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食记 (38)
等级3 2024-02-20
235 浏览
今年生日,選擇了這個Agnes b的檸檬撻作為生日蛋糕。整體由撻皮、檸檬慕絲、意式蛋白霜組合而成。酸甜中有檸檬的清香,入口清新。撻頂的蛋白霜造型像烈焰,口感輕盈細膩,還有一些花花裝飾,外觀一流。撻皮酥脆,層次豐富,甜而不膩。是高格又美味的生日蛋糕選擇!agnès b. Café LPG (太古城中心) (太古)📍太古太古城道18號太古城中心2樓280-282號舖 继续阅读
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🎄agnès b. CAFÉ推出咗美食佢哋嘅coffee and cake一向有素質聖誕系列~一樣好睇又好食聖誕蛋糕及飲品有幾款選擇❄️ Bûche de Noël ($62)聖誕榛子樹頭蛋糕配搭香濃榛子果仁慕絲朱古力脆皮外殼多重豐富口感甜而不膩 😋 ⛄ Gingerbread latte ($54)有個朱古力粉做的可愛☃️熱拿鐵加埋暖暖的薑咖啡順滑又保暖絕對係冬季佳品🤗仲有好多聖誕花/禮品/禮盒供選購大家一齊過番過暖笠笠冬日假期🎅🤶 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-06-20
797 浏览
Agnes b Cafe今次tea time是但入左agnes b cafe,飲左Mocha同Latte加個cheese toast 每樣野都好好味,Mocha個朱古力味濃,Latte咖啡味都好重。邊飲邊食埋個toast, 感覺都無咁飽最後見到佢個雪糕都好吸引就買左2隻味試,一隻無花果一隻hazelnut, 唔太甜幾好味!  继续阅读
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等级3 2022-09-01
1581 浏览
Agnes b coffee Last sunday, we have been to taikoo shing Center for exploration, and we found a spacious coffee area which we though was Starbucks, but it is Agnes b cafe ~ there are lots of people there and the environment is very nice and florrie. We checked the price of coffee and it was just in normal range, not expensive at all. Hence, we order a mochaccino in grand size, it was just $52!!! Talking to the taste of the mochaccino, “wow” is our first word as it really really good! I believe if you tried Agnes b coffee before, probably you had got the same feeling and expression like us. Regarding its affordable price and attractive cafe design environment, i strongly recommend this one to coffe-holics or all the people who needs a coffee in your hustle and bustle life. 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-08-30
952 浏览
🔸agnès b CAFÉ x SmarTone Plus 蛋糕套餐 (2人份) ▫️Petite Four法式水果撻 (seasonal fruit tarts with vanilla custard)(原價💰82)(6.5/10)佢有六款好細嘅鮮果撻,六種唔同嘅水果: 橙、芒果、奇異果、士多啤梨、藍莓、菠蘿。佢嘅撻皮同水果嘅顏色同味道一樣,算係幾有心思。個底仲有啲雲呢拿吉士醬。但係可能係用機整嘅關係,個撻皮做得比較粗糙,有啲好硬。▫️Carla芒果香草奶油蛋糕 (mango, vanilla bavarois, vanilla sponge) (原價💰50)(6.5/10)普通,冇乜令人驚嘆嘅感覺。▫️Marthe伯爵茶朱古力蛋糕(Earl grey chocolate mousse, Earl grey sponge, chocolate biscuit) (原價💰50)(7.5/10)呢個伯爵茶蛋糕反而令人幾驚喜,入面有好多重嘅口感,而且好香伯爵茶同朱古力味。▫️ Crème brûlée café latte法式焦糖燉蛋風味鮮奶咖啡(原價💰53)(6.5/10)都係普通啦。▫️Rose chocolate 玫瑰朱古力(原價💰52)(7.5/10)呢個好香朱古力同玫瑰味,朱古力都幾濃,幾好飲喎!餐廳都唔算多人,可以慢慢坐住傾偈,而我哋坐嘅位置仲可以欣賞店員插花,包好一紮玫瑰🌹渡過輕鬆的下午。Overall評分: 7/10📍agnès b. Café LPG (太古城中心) (太古)太古太古城道18號太古城中心2樓280-282號舖 继续阅读
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