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食評 (18)
等級4 2024-03-29
286 瀏覽
🤗 去年聖誕, 係置地廣場, 重遇十年冇見嘅 “基金經理”, 閒話中 佢講起 米芝蓮星級韓國菜 Mosu, 又話係 廚藝嘅 “極至”.🥰 踏入龍年, 相約老友 “甘仔”, “約兒”, “格魯特” 食開年飯, 心裏已經敲定 Mosu. 一開始, “甘仔” 嫌貴, “約兒” 嫌遠, “格魯特” 嫌棄韓國菜, 最後成功力排眾議, 哈哈.🏘️ 餐廳位於西九文化區M+ 3樓, 開𨋢, 直望餐廳入口, 右邊望到M+ 嘅花園連維港景. 服務員帶路, 走過長走廊, 途經廚房, 隔著玻璃跟主廚打個招呼, 進入用餐區.🥢 今日安排坐半圓型梳化位, 嘩, 環境非常闊落, 設酒吧區, 雙邊落地玻璃, 望花園景, 室內採用垂簾式吊燈, 配合梳化底滲光效果, 燈光略暗, 半靠窗外自然光.📖 午餐一個餐單, 餐牌印喺半透明嘅牛油紙上面, 冇顯示價錢, 埋單$1,180+10%, 配酒餐牌放底, 對番食物, 有意思嘅設計, 又係冇顯示價錢, 埋單 $680+10%.Small BitesPerilla SaladPine Nut CustardMackerel & Naeng-yiCast Iron Pot RiceSmall Sweets🍹 Welcome Drink. 材料包括 韓國米酒, 花椒, 薑. 酒味薑味跑出, 少少椒香, 飲落清爽.🐚 Small Bites: 北海道帶子海苔杯. 建議一啖食晒, 帶子新鮮, 紫菜又夠脆, 底層嘅薯仔沙律提升質感, 完美結合, 十個讚!🍄 Small Bites: 蘑菇撻, 杏仁, 蘑菇啫喱. 建議一啖食晒, 杏仁味帶領, 菇香慢慢滲出, 啫喱口感, 掂!🐚 Perilla Salad. Perilla 係韓國嘅紫蘇葉, 但冇咗我平日唔鍾意嘅味道. 主角係底層嘅紫蘇籽, 卜卜脆, 配角係鮑魚, 蛋黃, 撈埋嚟食, 厲害嘅一體感, 其中一啖食到藤椒味喎, 出色!🍥 Pine Nut Custard. 松子蒸蛋. 鮮味滲透蒸蛋, 再與 虎蝦, 銀杏 同埋 牛蒡 各自擦出火花, 絕對係神級之作, 係今期食過最好食嘅蒸蛋.🐟 Mackerel & Naeng-yi. 韓國釜山鯖魚, 肉質結實滑溜, 入口甘香, 放底層嘅 Naeng-yi 屬韓國出產嘅蔬菜, 平衡醬汁嘅肥膩, 過關!🐂 Cast Iron Pot Rice. 韓式鐵鍋, 韓牛, 醬菜, 舞茸菇. 牛肉粉嫩, 重油脂, 有點嚼口, 齋食少少腬, 配合香噴噴嘅焗飯, 一流!🍨 Small Sweets: 韓國蜜柑雪糕. 加咗香草油, 賣相攪笑, 好似俾人食咗一半, 味道酸酸甜甜, 不俗!🍰 Small Sweets: 韓國海苔芝士蛋糕. 外貌正常, 一陣陣 “燒燶味”, 有趣, 蛋糕質感相當軟身.🥨 Petit Fours. 韓式甜點, 用粘米粉整, 建議分成兩三啖食, 入口似實咗嘅 “蛋散” 或者 “馬仔”. 🍷 講講配酒, 再次讚賞餐牌設計, 食物餐牌印喺半透明嘅牛油紙上面, 配酒餐牌放底, 食物對番酒款. 第一杯, 法國香檳, 氣泡豐富, 助攻頭盤嘅帶子, 正路. 第二杯, 意大利白酒, 我就係覺得淡味, 哈哈, 當然, 配蒸蛋, 合理嘅. 第三杯, 紅酒, 傳說中嘅 “單公仔” d’Armailhac, 法國名廠, 又提前醒酒, 抵讚.🤗 總結: 餐廳空間感十足, 服務帶溫度, 服務員認真清楚介紹餐牌, 介紹食物, 有問必答. 論食物, 似法國菜多過韓國菜, 一體感超讚, 幾道頭盤喜出望外, 早幾次喺星級法國餐廳食魚都踩雷, 今日嘅鯖魚完勝, 韓牛未算驚喜, 但焗飯出色, 大滿足!📖 翻查資料: Mosu, 韓文意思係 “秋英”, 又名 “大波斯菊”, 一種喜歡太陽嘅花, 係韓國行政總廚 Sung Anh 家鄉常見嘅花朵, 因而起名. 香港係 Mosu 首間海外分店, 聽講 Sung 年少移居美國, 由於言語不通, 靠睇港產片, 打發時間, 對香港早有了解. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
无意中刷到Mosu开了午市,HKD1180六道式,对钱包和胃口还算友好,并且不难预订,于是就在假期尾声小小奖励自己一顿。·吃下来虽然没有什么大开大合,但烹饪讲究都在细节里,调味优雅,食材体现着季节性。好天气与宁静柔和的氛围加分,另外餐具真的很美,一餐饭流畅而舒心。·来之前还寻思着近几年新派韩餐的崛起,大多是融合法餐的基石,来演绎传统韩国料理,调味在一定程度上被局限在各种酱和发酵里。而Mosu显然是一个不走寻常路且雄心勃勃的尖子生,不能以一家韩餐Fine的角度来欣赏它。·得益于Chef多元的文化背景,感觉料理核心已经跳出了韩餐框架,往欧陆菜的方向探索着。从精致餐饮的艺术性、革新性、与自然的联结来看,Mosu跟M+的使命感在一定程度上相契合。·更令人印象深刻的,是一场丰盛如繁花的感官体验。在落地玻璃窗边吃饭,抬眼仿佛就是一片花田(上次来天台花园还是M+刚开幕不久,现在的美可以让人在出电梯瞬间屏住呼吸)。夜晚降临时,大厅里的吊灯就是一帘帘流动的星星。·全程追着光影在拍的一顿饭从一小杯Welcome drink生姜红参饮开始,以米酒为基底,回甘清冽芬芳。·Amuse Bouche有两款,【Gim Cup】薄脆的海苔外壳裹住绵密的土豆沙律,托起鲜甜的龙虾肉。龙虾用酱油薄薄腌渍过,鲜味得到了加强,土豆沙律混合了蛋白蛋黄和柠檬汁一起筛,清新不腻。·【Turnip Tart】小巧的萝卜挞集结了萝卜的三种元素,腌渍过的萝卜啫喱带着意想不到的酸度,酥脆的挞底在齿间化开轻巧的杏仁黄油香气。·【Perilla Salad】清爽的紫苏色拉配紫苏汁,依然是讲究一食材多吃,被酱汁浸润的鲍鱼片显得更加弹韧鲜美,摆盘很有春日花田的感觉了。·【Pine Nut Custard】质地比日式茶碗蒸更扎实的“韩式茶碗蒸”,出汁中透着饱满的坚果香气,板栗和白果在软糯中带着回弹,搭配的应该是沙参,口感兼具牛蒡的脆度和土豆丝的淀粉感。·【Grilled Mackerel / Naeng yi】很喜欢这道烟熏鲭鱼,能感觉到它浓厚的脂肪在熏制的重塑下轻盈起来,原本紧致的肉质也更加柔软适口。·盘底的酸味啫喱掩盖了油脂感,烟熏香气中带着温柔又霸道的黄油奶香。美中不足是用Naeng yi(一种时令芥菜)制成的酱汁比较油腻,黄油放得太多,有美式的豪迈了。·【Hanwoo / Cast Iron Pot Rice】主菜倒是令人一头雾水,盛有整颗炭烤西兰花的铁锅先端上来展示了一番(其实没有必要,因为黑黢黢的造型真不好看),然后切成细碎的小块拌入米饭。·略带野性的炭烤香气扑鼻而来,伴随着每一粒耐嚼的米饭,这碗烧焦西兰花饭是好吃的,搭配的日本舞茸和腌渍泡菜则有些莫名其妙。·韩牛目测五分熟(默认),微红的纹理外层汪着一圈油花,入口有油脂轻微的爆破感。大概是西冷之类脂肪充足的部位,并经过了让肉香更集中的熟成。尽管肉汁很充足,但最大问题是肉质,并不能与和牛、澳牛相匹敌 。·清口甜点是【柠檬香草雪葩】,表面点缀着糖渍柠檬皮,不是想象中的高酸,难得吃到柠檬能如此的优雅回甘。·【Dashima Basque】对这款已经烂大街的甜点并不感兴趣,但吃到Mosu的版本还是小小为之惊喜。服就服在它看起来normal,但在味型上呈现出了高级餐厅才有的差异性。·神奇之处就是加入了昆布,为奶酪味厚重的巴斯克融入一抹意想不到的umami。质地入口即化如天鹅绒般柔软,回味里浓郁与咸鲜天衣无缝交织,很灵。·最后小甜品是一颗花朵形状的韩式药菓Yakgwa,混合了蜂蜜和芝麻油,我愿称之为甜腻的韩式糖油果子,配着茶也没能吃下去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Since its opening, this overseas branch of the famous Michelin 3-star in Seoul under the same name has been a hot spot for HK diners. On the night I come with high expectation to 3/F of M+ in West Kowloon to experience how Chef Sung Anh and his team bring Korean cuisine to another level.The main dining room is spacious, looking out to the HK skyline on one side. In the middle is a large patch of flower bed decoration, with comfortable circular banquette tables around. The dim hanging lights provide a cozy and relaxing ambience, giving me a feeling of dining under starry night.There is only one tasting menu ($2,180 per person), and I also go for wine pairing ($1,180). My wife has opted for a Pineapple Juice ($58) to start. The staff then brings us a welcome drink, made from Korea rice wine, with some black pepper and ginger, exhibiting interesting flavour combinations.To pair with the first course, a glass of Laurent Lequart ‘Reserve’ Blanc de Noirs NV is served. Made from 100% Pinot Meunier, the wine has green apple, white flowers, and some slight bitterness on the finish. A very clean and refreshing Champagne to start the meal.The first course involves four small bites, starting with Seaweed with Salmon Roes. The crispy seaweed is formed to resemble a small cup, with plenty of marinated salmon roes inside. The wonderful umami from both of the ingredients creates a feast of delights in taste. A great starter.The second small bite is Tomato Tart, with the tart made from almond. The tomato skin has been removed, leaving the soft flesh that has been braised in stock to infuse with flavours while retaining sweetness. On top is an olive crumble as toppings to give fragrance and texture. Another nice one.The third small bite is my favourite, Abalone Taco. Wrapping in the crispy taco shell is the very tender abalone, with some sweet mustard inside. On the top is some fine shredded kombu to add to the umami. A few drops of lime juice enhance the taste tremendously by giving some acidity.The last small bite is Ink Tart, with eggplant puree inside. On top is the sliced cured beef, with a nice marble but not very fatty on palate. Very tasty and all four small bites give us a pleasant surprise of how the chef can integrate these Korean ingredients with Western cooking techniques.The next wine features the Modern series of Senkin, a sake from Tochigi prefecture. Muku is the flagship of the series, with the name meaning no stain, reflecting the idea of the style of pure and clean, having a mellow palate, with white pear, flowers and is good match with the tofu.The Black Sesame Tofu is a creative dish with a Japanese touch. The silky tofu is made to resemble a xiaolongbao, with sea urchin inside. Mixing with a bit of wasabi the delicate tofu taste is in great harmony with the umami of the sea urchin, with the light soy sauce providing good seasoning.To pair with the third dish, I am served Depperu ‘Ruinas’ 2021, a 100% Vermentino from Sardinia. Well-structured and refreshing, with nice fruit and herbs, a bit of green tea and hints of salty on the finish. A versatile white wine to pair with fish, as well as other seafood in my opinion.The presentation of Pink Tilefish in Brassica is amazing, with the meaty tilefish with colourful skin sitting on a sauce of pinkish hue, with the greenish herb extracts creating patterns on it. The tilefish is very smooth and soft on the texture, great in quality. The brassica shreds also provide an extra layer of texture.Next wine is Radikon Slatnik 2020, an orange wine from Fruili-Venezia Giulia, a blend of 80% Chardonnay and 20% Sauvignonasse. My favourite wine on the evening, this wine has plenty of yellow stone fruit, melon, and good minerality and savoury to match with the deep-fried mushroom.Essence of Autumn Ground is in fact a tempura style deep-fried mushroom with a sauce made from mushroom essence, a puree made of spinach and orange. Despite the best effort from the chef, I feel the dish is quite oily on the palate. Perhaps the restaurant should consider changing this dish.To pair with the noodle, the wine chosen is MastroJanni Brunello di Montalcino 2018. The beautiful ruby red wine has a nice strawberry, cherry and spicy notes, tobacco and savoury characters. Classic Brunello that goes well with cheese and the earthy notes of the black truffle in the next dish.Ember Roasted Acorn Noodle features the Korea acorn noodles, but using Parmesan cheese to prepare a sauce, with plenty of shaved black truffle on top. The texture of the noodle is fantastic, al dente, with the sauce not heavy, and the black truffle weaving its magic of fragrance to add to the enjoyment.Coming to the main course, the wine paired is Chateau Bellefont-Belcier 2019, a classic St-Emilion with 70% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Franc and 5% Cabernet Sauivgnon. With intense black plums, blackberry and mocha, mineral notes of lead and some spiciness, nice match with the pork loin coming up.There are two choices of the main, with me picking Iberico Pork while my wife has the Korean beef. The pork is juicy and tender, grilled perfectly, with a delicious jus. On the side is the Naju pear to give a bit of sweet and refreshing taste to balance. Very tasty. The beef on comparison is not as good in my opinion.The Small Sweets consist of a few different dishes. First is Jasmine Sorbet and Lemon Rice Cake. The sorbet is made from yogurt, coconut, lime zest. Very refreshing and also helps to cleanse the palate. The rice cake is ‘stuffed’ to the poached lemon skin, which can be eaten together.To pair with the dessert, I order an extra glass of sweet wine, with the sommelier picking Disznoko Tokaji Aszu 5 Puttonyos ($268). Sweet but not cloying, I totally agree to his choice, as this wine is a better pair than the more premium 6 Puttonyos or Esszencia for the desserts that are served.Next is Caramel Ice-Cream with ginger, and pineapple pieces on the bottom. The soft ice-cream is very pleasant on the texture, not too sweet, and the pineapple pieces have been cooked in rum to infuse with the characters, while boiling away the alcohol. The crisps on top provides a nice contrast on texture.The final dessert is Dasima Cheese Cake. Dasima is the Korean word for kelp, and the chef has added that to the cheese cake to create a note of umami on top of the sweetness of the cake. With a cup of coffee, it is the perfect finale to the meal.The Petits Fours is a delicate dessert made from rice flour and honey, with the crunchy skin and soft inside, which reminds me a bit of Canelés from Bordeaux region in France. Again, great together with the coffee.The service is good, with the staff friendly and nice. The sommelier is knowledgeable and his wine pairing is very good. The staff can spend more time explaining each dish though. The total bill on the night is $6,527. Not cheap, but worth coming to explore how they combine Korea food with fine dining. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
-约摸是上周的时候,住在深圳的朋友给我发了多张照片,是他在香港故宫拍摄的,就是几张简单的照片,画面里人潮涌动,便足以泛起久违的情愫。与朋友相识多年,此前我们常常在多地建筑、看展览,这几年却是良久未见。去过北京以及台北的故宫之后,可以说,香港这家新启不久的故宫恰好是我很想前往的目的地之一,于是趁着旅游的空挡,来这里一探究竟。-在西九文化区,除了此行想去打卡的香港故宫博物馆,也有诸如M+大楼的艺术展馆,其中还设有剧院、商店、天台花园以及餐厅等等…而说到餐厅,便是我心心念念的韩国融合料理MOSU ,它西方回到东方,从旧金山一路到首尔,再至香港,新店甫开,没多久便成为城内座位紧俏的餐厅之一。-中午的用餐便定在了这里,从展览区域走入餐厅,有如穿越进了一处时间层叠的迷幻所在。这家餐厅巧妙地划分为沿着狭长空间流动的部分,设有两个包厢以及主用餐空间。木地板,以及胡桃木桌椅与现有清水泥结构形成鲜明对比,再加上织物和植物的使用,这些不同的结构层营造一种安静、更亲密的氛围。独立的面向窗户的座位则是在上方打造了呼吸灯的装置布置,下方是诗意一般干花排列,被视为梦中花园的延伸。-同首尔店一样,配合优雅纤细的空间,香港店亦选择韩国在地元素来构建菜品层次,主厨的创造力于此得以绽放,确是一家能够拨动食客心弦的好餐厅。-Welcome drink提子气泡饮融入提子的香气,以为是简单明了的构造,却调和出了清甜与芳香平衡融合的高雅茶感,果真令人回想起刚刚在展览馆看过的和风美人画像。-Small bites:1.北海道带子 海苔 土豆泥沙拉Mosu让我觉得优雅的地方并不在于菜品的小份上桌方式,而在于菜品的“simple and neat”,细节准确度和简洁的呈现方式打动人心。比如头开胃小食紫菜卷带子,拟像日本军舰卷,但口感却是风味和层次的叠合,脆香的海苔包裹着滑嫩鲜甜的带子,而中间则是由鸡蛋与土豆蓉托起了一道更厚实的味道,回味中的柠檬酸则在口腔中拉一段清新又舒适的尾韵。-2.松茸挞 松茸啫喱 杏仁挞壳开胃小食还有一道松茸挞,松茸啫喱填入杏仁挞壳,啫喱与松茸绵柔如轻云,酸与甜氤氲其中,配一杯茉莉花茶,韵调迷人。-3.紫苏沙拉包菜,芥蓝以及菠菜的三重甜嫩,点缀以亚麻籽,再用紫苏酱汁同蛋黄酱以酸度与油脂香提出春日全部的鲜甜,只是目光也可感受到盘中的色彩与春日争鲜。-4.碳烧虾,松果蛋羹,萝卜丝,银杏豆雅致是一份大虾,笑说过于肥润出落得像海鱼,碳烤过再用慢炖的松果蛋羹去和,点缀着萝卜丝与银杏,是里外两重鲜,各有风韵而在口中一刻相遇。-5.釜山鲭鱼,野菜花,香油先煎再煮的釜山鲭鱼,添了一把春天的野菜花,鲜香里都是春时滋味。彼时的荠菜香气还柔软,在芝麻油的香气中,绕着鲜活弹嫩的鱼肉一同送入口中,是一碗有着生命力萌发之感的春日之味。-6.韩牛 西兰花釜饭搭配主菜韩牛的是一款西兰花釜饭,西兰花的鲜甜中潜藏着的烟熏风味以及韩牛的油润感,与带着饭焦的米饭配得亦步亦趋,温热入腹,风味在口中层次渐进地铺展开来又相互交融。-Small sweets:济州岛蜜桔sorbet,香草籽一味甜品是蜜桔雪芭,将济州产的蜜桔做了雪葩,与细碎的香草籽一同填回盘里,成了春日的酸甜滋味。-昆布巴斯克菜品味道是隽永而不突兀的,大部分菜没有大开大合的刺激感,但平稳之中却流露着显著的结构感。比如昆布巴斯克 初入口只吃到芝士和香草的味道,心想何来昆布踪影?待咽下肚去,口腔里竟慢慢升起一股浓郁的昆布香气。这是一味非常大胆的结构设计,安师傅显然有自己的节奏安排,这也Mosu的有趣所在。-药果主厨做了一枚小小的药菓,韩式小零嘴的香酥中透着淡淡姜味,甚是舒服。-不知不觉坐到了午市结束营业的时分,彼时正是天光舒适的时候,而这也成就了一天中闪亮的几个小时。有了这样的体验,无论其他时刻色彩如何,这一日都不枉过了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-05
327 瀏覽
[🇭🇰香港- 尖沙咀].二訪 - 整體感覺冇第一次咁有驚喜 可能因為同初訪一樣都係最愛 ”ember roasted acorn noodle”同 “Small bites”🤔如果唔係人多嘅話, 建議坐main dining room, 影相靚好多😂.🔻🍽 Mosu Hong Kong 📌 地址: 尖沙咀西九文化區博物館道38號M+ 3樓 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)