6-min walk from Exit A1, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (107)
Level3 2024-04-26
正九清汤牛腩香港🇭🇰旅行,那港餐天花板一定要来正九清汤牛腩!最正宗的一定是正九清汤牛腩,店家更地道。这家总店位于观堂,在绵延起伏间的港式楼宇之间矗立十几年岁🏙️。我是跟着蔡澜先生的推荐找到的😂以前去过九记牛腩的我一直以为港式牛腩味道都很平平,但是这次来正九清汤牛腩后完全颠覆了口感记忆!开放式环境浓缩的港式餐厅布局,开放式厨房透明的厨余卫生,升腾的烟火和清香的牛腩味道还有老板们忙碌但温柔的粤语,港漂的我第一次这么亲身地融入香港文化。✅清汤牛腩河粉🍜牛腩丝滑细腻,不老不腻,肉烂汤清,不腥不杂🍀。肉类的胶原蛋白与河粉的温润相互交织,纯正的香港人大致都是在这种刚劲和细腻中生长✅麻辣白肉🥩🌟🌟🌟刀工细腻,和主食的清汤牛腩不同,麻辣白肉非常有嚼劲,而且特别干净,很喜欢这种纯粹的风格;辣子酱料撞击着单纯的白肉,仿佛是热烈与温润的交织,但刚劲有力,非常推荐。✅净上海排骨🌟🌟🌟焦嫩到恰到好处的酥皮🍗,肉质紧实而鲜香的原料本身,配备底座的蔬菜衬托,弥补了对于蛋白质的渴求,特别的点在于胡椒的搭配,能够提升菜品的丰富度,店主开发非常用心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-06
重要嘅嘢講先就係呢間舖頭嘅服務態度 真係好surprise到我 雖然佢只係一間得10幾個座位嘅小店,但係啲員工服務態度真係超好喺短短嘅一餐飯入面見到唔同國籍嘅客人入舖頭食,見識到啲員工唔止係廣東話,英文 普通話都可以溝通到 超級犀利👍🏻隔籬位叫咗兩款唔同嘅牛腩,佢一放低仲即刻講返左邊係邊一款,右邊係邊一款講真嗰句,好多喺商場入面嘅餐廳都未必做到,而且一路食嘅時候,覺得呢間餐廳嘅氣氛係好好,員工係唔會令到你食落唔舒服,反而覺得佢哋係好helpful。對我嚟講,呢樣嘢都好重要。好!入正題講返啲食物先🥢清湯牛三寶河牛三寶係牛筋牛腩同牛肚呢三樣入面我最鍾意食係佢嘅牛肚,佢煮得好腍牛筋我就鍾意佢有啲咬口,因為好多時啲牛筋都會煮到爛晒一pat嘢咁, 呢個好啱我口味碗河粉都超級大碗 最後我都食唔晒🤣🤣🤣🥢腐乳通菜必點!唔該每一位嚟食嘅客人都一定要叫返呢一個腐乳通菜, 真係好食! 如果係遊客更加要食, 絕對係香港特色🤣🤣🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
記住一定要早來,來晚了就要排隊等位置!外賣也很火🔥基本都是到店自取~很多人拿著行李箱來打包幾份帶走吃過都覺得嘎嘎好吃,地道牛腩河粉建議牛腩轉為崩沙腩or坑腩牛嫩很鬆軟,入口即化,真的好絕!!搭配一份牛肉羹剛剛好~如圖,量大夠吃,河粉非常的入味肉質吃起來很嫩滑~工作日晚上都坐滿人!真的巨香~吃過真的會想念🥹食物如圖🍜✅清湯牛腩河(轉崩沙腩)✅牛肉羹(細份)✅熱檸茶/熱咖啡香港牛腩的天花板yyds‼️很多遊客來港都必打卡📷另有三家分店🌟佐敦/旺角/油麻地可以根據行程安排就近位置~😋總之吃過都比個like👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-01
陣陣香氣撲鼻而來,準備食下一口崩沙腩撈攪麵。面條完美咁承載起佢嗰輕盈咸香,仲有啲鬆軟的肉腩配合得啱啱好,真係叫人食嘅津津有味。再換轉去試下原汁湯面,湯底嘅鮮甜係真材實料熬出來嘅,喝一口已經覺得值晒!然後係墨魚丸嘅彈牙,同埋個人最中意嘅坑腩,嘩,真係鬆化得滯!一啖坑腩,滿口肉香,那股幼滑嘅口感真係一絕。單是啲小菜例如炸兩,都做到外酥內嫩,配埋佢哋自家調味嘅豉油,簡直係完美!至於飲品,啲凍檸茶甜度啱啱好,夠晒提神。凍奶茶都夠曬香濃,絕對係本地人嘅心頭好。總而言之,係呢間餐廳食咗一頓,真係令人滿足。🥢😋🍲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-26
Recently, I had the opportunity to try a bowl of flat rice noodle soup with briskets here after paying a visit to my mom. While I was excited to indulge in a comforting and traditional dish, my overall experience left much to be desired. The flat rice noodle soup with briskets, unfortunately, didn't live up to my expectations. The broth lacked depth and robust flavors, resulting in a rather bland and uninspiring taste. The briskets, while tender, lacked the melt-in-your-mouth texture and succulent flavor that I was hoping for. It was a disappointing letdown considering the reputation of Cantonese cuisine for its bold and savory flavors.Aside from the unsatisfactory food, the dining experience itself was far from enjoyable. The space was incredibly cramped, leaving very little room for comfortable movement. The tables were closely positioned. Worse still, some of the diners were playing music on their phones and the volumes were not endurable, to say the least. The lack of space and privacy detracted from the overall ambiance and made it challenging to fully relax and enjoy the meal.Overall, I left the restaurant feeling underwhelmed and dissatisfied. The flat rice noodle soup with briskets failed to impress, and the cramped dining area diminished the overall dining experience. While I understand that some restaurants prioritize maximizing seating capacity, it's important to strike a balance between efficiency and creating a pleasant environment for patrons. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)