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食評 (21)
等級3 2019-09-23
5153 瀏覽
韓國十分有名的蛋糕店,打卡熱點,地方下大,店內只有幾張枱,蛋糕選擇不多,我們點了最有名的彩虹蛋糕及士多啤梨鮮忌廉卷,單看賣相已賞心悅目,咖啡☕️奶味香濃,下次經過不妨一試。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-09-14
2167 瀏覽
呢間黎自韓國既甜品舖係用咗粉紅色做主題, 基本上一行入去你已經會覺得比粉紅色包圍, 無論係櫃, 牆身定係枯子, 都係用左粉紅色, 而餐桌就係用咗雲石圓枱, 成個組合就係100%少女hightea 既感覺, 鍾意粉紅色嘅朋友絕對唔可以錯過呢間餐廳草莓牛奶($48)🍓🥛呢個牛奶之前喺韓國試咗一次覺得唔錯, 冇諗過可以係香港再次飲到呢個味道😚 雖然呢個奶其實係有少少普通, 不過飲落唔會過甜而且有士多啤梨肉👍🏿 而且係用一個牛奶樽裝住感覺好少女心😌草莓奶油卷($68)(4件)蛋糕質地好軟身, 而且D cream 好綿好light,袋落唔會太甜, 不過整體黎講略嫌普通🤔切件彩虹雲朵蛋糕($68)🍰呢個蛋糕係韓國好火紅, 黎到香港依然不減風采👍🏿 賣相係好吸引, 但係食落只係普通既海綿蛋糕🍰 而且價錢都偏貴, 未試過既可以同朋友share食影下相既😌 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-06-30
2460 瀏覽
Le Bread Lab is originally from South Korea and they are best known for an omlet bbang. Or omelette cake. A round sponge cake that is sandwiched with whipped cream and topped with a strawberry. There are other variations but this seems to be the most iconic. With a shop in Mira Place, they now have a much larger cafe in Causeway Bay. I was always curious so decided to give it a try. It's always not extremely  busy but as it's small, seats do fill quickly.The cafe is all pink. I saw in an article they had rainbow cakes but when I was there, they were not available. Was this discontinued? Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. You order and pay at the cashier.I decided to get this: a strawberry omlet bbang (four for $68) and a strawberry latte ($48). It arrived on  a pink tray. The cakes were small and dainty. Really pretty and quite good. The cream was not too sweet. The cake was moist. The strawberries were quite sweet as well. The strawberry latte was nice. It wasn't too sweet and had lots of strawberry chunks. It was just like strawberry milk.Quite nice for a cake break. Might be  back if I wanted another bit of quiet time. 繼續閱讀
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We ordered their signature strawberry latte, which had real strawberry chunks that balanced perfectly with the sweet milk! They gave us little plastic cups to share the drink, which was really nice of them, but it would have been better if they were more environmentally friendly. #saynotoplasticAs for the earl grey milk tea, we all agreed that it was a little too sweet for us…The rainbow cake had a white version and strawberry version ($4 for an extra strawberry on top). The different colors do look pretty, but are all the same flavor actually, so we thought that it isn’t quite worth the price tag  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-06-18
1437 瀏覽
網評為散水餅精選😂味道唔係重點 因爲好普通但外表精緻加返分🤣Btw只係要留意番份量 因為蛋糕好細一舊😂____________________________ 繼續閱讀
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