29號碼頭對面 continue reading
+853 28559627
It is famous for bamboo noodles, even the wonton is also made by bamboo. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2024)
Opening Hours
12:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Review (147)
Level2 2024-04-04
今次去澳門,難得可以Plan行程,我就揀咗衣間食店食水蟹粥,唔知我地係唔熟澳門地方定係店舖比較隱蔽,😅覺得有少少隔涉,雖然係咁,但店舖一開,已經差唔多坐滿人。食物方面:🦀水蟹粥~粥底好綿,雖然是水蟹,但算大隻,所以都有肉食🤭。蝦籽雲吞撈麵~啲麵好彈牙,熟度剛好,撈埋啲蝦籽真係好好食,雲吞都好大粒,🤤皮薄餡靚。炸鴛鴦~雖然係幾熱氣,但真心好味,特別係米通鯪魚球,一啲都唔腥,配上蜆蚧汁真係冇得輸。由於行程係最後一日,所以我哋都買咗啲麵和米通鯪魚球番香港。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🦀米芝蓮推薦💯去澳門覓食不可錯過水蟹粥‼️哩間傳統中式麵店一向都多人幫襯出名水蟹粥🦀竹昇麵🍜米通鯪魚球揀咗晏就時段去🕑幸好一去就有角落坐店舖傳統設計,座位較窄,必要時需搭台🔎水蟹粥(細窩)💰260味道好鮮甜🤤係食得出蟹嘅鮮甜~蟹有膏有肉🦀殼好薄 進食要小心粥底較稀,但都綿密,食完一碗又一碗😬兩個人食絕對叫一碗就夠‼️冇睇清楚餐牌😿見到圖片唔覺好大就叫咗細窩其實細窩可以算係4人份量🫢如果店員可以提提顧客就較好🔎懷舊炸錦鹵雲吞💰80雲吞皮好特別 唔同喺茶樓食嗰啲炸雲吞哩隻皮比較厚但又炸得好鬆脆🦐肉餡細粒,一啖一粒,過吓口癮份量太多嘅關係俾咗啲雲吞隔離檯而佢哋又請翻我哋食米通鯪魚球雖然外層好脆,但味道好腥😿點埋發酵醬汁 Um…都係我接受唔到嘅口味但據聞係鋪頭好出名嘅食物😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-09
呢間連續十幾年登上米芝蓮必比登推介,我可以話係由細食到大,今次主要都係黎食回憶既🤭相隔五年再訪,人氣依然鼎盛,五點幾到都已經滿左九成▪️ 首創米通鯪魚球(跟蜆蚧醬)(7.5/10)💲MOP 50(半份)外皮有少少米通,炸到好脆身,口感非常彈牙😛蜆蚧醬有陣腐乳味,不過實在太鹹,點少少就已經好夠🤏🏻▪️ 懷舊錦鹵炸雲吞(跟錦鹵汁)(7.5/10)💲MOP 80炸雲吞皮香脆,會似係蛋散嗰陣味,錦鹵汁絕對係亮點,酸酸甜甜咁勁開胃,唔會覺得油膩😎▪️ 招牌蝦籽撈麵(7.5/10)💲MOP 55面頭灑上大量蝦籽,個竹昇麵乾爽有彈性,完全無我好怕既鹼水味🤣▪️ 漁民艇仔粥(6.5/10)💲MOP 34見到有唔少人叫水蟹粥,呢個粥底係類似嗰種,水多過米,較為稀淡,配料有粉腸、豬皮、魚片條等😌▪️ 皮蛋牛肉粥(6.5/10)💲MOP 34唔記得左影相添📸同樣地略嫌個粥底唔夠綿密🥣但就足料既,有唔少皮蛋同埋新鮮牛肉片🔎 整體評分(7.5/10) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-07
星期日夜晚諗住香港人都返曬香港 應該唔使等位掛, 點知都係等咗一陣入面坐滿人而且仲keep住有人等又有好多人打電話入嚟叫外賣真係好好生意米通鯪魚球鯪魚頭個皮用米通包住去炸好脆好香入面啲魚肉又結實夠彈值得推介個蟹粥係一隻蟹一個粥底的份量如果人多都可以叫細窩或者大窩粥底唔夠結身,比較稀如果可以再綿密一點更好蟹的鮮甜味有少少啦蝦子竹昇麵蝦子份量正常竹昇面正常水準好食的沙嗲魚蛋撈麵沙嗲汁唔夠,可以再畀多啲,或者另上鹵水雞腳菜鹵水雞腳好食,肥美厚肉加生菜墊底吸收鹵水汁精華性價比提升攻略帶細佬去澳門玩遊樂場唔一定要花好多錢去室內遊樂場, 戶外政府建免費的都好大好靚可以玩足半日, 六記附近就有林茂遊樂場,行8-10分鐘就到, 滑梯有兩三層樓咁高,仲有個超大型沙池, 有沙有水,小朋友玩到唔想走,帶住細路食完嘢行下做運動都非常之好㗎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥非常傳統的老字號中式麵店,亦是米芝蓮推介的食店之一,除了提供出名的竹昇麵外,還有澳門著名的水蟹粥,以及不同的地道小食,每款都非常用心製作,而且吃得出傳統的味道。This is a traditional and well-established Chinese noodle shop, renowned for its signature Zhusheng noodles and recommended by the Michelin Guide. In addition to the famous Zhusheng noodles, they also serve Macau's popular crab congee and a variety of authentic snacks, all made with great care and showcasing traditional flavors.滷水鳳爪拼豬大腸 ($65)Braised chicken legs with pig intestines鹵水鳳爪煮得非常腍,所以入口即溶,而且充滿著鹵水的香味,另外豬大腸非常彈牙,廚師亦清潔得非常乾淨,所以沒有不好的味道The braised chicken feet are cooked to perfection, tender and packed with the rich aroma of the braising liquid. The pork intestines are delightfully chewy, and the chef ensures they are cleaned thoroughly, resulting in a taste-free from any unpleasant flavors.炸雲吞及炸鯪魚球 - Deep-fried wontons & fried fish balls炸雲吞炸得非常鬆脆,雲吞內的蝦十分新鮮,美中不足需要立即食用,否則凍了就不夠香脆。炸鯪魚球十分驚喜,因為非常彈牙,而且魚味非常濃郁,但卻沒有腥味The fried wontons are exceptionally crispy, and the shrimp filling is exceptionally fresh. It is recommended to consume them immediately to enjoy their crispy texture to the fullest. The deep-fried fish balls are a pleasant surprise, with a satisfying chewiness and a rich fish flavor without any fishy aftertaste.雲吞蝦子撈粗麵 - Shrimp wontons with thick noodles雲吞蝦子撈麵的雲吞非常鮮味,薄薄的雲吞皮包著新鮮的大蝦,麵亦十分爽口彈牙,沒有鹼水的味道,蝦子亦增加了整個麵的鮮味The shrimp dumplings served in the tossed noodles are incredibly flavorful, with thin and delicate dumpling wrappers enveloping plump and fresh shrimp. The noodles themselves are delightfully chewy and do not have any alkali taste. The addition of shrimp enhances the overall freshness of the dish.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅每樣食物都非常新鮮,現場即制熱哄哄的,所以特別美味,而且選擇亦十分多Every dish is made to order, ensuring freshness and exceptional taste. ❌食物大部分以肉類或海鮮為主,蔬菜選擇較少 The extensive menu offers a wide selection of meat and seafood options, although vegetable choices are relatively limited.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅傳統的中式麵店設計,令人有一種家庭式的親切感覺The interior design of the restaurant follows a traditional Chinese noodle shop theme, creating a warm and homey atmosphere.❌店鋪的通道比較窄,座位比較細,而且繁忙時間需要拼枱The narrow passageways and compact seating arrangements may pose some challenges during busy times, often requiring sharing tables with other diners.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅雖然店舖顧客較多亦很繁忙,但侍應生亦十分有禮貌,上載及落單亦十分迅速Despite the high number of customers and the bustling atmosphere, the service staff are polite and efficient in taking orders and serving the food promptly.❌由於顧客較多,所以需要輪候,但輪候的製度比較混亂Due to the high popularity of the restaurant, there may be a waiting time, but the queuing system could be somewhat disorganized.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅菜式的分量比較多,所以價格算是合理The portion sizes of the dishes are generous, making the prices reasonable.❌無 Nil continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)