With over ten mouth-watering varieties of oysters and innovative dishes cooked on the grill right before your eyes, Belon offers a delicious, interactive culinary experience. Expertly selected fine wines from across the globe stock its impressive cellar. An all-round gastronomic extravaganza. Belon, the epitome of delectable seafood dining, a bona fide culinary pearl. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
*Breakfast: Mon-Sun: 06:30-10:30 Sunday Brunch: 11:30-15:00 Bar: Mon-Sun: 17:00-00:00 Restaurant: Mon-Sun: 18:00-23:00 Tue: Closed
Mon - Sat
06:30 - 10:30
17:00 - 00:00
06:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Macaupass, Mpay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Belon Seafood Platter Atlantic Black Seabass in Papillote Wagyu Tomahawk
Review (16)
Level4 2019-11-30
呢度係我去過最靚最抵最好嘅bar! 到目前為止我去過咁多地方呢度嘅happy hour is #1 of my list! 如果你鍾意飲酒,而且飲得,來澳門一定要嚟呢度,仲要係weekend嚟! 因為呢度weekend sunset hour只需要$248 for unlimited free flow and unlimited tapas tray! 星期一至四價錢平啲$198但係食物唔係unlimited. 係五星級酒店頂樓呢個環境同質素真係抵到冇得再抵! 平時喺酒店飲杯野閑閑哋都百幾二百,呢度你飲幾多杯都得! 再講食物,唔好以為任食就普普通通,成個tapas tray每一件食物都好好味完全食得出係精心炮製。佢哋嘅串燒仲好味過喺泰國餐廳食嘅,而且其他鹹點好特別超好食! 真係唔好錯過! 我第一日去完其實已經book咗第二日再去,但係前一晚飲得實在太醉所以最後取消咗好可惜!希望可以快啲再去澳門再嚟呢度。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We came here for our 20th annivesary dinner. Staff were very attentive. Live music at the cocktail bar. Very nice decor and interior. It was romatic.Oysters were fresh and delicious! My cured salmon entree was special and delicious. We both had steaks. They were handled very well. properly rested before serving. Good value for money. Same deal in hk will cost double. And they gave us a special dessert. Thank you. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-04-10
難得生日所以就過海黎食好出名嘅貝隆!!雖然價錢真係幾貴,$798一位但好多款式揀!!海鮮bar有兩款生蠔,一款係法國一款係愛爾蘭,兩款都鮮甜! 仲有蝦、青口、龍蝦鉗燒烤區有龍蝦、扒、薯格等等薯格出奇地好食!!行經甜品區真係好想未食飽就試番幾舊呀!!每款味道都唔錯 有即制梳乎厘,但係橙味..唔太鐘意冷盤有幾款,淨係試左大蝦,好有蝦味!!仲有鵝肝都好令人回味呀!! 服務員態度非常好!飲品有好多果汁、酒西瓜汁好夠味!雖然貴左d, 但好愉快呀成餐飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-03-01
最近幾年工作好忙,經常忽略咗家人,為了彌補家人特意抽去一個週末陪daddy,mommy去澳門轉多一圈。難得去玩,又係陪家人,肯定要住好吃好喇!特意選咗住係悅榕莊,因為悅榕莊本身就係一個非常好嘅Hotel,而且佢又有好多好正嘅餐廳。餐廳選擇咗係31層嘅貝隆餐廳,品嘗咗〃週六下午茶〃(係Hopetrip度booking先HKD378一位)。週六下午茶,共有十款小點心,單單三文治就有三種口味,開心果多士三明治、黑橄欖配綠茶多士、藍鰭吞拿魚蕃茄三明治。我最鐘意嘅點心係火腿蛋醬甜筒、馬卡龍和雜錦鮮果。火腿蛋醬甜筒個脆皮筒裡面加咗義大利風乾火腿〃Prosciutto〃,仲搭配咗兩種醬料搭配,一種係咖喱味,另外一種係酸甜嘅蛋醬。個人就比較鐘意酸甜味個蛋醬,比較開胃。我平時好少食馬卡龍(因為太甜),但是貝隆個馬卡龍又剛剛好窩,甜度適中。仲有雜錦鮮果,滿滿嘅Cream超正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-31
朋友係澳門工作所以上飯廳搜尋澳門餐廳,「貝隆」被這間餐廳名字吸引了!聽說是蠔的名字就決定這間吧!湛藍的樓梯、拱形的走廊、波浪弧形的吧、水母狀的吊燈、寬闊的樓層,甚至連鋼琴都是少見的水晶剔透,配合窗外的路美景這些都是該餐廳描述真的一一出現在我眼前。雅緻大堂入口超高樓底富有無限空間,塑造出高雅的氣氛餐廳特別為客人提供 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)