港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
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食評 (87)
一間save咗好耐嘅Cafe起西營盤高街,位置比較吊腳 (唔近地鐵站)同朋友放lunch想搵個坐得耐嘅地方,特登過嚟試吓佢嘅▶️ 車仔包 呢度嘅特色之一😍就係可以自選麵包同配料配搭,好似港式車仔麵咁揀咗貝高Bagel ($30) + 兩款配料2 toppings ($58) Bagel烘到兩邊深啡色,咬落非常脆口,凍咗都仲脆本身好厚身脹卜卜🥯所以入面軟身得來好煙韌有嚼口而唔硬❤️比一般麵包dense啲可以話係數一數二嘅bagel (有諗過買返個返屋企食haha)面頭有罌粟籽、芝麻粒、少少乾洋蔥,齋食已經有香味同鹹鹹地雞胸肉chicken breast同預期唔同,事前煎過,好薄片,邊邊位香脆,製法同口感似煙肉🥓配上大量芝麻醬,幾惹味奄列omelette好抵叫,除咗炒蛋之外仲有大量火腿絲,似足港式茶餐廳火腿奄列😋炒蛋濕潤,附有蛋香,調味適中將兩款配料放上bagel一齊食好夾,大滿足▶️ Flat white嚟呢度一定叫返杯熱咖啡,咁先可以欣賞到靚靚拉花店員拉咗個玫瑰花同蝴蝶俾我哋🦋非常有心呢杯Flat white奶比例重啲,蓋過咗咖啡苦味,因而味道較淡☕️-食物好唔錯👍🏻睇得出全部用心製作,賣相好靚一定一定要試bagel!(至於english muffin,見到佢哋係用嘉頓一包四件嗰隻,朋友叫咗話好食,不過自己會覺得喺屋企都整到,冇咁抵食)然而製作需時,上餐時間比較耐,要耐心等候服務幾好,店員有禮貌同友善,仲有Wi-Fi提供,適宜喺度溫書Cafe入面細,容納唔到咁多食客,座位較迫 (lunch time嚟到坐滿,好受歡迎),兩個人嚟就OK,多人未必好適合鍾意cafe嘅playlist,好令人放鬆🎶價錢合理,唔收加一,呢個bagel值得,其他餐點同飲品以cafe嚟講都唔算貴又一間好cafe推介俾HKU朋友仔😚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-29
0 瀏覽
Indulge in the mesmerizing world of #CoffeeArt, where coffee transcends its role and becomes a canvas for artistic expression. In Hong Kong, you'll find the most stunning latte creations featuring intricate lion and butterfly designs. Witness the transformation of coffee into a true work of art, as talented baristas turn their craft into award-winning masterpieces. Despite their small size, these cafes are definitely worth a visit! 🦁🦋Immerse yourself in the beauty of #CoffeeArt as you explore the vibrant coffee scene in Hong Kong. These cafes are renowned for their exceptional latte art, where baristas skillfully pour and sculpt the foam to create stunning designs. From majestic lion motifs to delicate butterfly patterns, each cup of coffee becomes a masterpiece that delights both the eyes and the taste buds. ☕️🎨The dedication and talent of these baristas have garnered them numerous awards and recognition in the world of latte art. Their passion for their craft is evident in every pour, resulting in meticulously crafted latte creations that leave a lasting impression. Prepare to be amazed as you witness the skill and precision that goes into each cup. 🏆❤️Despite their small size, these cafes exude a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Step into these artistic havens and be captivated by the attention to detail in every aspect, from the carefully selected coffee beans to the delightful pastries that complement the coffee experience. Don't miss the opportunity to savor both visual and gastronomic delights in these extraordinary coffee destinations. ✨🌟Embark on a journey of sensory delights as you embrace the fusion of coffee and art at these remarkable #CoffeeArt cafes. Indulge in the beauty of latte masterpieces and elevate your coffee experience to new heights! 🦁🦋☕️🎨 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
之前已經嚟過幾次~每次都好多人好滿座~不過好彩嘅係通常好快就有位唔駛話等好耐😆今次2個都選擇唔叫All Day叫Bagel🥯煙三文魚係必選😋叫多個牛油果🥑mix埋變煙三文魚牛油果Bagel好好食🤣至於咖啡拉花真係好出色🥹拉咗係龍🐉同松鼠🐿️當然2杯嘢都係好好飲的☕️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-02-13
83 瀏覽
Flat White 喜歡Nutty的我覺得不錯喔🤍咖啡味超濃(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)好怕飲到啲好似咖啡味牛奶嘅咖啡 呢道飲嘅感覺係有牛奶嘅咖啡☕️好飲好飲~(唔知有冇人明我講咩🤣)拉花唔洗講 超特別🥲好欣賞cafe有咁靚嘅拉花 而且每一杯都唔同!唔怕同一齊食嘅朋友撞款打卡唔靚🤣🐒.Hashtag crab special 當日嚟係下午茶時段 所以諗住一份兩個人share😆啲crab勁足料🙊🐷同沙律夾埋好正好juicy~個包係仲脆嘅牛角包 咁juicy嘅餡加個咁脆嘅包一齊食 真係幾夾🙊覺得濟嘅/蟹有腥味 好細心準備咗檸檬☺️落咗之後酸酸地咁 同個蟹又出奇地夾👏🏻.呢道唔算太多人 環境亦好chill🐒有機會會嚟多啲希望可以見到更多唔同款嘅拉花😆 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-06
111 瀏覽
2024年第一次探館。 雖然距離車站有一段斜路,但館內滿滿的人已是信心的保證。 前台的crepe很是吸引。 點了hojicha crepe, 甜度適中。 好食過lady x 🤭 點了Flatwhite 及 Mocha. Latte Art 果然如江湖傳聞,杯杯都有驚喜。 見到咖啡師還有很多特別出品。 然後如果有點 車仔飽再叫甜品又有折。 下次要再來試吖! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)