港鐵灣仔站 A3 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 17:00
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食評 (7)
等級4 2021-10-04
707 瀏覽
It was a public holiday and I couldn't find a place to eat as every where was packed except  for this place. A main stream fast food style cha chan teng.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. You order by scanning the QR code which is easy to use. The only thing that I didn't like was there were two QR codes, a larger one and a smaller one for an app download. This had me a bit confused at first as my phone camera kept using the smaller one until I covered my hand.They had an afternoon tea menu. Lunch menu is also available with a discount of 12% after 2:30 pm.I ordered the Swiss Chicken Wings with Macaroni combo set ($50) which includes a hot drink, toast and omelette.I had an ice lemon tea. This just tasted like Nestle ice tea with slices of lemon in it.Half a buttered toast was provided. It was fine with a spread of butter. For the omelette, you get a choice of ham or mushroom. I chose ham and small thin slices were stuffed between the super thin egg. The egg itself was over cooked so tasted rubbery.The wings were dark in color but had not much flavor. The macaroni was soft and didn't really take up the soy sauce. The soy sauce itself didn't have a lot of flavor either.Price wasn't expensive but it wasn't that good, either.  No wonder it was not busy at all. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2021-08-22
309 瀏覽
第一次試到 係 好哪鹹嘅番茄湯通心粉加好哪好哪鹹嘅肉碎牙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~食一淡完了 食吾落!!!!!!!!!!唉個員工又末訓醒咁,火腿奄列同什茵奄列都可以睇錯 落錯枱!大佬牙,一個係紅色一個係深啡色黎喎!你叻叻👍🏻鋪位細到冇地方放下欄車連冇蓋垃圾桶放出面都算 有冇諗過遮住佢嫁,好冇衛生啵!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!好救命 真心食吾落!!!!!!服務員態度非常差勁!!!!!!!!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2021-08-06
237 瀏覽
I pass by this restaurant often without going in, but I figure I’d finally give it a try. Unfortunately, I kind of regret doing so. As soon as I sat down , I asked for the menu and the waiter gave me a receipt with a QR code to scan for the menu. It takes forever to load the E-menu (probably because there’s almost no cellular reception there). Fine, no big deal - I asked for the normal menu and ordered from there. It took almost 15 minutes until I received my food, which for a Cha Chan Tang is long. No problem, I’m a reasonable, patient person (plus I noticed most of the other people seated were waiting as well) so I didn’t complain. To give them the benefit of the doubt, the food portion was massive and it didn’t taste bad at all (except the iced lemon tea was way too sweet).However, since the food took so long and I had to be somewhere I asked for a takeaway container (which I normally avoid because it’s bad for the environment) and the bill (cause I wasn’t sure how to pay given their system produced no bill). This is the part that bothered me cause everything else was so slow and inefficient until it came to the payment, which was hurried along and the cashier didn’t even let me finish packing my food until I went up and paid. I noticed she was doing it to the other customers as well, which is just not good service IMO. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-01-11
641 瀏覽
手頭上仲有幾張現金未用完,拿拿聲襯得閒食曬佢咁最近既分店就係呢度,灣仔分店,但不做晚市,要趕係5PM收工之前外賣拎走做晚餐佢呢度最招牌真係得一款,就係咖哩豬扒飯,呢度店員真係幾友善既,叫多汁真係比足一倍我佢個汁膽應該係用左好多香料煮成既,又辣又香又濃郁,唔係港式咖哩得顏色咁簡單個豬扒仲要係比2片你,係2大片,基本上將佢分2餐食都夠,豬扒厚身,炸得香脆熱辣,將佢沾上濃郁既咖哩汁真係多多都食得落,厚切豬扒係即時炸既,等5分鐘左右,56蚊真係抵食!!但唔包飲品 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-12-27
277 瀏覽
疫情第四波期間日日都係買外賣返公司。為左準備迎接聖誕假期日日食,午飯時間又係公司附近揾快靚正午餐啦!天氣回暖忽然想食常餐,喺集成中心嘅香港地就有啦!香港地嘅前身係麵麵店,我比較鐘意食車仔麵所以開張至今未幫襯過!早幾日經過見倒佢嘅午餐賣相好吸引呀,一於幫襯一次啦!  午餐 – 瑞士汁雞翼撈通心粉,配火腿奄列+牛油多士 (+4轉凍飲)$50 ,自己做外賣仔🥡有88折!真心抵食!火腿奄列- 半圓形嘅蛋剛好包住火腿絲,唔油煎得啱啱好,一隻蛋嘅份量  瑞士汁雞翼撈通心粉- 瑞士汁雞翼好好味,好夠味,雞翼係肥嘟嘟有肉地,撈通心粉唔太咸同重口味嘅雞翼好夾!唔錯! 繼續閱讀
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