港鐵灣仔站 B1 出口, 步行約5分鐘
11:30 - 21:15
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
今次第二次嚟啦,下晝食Lunch 嚟嘅時候超級多人,如果12:30來,基本上你一定要等20分鐘,不過算啦,今次就等咗!我哋叫咗兩個湯麵,一個就係有紹興酒湯底嘅,另外一個就係冇紹興酒湯底嘅牛肉麵。兩個都幾好食,不過我就鍾意有紹興酒嘅多啲。另外呢我哋仲叫咗一個浦里紹興牛肉燥飯,我以為佢係會有啲黃酒味啦,但係發覺其實一啲黃酒味都冇,呢個係牛肉飯其實都好乾爭爭,所以我就建議你唔好點呢個餸!(呢個我俾3分,總分5分)佢哋呢人手唔夠,所以點套餐送奶茶呢個奶茶,就會等好耐,不過算啦!
Went here at least quadruple with my colleagues, family and friends respectively, and it becomes one of my fav resto nearby my office. .Liked their Spicy Duck Blood Pot with Cellophane Noodle the most. The duck blood was smooth and the tofu puff was soft, which both soaked the mala soup subtly. The numbness of the soup was strong.The Spicy Chicken Stir Noodle with Garlic was memorable as well. The garlic created an aromatic smell. The soft boiled egg had a runny yolk, which blended well with the tender chicken and chewy noodle. Appreciated the spiciness and numbness of the dish too.For the Minced Braised Pork Rice with Preserved Egg, it was more economical compared to other dishes. The fat of the braised pork and preserved egg made the rice more appetising to have, the sauce was a bit overwhelming though. For the Taiwanese Fried Pork Chop Rice, the pork chop was crunchy and hotly-fried, it was not greasy at all, but it was a bit salty. The lunch set also included daily sides and one drink. Their daily sides such as fungi and raddish were tasty, and it was interesting that their water melon tea somehow tasted like bubble tea. .Really liked how the restaurant was decorated with Taiwanese items, maps, posters, signages, etc. They all looked exquisite and delicate, immersing oneself into a Taiwanese environment. .It was a popular restaurant, so we had to arrive super early to occupy seats. It only allowed the customers to have the meal within an hour.
今晚約咗朋友去演藝睇sʜᴏᴡ, 所以喺附近搵食😋嚟呢度食嘢,可以止下想去台灣嘅旅行癮😆鋪頭裝修都好台灣ғᴇᴇʟ😍好多打卡位📸🍜埔里花雕半筋半肉牛肉麵 $𝟾𝟺✩✩湯底香濃! 正! 濃濃嘅酒香味同牛味好夾! 半筋半肉軟腍又入味,手工寬麵軟硬適中呀! (太林就唔好食了..)👍🏻 台灣感覺出晒嚟😆其中一個跟餐配菜係炸油炸鬼,熱辣辣食時超級脆!好鬼正! 放耐咗林咗,將佢浸落湯,索晒啲味再放食,超正! 🍲酒香椒麻牛肉絲乾拌麵 $𝟼𝟿✩✩陣陣嘅麻香味好正好過癮! 手工寬麵撈勻啲汁嚟食,好麻😆我仲加咗太陽蛋食,撈埋蛋汁,又多個層次🍳🍗椒鹽鹽酥雞 $𝟻𝟾✩✩鹽酥雞熱辣辣食超正😍好香脆! 雞肉嫰滑ᴊᴜɪᴄʏ! 仲好香蒜味🤤每次去台灣夜市必食㗎💛
之前在社交平台看到有不少人推薦這間台菜餐廳,看到他們的照片很美,就想去試一下。第一次去大滿座吃不到,這次終於在沒什麼人的下午茶時間入座了!店裡就是文青小店的感覺,還有佈置得非常地道的柑仔店,打卡一流喔💕🌕 黑松露虎蝦帶子滷肉飯第一次吃這個特別組合的滷肉飯!超好吃的!帶子兩邊煎到焦香金黃,虎蝦肥美,滷肉不太咸,好豐富!🥰🌕 椒鹽百頁豆腐很大份!外酥内軟好好吃!👍🏻🌕 黑松露半筋半肉麵牛筋和麵都是Q彈的,牛肉也煮得剛好,不錯喔!📍 尚青商號灣仔蘭杜街4號文熙大廈地舖🧧人均消費$160