港鐵上環站 A2 出口 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 15:30
07:30 - 15:30
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食評 (29)
等級4 2023-01-03
1226 瀏覽
利香茶居 地址: 上環皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈2樓熟食中心CF4號舖電話: 69960066=====================係中環街市熟食中心,預環境衞生都一般點心大部分是即叫即包即蒸,中午來了食點心老實說價錢同附近架茶樓差不多,不便宜的點心黑芝麻包,好好食,包香甜做餡好甜又流心,不是自家製但好食其他點心味道偏鹹,如蝦餃,肉是彈但真的吃一口已鹹到要狂飲茶沖返個味蕾,而個皮不是自己抵,用了現成餃子皮代替燒賣好食,大大粒有豬肉蝦同菇,但味道也是很鹹,蛋蒸老了overcooked 很鞋立腸雞飯,雞肉多好滑,個飯粒粒分明,水份控制得好好 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-10-17
769 瀏覽
真係一間好強大既餐廳平日2:00都依然高朋滿座👫🏻嚟呢度必食嘅一定係叉燒意粉但其實我對呢個組合麻麻都係單叫份腿蛋治岩我多啲😝厚方包🍞食落好鬆軟!如果叫烘底唔知會唔會更正呢🤤🤤🤤下次試下先 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-07-23
3331 瀏覽
喺上環做嘢,平時會留意下邊度有平嘢食,其實上環熟食街市都有好多平靚嘢食。呢度叫利香茶居,間鋪真係好豆泥下,係食點心,飲下平民茶的好地方,但服務係零,點心唔該自己出面攞,但真心講呢度D點心做得唔錯,好食。那天好鬼忙,掛住佢D鳳爪排骨飯,只叫了外賣,口痕買多一份牛肉食下。佢地醃D排骨同鳳爪真係超入味,排骨一定係雪藏貨,但無半點雪味,好腍好食加埋D好有咬口的鳳爪係好正,今次佢個蒸飯有D失準,平時堂食好爽,米飯分明加埋D飯粒粒分明,係正到無朋友的,今次用飯盒,有倒汗水D飯有D濕,口感差少少,但排骨鳳爪仍然到家! 另外山竹牛肉,好吃有牛肉味,唔散帶爽有D果皮香,今餐加料,好唔錯,起碼不是粉蕾蕾的牛肉球,好吃。呢間D點心師傅有兩度! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-04-23
2318 瀏覽
位於上環街市嘅利香茶居一向都係唔少返工客嘅飯堂點解?因為貪佢就腳、又平又好食大食妹就身先士卒試吓佢有幾平幾好食啦星期日去見到星期日同埋公眾假期點心有特價,茶芥低至一蚊個一開始仲以為睇錯<棉花雞$24>雞肉好嫩滑,冬菇入味,豆卜晒雞汁係精華所在雞份量仲要超多,抵食<干蒸燒賣$24>一籠四粒,等唔切食咗一粒先來影相燒賣無將貨就價,粒粒都好大粒,真材實料豬肉彈牙,強料落得一d都唔手軟<叉燒包$10>十蚊籠叉燒包,而家嘅市道去邊度搵甜度岩岩好,細細個包但係裏面充滿叉燒,好味<馬拉榚$10>馬拉糕味道相對遜色,唔夠鬆軟硬繃繃不過$10個,嗌黎填飽個肚都算唔錯一句講曬,平、靚、正,得閒必定再戰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-04-01
1547 瀏覽
There are tons of dim sum places in Hong Kong, from hotels to chain restaurants. If you feel like eating something more traditional and don't mind about the ambience, this is a place for you.It's a self-served place, from getting the tea, utensils, and dim sum. It's quite an interesting experience. The fried raddish cake is crispy in the outside, yet it's moist and soft in the inside, I'd say it's the best raddish cake I ever tried in a Chinese restaurant. Another dish is the steamed rice noodle rolls, it's a plain Cheung fun but pan fried, which the crust is a little crispy and it tastes perfectly with the mixture of the sweet sauce and soy sauce. The beef trip is another highlight, it's chewy and slightly spicy. The steamed raddish absorbed all the flavours of this dish. The chicken feet with the spareribs rice is the great way to end our meal. The spareribs and chicken feet are scrumptious, the spareribs is in bite-sized and create a savoury treat, it definitely a great joy in finishing this whole pot of rice. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)