年再次拿到米其林一星。🎊2009年開張的「大班樓」早已是50佳餐廳(50 Best Restaurants)常客,米其林指南與50佳榜取向有別,直到2022年「才」獲得米其林一星🏫「大班樓」2022年遷往新址第一次來到👍「大班樓」有一定捧場客,一定有自己獨特的優勢,食材優先,獨到的烹調及注重細節。🐷(1)甜醋子薑豬手耳凍= 晶瑩通透,豬手及豬耳切得幼細,帶點薑醋味,🦑(2)凍鹵水花椒小吊桶釀土魷=鹵水入味,內裏爽口馬蹄,芹菜粒,淡淡花椒味,土魷爽口,最後有少少麻的感覺。🕊️(3)醬燒生哂臘乳鴿=在舊店未食過這味餸菜,臘得乾身,肉質脆嫩,醬燒汁入味🐑(4)醬燒羊肋骨=羊肉充滿煙燻香味,令人垂涎欲滴🐟(5)炭火脆皮熟皮鰻=以炭火烤炙,望到眼前的鰻,就知道整條的鰻魚又幾肥美,🐠(6)清蒸海斑(金邊方脷,龍利魚中極品)=肉質滑嫩🦀(7)胡椒泥蟹=菲律賓來約斤四的泥蟹,胡椒香、啖啖肉,食到手指大動🍲(8)梅乾菜扣肉煲仔飯=由煲神何靖主理,份量十足,扣肉入囗即溶,飯粒香囗。🥬(9)XO 醬炒時菜=XO 醬比坊間濃郁蝦味,菜心刨走外層,淨低最鮮嫩部份,貼心注重細節🍝(10)豉油王肥牛抄陳村粉=甜味的陳村粉,欠缺鑊氣🍧(11)「大班樓」甜品三寶 杞子雪糕、棗皇糕、生磨杏仁茶=杞子明目, 棗皇糕口感煙韌軟糯,杏仁茶 窩心潤喉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有幸成功預約到大班樓lunch time食個團年飯, 新年仲有蔡瀾先生題字嘅揮春, 非常醒神👏🏻菜單形都係以套餐形式, 用餐前幾日會收到email, 可以揀3道頭盤、3道主菜 (1海鮮2肉類)、1蔬菜、1飯/麵,  可以另外加錢追加菜式, 不過套餐份量已經好夠食, 基本上附近食客都會打包 🤭茘甫鴨盒 - 入口香脆, 芋頭夠香加埋鴨肉鴨油非常滋味龍井菊花煙乳鴿 - 煙燻味十足, 乳鴿都鮮嫩, 唯獨係未感到龍井同菊花香氣, 而且食得比較邐迤炭火厚切叉燒 - 肉味極濃, 炭火焦香, 肥瘦剛好, 略為柱侯醬味重蟛蜞膏豆仁炒琵琶蝦 - 蟛蜞係淡水小型蟹類, 其蟹膏非常鮮美, 炒上鮮甜琵琶蝦, 每啖都係鮮味大班樓酸辣甜蒜牛四味 - 牛肋骨、肥牛、牛筋及金錢肚, 酸辣甜蒜惹味但唔會過火 菠蘿咕嚕豬尾 - 有D似咕嚕肉, 但外層更加酥脆, 內裡豬尾肉軟, 味道層次更勝咕嚕肉豬皮櫻花蝦燉時菜 - 3款不同口感嘅食材出奇地夾蟹肉鮮蝦蝦乾蝦醬炒飯 - 食到呢到已經非常滿足, 每人一小碗之後已經打包, 蟹肉、鮮蝦、蝦乾、蝦醬堆疊出嚟極鮮, 個人偏口炒飯可以再乾身D甜品三味 - 杞子雪糕、紅棗糕、杏仁茶不得不讚店員服務用心, 密密換碟, 而且解答到食客疑問, 每次用餐都有愉快經歷🤙🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-31
作為2023年壓軸的食評,曾經諗過好多,究竟係解鎖既上海總會抑或第一次去既潤或永?思前想後都係選擇光顧多年的大班樓。自從搬了新舖後,環境的確是舒服得多,但訂檯依然困難,菜色每季都添上新意,早幾日的菜單,就盡量換上新菜色,再加上自己最多愛的幾味,臨場再加呀加,豐富到極。頭盤自從第一次食過便愛上的蟛蜞膏柚皮冬瓜,以魚湯煮過的柚皮加上以蟹湯煮過的冬瓜疊在一起,再澆上一層蟛蜞膏,鮮甜豐腴,只此一家。畢竟由開業一直光顧,有時候都會食到即將on menu的菜色,醬燒生曬臘乳鴿就是其中之一,以大頂鴿處理,臘得好乾身,但肉質柔韌,送啤酒一流。再來一道off menu 薑醋豬手豬耳凍,Q彈的外形,豬手及豬耳切得細碎,味道帶薑醋的感覺,好特別。大家吃得意猶未盡,即場追加台式老腐乳鹹魚臭豆腐,這個以李大姐臭豆腐原型版加以改良,聽說是注入台灣鹹魚、腐乳及馬碲等再重塑,令氣味有層次,外層炸得香脆而內裡熱燙軟熟,美味。一口湯每次的一口湯都不同,但都感覺到家常湯的氛圍,今次是青紅蘿蔔響螺湯,很濃稠的質感,一口喝下,回味無窮。主菜海鮮就算有幾位新朋友加入,今次都想轉轉口味,胡椒泥蟹一向有口碑,自己都食過好幾次,感覺與花雕蟹是截然不同的風味。兩隻足斤半以上的泥蟹未上檯,已瀰漫澎湃的胡椒辛香,四隻大蟹鉗分別安排了給在坐的女士,自己樂得享受滿是蟹膏的蟹蓋,而蟹肉不單入味,辣辣地超惹味。另一道自出現便不離不棄的菜色是魚米粥蝦籽琵琶蝦,粥底綿滑又富米香,而琵琶蝦以 slow cook 處理,幼嫩的口感食幾多次都不會厭。肉類一鵝一雞,已成了我必點的家禽之一,蔥油本地小騸雞蓋上大量蔥油,真係好食到震,加上去埋骨,除了雞翼外可以話啖啖肉,又有薑茸加持,不妨追加一碗白飯。菠蘿咕嚕豬尾又是一道全新菜色,以豬尾入饌又真係估你唔到,除了沒有青椒外,賣相同食味都好似平日見到的咕嚕肉,外層脆香不過內裡比較軟稔,酸酸甜甜幾開胃。菜選擇了魚湯白木耳浸瓜絲,魚湯底好鮮甜,配以白木耳及瓜絲,感覺上似食魚羹,但又有菜蔬的清新。飯相信是年度驚喜發現的瑤柱咸肉燒鱔煲仔飯,製作繁複,但色香味俱全,以熟成30日的鱔肉吊燒,飯粒蓋上瑤柱絲及咸肉,蘸上了油香,飯焦亦恰好,有焦香而沒有燶味,鱔皮咬落脆卜卜,而鱔魚竟然有肉汁而不乾身。再加上蜆肉湯作泡飯,味道更加昇華,變中有變,這個單尾找不到挑剔的地方。而甜品三味每次都有些少改動,但基本不變是杏仁茶,而其他兩款,我就會指定食杞子雪糕,第三款就每次不同。多年來對大班樓的菜色都有百吃不厭的感覺,踏入2024年已在倒數之中,今年飲食業給北上報復式消費打得叫苦連天,希望大家加倍努力,重新挽回香港人的信心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-12
Crispy Pig Tails with Plum Sauce- Delicately Thin & Crispy Skin- Springy at first, Tender came next- Appetizing harmonious sweet & sour plum sauce Crispy Taro Cake with Smoked Duck- A Nostalgic Dim Sum - Rich & harmoniously blended stuffing, yet, duck flavour was not significantFresh Water Crab Roes with Pomelo Skin and Winter Melon- the mild yet umami roes transported me to a clear river with natural water sound. Peaceful and Tranquil- the use of winter melon showed the team was really confident in the source of the crab and their handling techniques because winter melon absorbs & reflects every single tiny taste of other ingredients in the same dishSteamed Grouper Fish Head with Fermented Chilli- Most powerful dish of the night, which definitely woke my 5 senses- Astonishing presentation with seldomly seen giant heads, the wave of red & mouthwatering aroma- Hot, Numbling, Savoury taste of the chilli sauce turned me up- Tender & Succulent Fish Meat, Springy & Mellow Fish Skin - Steamed Rice was a great partner to merge all flavours in a spoonGeoduck Poached in Rice Broth- Silky. A very mild rice taste. Yet, the seafood umami taste was not obviousBeef Quartet in Chilli Sour Broth with Sweet Garlic- Well-balanced Sour, Hot & Savoury tastes, warmed my stomach & ignited my appetite againLamb Spare Ribs Stir Fried with Fragrant Garlic and Black Beans- Rich & Pleasant Lamb Flavor, yet, a bit too dry for meGourd Juliennes and White Wood Ear Fungus Cooked in Homemade Fish Broth- Silky and Mellow Fish Broth. Yet, neither the fungus or Gourd Juliennes showed their charactersStir Fried Beef Fillets with Premium Soya Sauce and Layered Rice Noodles- appropriately burnt, springy texture, umami soy sauce transported me to those good old days in outdoor Tai Pai Dongs with friends & laughterDesserts Trio- Almond Tea with Egg White- Hawthorn Multi-layered Cake. A strong taste of Hawthorn made us think of Chinese medicine, hahaWinter Melon Paste, Red Bean Paste, Salty Egg Yolk Chinese Puff PastryLiked the gentle taste of the sticky winter melon pasted most, just like a soft kiss for goodbye continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-04
🌟整體評分: 9/10🌟❤️味道:10/10🧡環境:9/10🩵服務:9/10💚性價比:9/10💗小朋友喜愛度:8/10呢間中菜餐廳早就享負盛名,第一出名當然係食物質素,而且服務團隊出名醒目!想食記得提早預約呀!首先出場既係招牌密汁叉燒,肥瘦均勻。味道正常,但唔算太出色。鹹魚臭豆腐 對於鍾意食臭豆腐嘅嚟講絕對係恩物,外脆內軟,仲有陣陣鹹香,推介!花雕花蟹蒸蛋白係十級推介,新鮮花蟹非常鮮甜,蟹汁流哂落蛋白度,超正!最後高蟹糯米飯真係不可不試,煙煙韌韌既糯米吸晒蟹嘅精華,一粒都唔可以浪費! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)