港铁太古站 E1 出口, 港铁太古站 D2 出口 继续阅读
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食记 (2)
等级2 2017-08-16
731 浏览
今日約左人去柴灣睇戲,所以就近近地去太古食d野,事關被人約個個住係太古,好肚餓唔想行咁遠播。聽佢講完來太古個canteen搬左同整靚左,咁米下佢囉。由本來嘅大食代變左做宜加比較fashion 嘅裝飾,係幾好。係依間叫左個燒春雞食,半隻。點知拎到出黎,真係嚇一跳,佢嘅半隻係平時嘅兩倍,好抵呀!仲要隻雞出奇地滑,一d都唔鞋。以food count黎講,質素都唔錯啦加多少少錢就可以變做餐,有湯同野飲同沙律。 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级4 2017-03-15
485 浏览
Future Bar is located inside the new Treats food court in Cityplaza. It offers juice, tea and coffee. You can also grab premade items in the fridge such as soft drinks and beer.I was thirsty and didn't want  soft drink. I noticed they had a list of pre-designed fruit juices. All cost $38. However, for some odd reason, they are not flexible. If you wanted another fruit replaced, they do not allow it. If you don't want that fruit, they also don't allow it. I suspect this is due to the fact is working in a fast food setting and they have a set of instructions on how to make things so they must follow them or they will get lost.Anyways, this is what I got.  A orange, pear and ginger juice. It was ok yet strange combination I had never heard of before. There wasn't enough ginger so you really do not taste it. It was a bit on the tart side. For a fruit juice bar, that is not flexible, it's not worth it. I can get a better juice elsewhere. 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)